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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. I strongly recommend the The Films of Robert Guédiguian about Marseille. He is a sort of more 'poetic' (in the cinematic sense) version of Ken Loach. This is one of my favorites shown free onlie at the moment on ARTE...https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/031761-000-A/the-town-is-quiet/ Obviously title is ironic, but there is always a love for the ordinary people of the town and a sense of Marseille as a melting pot of cultures
  2. A short ARTE documentary on the subject: https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/112907-090-A/arte-europe-weekly/
  3. https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/119375-000-A/my-dinner-with-andre/ for example
  4. The previous link was to Arte Films with English subtitles. On the French version you can watch with French subtitles (or if it is an English language film in VO ..with the original sound track) https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/cinema/
  5. I don't know if it still accessible, but on the older version of the Forum I started a thread on French films. It is also worth checking out Arte https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/cinema/
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhdXnMHqsEU is Debussy's opinon:)
  7. Then there is 'bruine' https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/french-english/bruine
  8. I don't use Windows, but usually 'se déconnecter' implies that you are logging off one user, with the possibility of then logging in another one, so it is less final than "arrêter"
  9. That is the 'how to ' part of the recipe I gave which is not behind a paywall for me and in fact includes a fun video:)
  10. Epluchez les carottes et les pommes de terre puis coupez-les en lamelles. Lavez et émincez les poireaux puis épluchez et émincez l’ail et les oignons. Faites revenir le tout dans une cocotte avec un filet d’huile pendant 25 min environ en remuant régulièrement. Ajoutez la lotte coupée en morceaux, le thym et le laurier puis versez le vin blanc. Salez et poivrez. Laissez mijoter à couvert pendant 15 min puis réservez la lotte. Ajoutez l’aïoli dans la cocotte, mélangez et laissez la sauce réduire pendant 2 min. Servez la lotte avec les légumes et nappez de sauce
  11. A local recipe that I have sometimes (the chef trained in Sète) https://www.cuisineactuelle.fr/recettes/bourride-a-la-setoise-284586
  12. Les Roses blanches C'était un gamin, un gosse de paris Sa seule famille était sa mère Une pauvre fille aux grands yeux flétris Par les chagrins et la misère Elle aimait les fleurs, les roses surtout Et le cher bambin, le dimanche Lui apportait des roses blanches Au lieu d'acheter des joujoux La câlinant bien tendrement Il disait en les lui donnant : «C'est aujourd'hui dimanche Tiens ma jolie maman Voici des roses blanches Toi qui les aimes tant Va quand je serai grand J'achèterai au marchand Toutes ses roses blanches Pour toi jolie maman» Au dernier printemps le destin brutal Vint frapper la blonde ouvrière Elle tomba malade et pour l'hôpital Le gamin vit partir sa mère Un matin d'avril parmi les promeneurs N'ayant plus un sous dans sa poche Sur un marché le pauvre gosse Furtivement vola quelques fleurs La fleuriste l'ayant surpris En baissant la tête il lui dit : «C'est aujourd'hui dimanche Et j'allais voir maman J'ai pris ces roses blanches Elle les aiment tant Sur son petit lit blanc Là-bas elle m'attend J'ai pris ces roses blanches Pour ma jolie maman» La marchande émue doucement lui dit : «Emporte-les je te les donne» Elle l'embrassa et l'enfant partit Tout rayonnant qu'on le pardonne Puis à l'hôpital il vint en courant Pour offrir les fleurs à sa mère Mais en voyant une infirmière Lui dit tu n'as plus de maman Et le gamin s'agenouillant dit devant le petit lit blanc : «C'est aujourd'hui dimanche Tiens ma jolie maman Voici des roses blanches Toi qui les aimais tant Et quand tu t'en iras Au grand jardin là-bas Ces belles roses blanches Tu les emporteras»
  13. I think it is more likely a question of the secretarial staff than the medical. I doubt that the Doctors type or send anything them selves. The care I have received has saved my life, but receptionist and secretaries have nearly given me a heart attack 🤣
  14. I was "signed off" (after 18 years) by the ICM in Montpellier. I had remembered to ask my MT to have a blood test for my cancer 'marqeurs' that the consultant had forgotten to prescribe at the last visit, and had the usual scan at 9.30. I waited for the consultation until 12.15 which lasted 3 minutes. She said the scan showed nothing in particular and showed little interest in the blood test results, but just said that there was no need to come back. I have NEVER received a letter after ANY consultation, though sometimes, but not always my MT gets a brief note. They have seen me through 3 different cancers 5 operations 3 'rechutes' 40 sessions of radiotherapy and 12 chimio; so it would be churlish to complain and of course it is good news that they are confident that I won't need to go back BUT the level of communication of which menthe speaks is absent as it is with ALL the doctors I have seen in this region over the years.
  15. CLIMAT - On parle du froid parce qu’il se fait trop rare. Ce dimanche 29 septembre, de nombreux Français se sont réveillés sous des températures fraîches pour la saison. En effet, 36 records mensuels de froid pour un mois de septembre ont été battus dans l’Hexagone, rapporte sur X Étienne Kapikian, prévisionniste à Météo-France. À Carcassonne, il ne faisait que 2,5 °C à l’aube. Le précédent record de cette ville du Languedoc avait été établi à 2,9 degrés en 1972 ! Même sensation hivernale à Béziers, où le thermomètre affichait 5,9 °C ce matin, battant le record de 6,3 °C en 2020, pointe le météorologue Guillaume Séchet
  16. Absolutely. It was a dear departed member of this Forum who first put me on to the idea and steered me to a source of SH ones in the UK ..11 years ago!
  17. Thanks I should have said that !
  18. Mine is a single prescription for TWO different vaccines, saying that both can be administrated the same day. Last year I had mine at the pharmacy, and while the flu one can be given at any time they wanted to group Covid ones together (I think this is to use all the vaccine from a batch at once), so I had to make an appointment for the Covid one. Naturally I had the flu one as well on the same day.
  19. Many of us "oldies" will have just received the prescription for the double flu and Covid vaccinations, but in the meantime Santé Publique France is recommending taking precautions especially if you are vulnerable. I have just had the bad news from the UK that someone I knew quite well is very seriously ill in Hospital with it and not expected to pull through, so the alert seems justified. https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/life/article/epidemie-de-covid-19-en-attendant-le-retour-du-vaccin-les-gestes-barrieres-a-reprendre-contre-le-virus_240127.html
  20. Particularly Tramadol and Codeine, both of which I have sometimes needed. https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/france/article/le-tramadol-et-la-codeine-a-haut-risque-de-dependance-disponibles-qu-avec-des-ordonnances-infalsifiables_240113.html
  21. I have just seen this thread. I had to get mine second-hand from the UK and paid over 2k PLUS 20% EU Vat 🥵
  22. Someone asked me to write and make an appointment for a "TEP scan " as it is called in French. I wrote it but he who is a know-all changed what I had written to PET scan, as it is in English, and sent that off What he wrote was asking for an scan for his 'animal de companie' ....😊
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