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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIepg9rmK10
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NTGQJ1itnA I find this young Russian (9 at the time) quite astonishing...not only the technique but the musicality in the slower pieces.I have never heard the Rameau  (the second piece) better played.. the birds SING not just chatter in more mechanical performances
  3. I believe that the lab making the new appareil will need instructions from a dentist: http://sante-medecine.journaldesfemmes.fr/faq/7757-prothese-dentaire-amovible-dentier In any case that is likely too be the case if you need to claim for re-imbursement: http://sante-medecine.journaldesfemmes.fr/contents/1147-protheses-dentaires-remboursement-par-la-securite-sociale
  4. Quite charming...a wonderful clarinetist. I couldn't reply to any posts yesterday because of a bug in the Forum
  5. Thanks for that , though it's not what I wanted to hear [:(]
  6. I also have the zero cost Free one for an old-fashioned mobile phone, but thought of  asking to change to the 15.99 one which I see says has unlimited 4G to use with a tablette that takes sim cards. Are you saying that the Free one can't access 4G? (genuine question, as I know nothing about smartphones and tabletes although I like you have had Free for years for my PC Internet)
  7. Exactly. The hypocrite Farage who has one of the worst voting records in the EU parliament started by commenting on Juncker's attendance went on to complain that the EU didn't do the very sort of thing he is always complaining about them doing, then went on to conflate the Catalan situation with Brexit which is quite irrelevant. A masterpiece of emotive bluster which unfortunately seems to have pulled the wool over some peoples' eyes.
  8. http://www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2017/10/01/independantistes-ecossais-et-britanniques-europhobes-preoccupes-apres-le-referendum-catalan_5194524_3214.html As for Police in a civil matter one has only to think of Thatcher's use of them against the Unions.. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/aug/01/margaret-thatcher-trade-union-reform-national-archives
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/02/ripples-from-catalan-referendum-could-extend-beyond-spain In France there are the Corsicans, the Basques, the Catalans, and the Bretons..
  10. I can't forget her telling the story of coming onto a crowded stage to sing the Strauss four last songs (the orchestra is large) and trying to squeeze through the brass section to do so. A horn player said "Would it be easier to try to get through sideways?", to which she said she replied "Buster there AIN'T no sideways" [:)]
  11. So does Janet Baker's : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJZeqcdg5iI&html5=1 or with the piano (Gerald Moore quand même [:D] ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYfn3jFtR5I
  12. I heard it and was highly impressed by the energy of the playing  which is very "Beethovian" I remember a friend of mine saying that she couldn't imagine living with him; he must have been 'a bit of a head-banger" [:D]
  13. http://www.operatoday.com/content/2017/08/dunedin_consort.php
  14. I am of course extraordinarily jealous of him, with no reason since I do not possess his talent for communication [:$]
  15. The future where you have limited data, and you pay once it you go over the limit. In my village with sosh I get about 24 mb on VDSL2 but that is unlimited...
  16. SFR was probably forced to do something to compensate for all the clients lost in the past year because of their abusive price rises. Unless they are the last operator standing I would never go back to them.
  17. This might interest you too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT2Hrg1febs&html5=1
  18. This is lovely ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZyHTCwvZiE&html5=1 On the other hand the clips of her singing Mozart are not so convincing. I think she is really a dramatic/romantic singer, at which she is very good..
  19. Superb voices:)) A bit more to my personal musical taste...(though not for the quality of the voices) And in one of the places I would have loved to have lived in if I could have afforded it ...Aix en Provence. What a dream [Www] http://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/073907-001-A/carmen-de-bizet
  20. Will listen. It was my favorite orchestra in the time of Carlos Kleiber..[:D]
  21. I have now seen the Finale, and the Purcell was well-done. In fact she deserved to win as being one of the few to include any decent music in her programme (Purcell; Ravel; Schoenberg in the song Finale) Rarely have I experienced such banality as in the choice of music in these two rounds. Where was the Brahms, the Mozart, the Schubert, the Schumann ? Apart from Monteverdi (unrepresented) anything composed by someone whose name ends with the letter 'i' is at best third rate...
  22. I have now caught up with the song competition. I disagreed strongly with the two commentators about the Ukrainian baritone who didn't get anywhere but who was for me by far the best song performer. The two women whom they praised so highly came over as non-communicative, not least because of their incapacity to express the languages they sang in by reason of the poor articulation/pronunciation of them. The Poulenc was incomprehensible, and the German was wooden.
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