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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. Mille regretz de vous abandonner Et d'eslonger vostre fache amoureuse, Jay si grand dueil et paine douloureuse, Quon me verra brief mes jours definer. In Modern French: Mille regrets de vous abandonner et de m'éloigner de votre visage amoureux. J’ai si grand deuil et peine douloureuse qu’on verra vite mes jours prendre fin. English Translation: A thousand regrets at deserting you and leaving behind your loving face, I feel so much sadness and such painful distress, that it seems to me my days will soon dwindle away.
  2. https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/life/article/sur-l-ame-ces-soignants-ne-decolerent-pas-apres-les-declarations-de-bruno-retailleau_240032.html
  3. I am undercover as a Bi-national, but no doubt he will say I am only French 'sur papier' 😡
  4. You didn't grin at MINE (jealous green eyes) 😈
  5. Still avoiding the issues raised in the post, and also in the one quoted by banana from LeFigaro which is not reputed to be of the left?
  6. Bromide would be just the ticket for the bendy banana.
  7. Great fun:) isn't it "soliloquies" the plural ?
  8. They were off-duty so out of uniform, but they were the one with the HUGE catches 😂
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/sep/21/macron-names-french-government-to-be-led-by-michel-barnier
  10. https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/live/2024/09/21/en-direct-michel-barnier-a-commence-a-appeler-les-entrants-et-sortants-du-gouvernement_6325006_823448.html
  11. Le gouvernement va donc rassembler l’ensemble des perdants des dernières élections et avoir le soutien sans participation de ceux contre qui nous avons fait le barrage républicain. Intéressant concept. — Sandrine Rousseau (@sandrousseau) September 20, 2024
  12. https://www.midilibre.fr/2024/09/20/il-y-a-une-vraie-souffrance-des-salaries-un-rapport-cinglant-apres-les-suicides-de-personnels-de-lhopital-de-beziers-12210942.php
  13. What is unreliable in the Huffington.fr article I originally made, and how can you prove it? Or are you just biassed against anything that you consider 'left'?
  14. For some reason the soft ware wouldn't allow me to edit my earlier post so I repeated it here. Could you delete the previous incomplete one please?
  15. menthe " Judith, I can't agree that communication is not what it was. I feel débordée by too MUCH communication! For example, when we have a RdV, we get a phone call from the relevant secrètariat, then a convocation sent by post, then a reminder SMS to give the exact date and time of the RdV together with all the things you need to bring in your dossier and any instructions such as being à jeun. Often, there is another phone call as well to make sure we have understood the instructions given and so on. I'm NOT complaining mind; with my scatter brain tendencies, I feel reassured that such care is taken. Similarly with actual info given at the RdV. Not only does the doctor tell us everything they have found, including diagnosis, they give us a copy of the letter they write to the MT or, on occasion, a summary of their findings and recommended course of action." You seem to be living in a parallel universe 😇 IF I can get a RDV on Doctolib I do get a reminder SMS but never a letter, never a phone call, (thank goodness as if ever I call the receptionist they are extremely dismissive) and for example from the last scanner out of date information about the 'produit' that they proscribed for ME to bring even though since the 1st April it is the scanner centre ITSELF that provides it. That set me off on a worrying wild goose chase to find something that pharmacies no longer stock Then I phoned the health centre where my MT was one of the Doctors to make an appointment and the receptionist said 'il ne travaille plus ici' and put the phone down without suggesting one of the other Doctors. I had to embark on the VERY difficult task of finding a Doctor who was accepting new patients. Béziers is attracting a number of retirees at the moment, all looking for a MT so there is a serious shortage. When I finally found one she wanted me to see my cardiologist as the result of a scan she sent me for showed that as well as a totally blocked carotid artery on the left the one on the right was going the same way, which is obviously NOT good news. On Doctolib there were no RDV available so I phoned the receptionist who said that I hadn’t seen him for over a year so I couldn’t just waltz in like that (the French equivalent obviosuly So I had to cheat by sending a mail AS IF from my MT with the various scan results to his own email direct and THEN I had an immediate emergency RDV two days later at 8 am, (he keeps a couple slots open before his main list of the day Two amusing sidelines. 1) he obviously hadn’t noticed that the email with the results was from me , not my MT because he said that my Doctor had provided him with very full information 2) The receptionist who arrived while I was in the consultation wasn’t the old dragon who had been so rude. It was a new younger one who made a follow up appointment and when I commented that she wasn’t the same one as usual said that the old one no longer worked there and that “on est mieux seule que mal accommpagnée” so she shared my opinon of her predecessor I reckon
  16. That was EXACTLY the point of the original article and video that I posted ...the title was À Nantes, l’hôpital public essoufflé après un autre été d’enfer aux urgences
  17. Whereas you DO rely on mediabiasfactcheck which shows the Huffington post as being American, when the site I refer to is the French one?
  18. The HUFFINGTON Post link in French isn't behind a paywall. I consult the paper daily free...did you click on accept? Or perhaps it's your browser blocking it
  19. I am certainly not knocking the French Health service as in the past I have have had wonderful treatment from it without which I wouldn't be here to write these posts. I have noticed a large deterioration in the availability of MTs specialists and RDV for scanners etc since Covid and I hear horror stories from each of the three nurses in the team that care for me about the way they unable to 'nurse' as they wished in the clinics and hospitals here, and so left to become 'profession libérale'....and even then how some 'cabinets' mistreat their patients. Like menthe I am still very lucky, but am aware of storm clouds gathering. The nearest 'Maison de Santé, which has 5 generalists and a couple of nurse was SHUT for 2 days last week, and a fortnight ago the shutters were down with a hand-written notice stuck on 'PAS DE MEDICIN'
  20. This is an article based on the experience at the CHU in Nantes.. https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/france/video/a-nantes-l-hopital-public-essouffle-apres-un-autre-ete-d-enfer-aux-urgences_239631.html Google translate: https://www-huffingtonpost-fr.translate.goog/france/video/a-nantes-l-hopital-public-essouffle-apres-un-autre-ete-d-enfer-aux-urgences_239631.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  21. Thanks I didn't know the origin of the word..
  22. "Emmet" is another West Country word for tourist w*nk*rs. What about 'chav' which is a word that seems to have come in since my UK days..
  23. https://www.lefigaro.fr/politique/en-direct-michel-barnier-premier-ministre-le-locataire-de-matignon-deja-au-defi-de-composer-un-gouvernement-20240906
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