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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. "Joe Wicks exercises for seniors?" Is that some sort of Euphemism? [6]
  2. It isn't some grisly competition.These are peoples' lives[:(] On the other hand the Tory-controlled UK press seem to have been instructed to spin the  statistics  so that the  proverbial doesn't stick to Boris Cummings.
  3. Thar Figaro reader sounds like an active version of me, so I imagine I may have gained weight ...if I could bend enough to find the scales..
  4. A helpful summary of the present vision of how things will work out from the 11th May https://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2020/04/28/coronavirus-ecole-transports-sport-musees-le-calendrier-du-deconfinement-par-secteur_6038054_4355770.html
  5. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/05/05/ons-data-indicates-uk-past-peak-deaths-care-home-deaths-still/
  6. The TF is a tax on the fact that you own property, not on whether you actually live in it or not. With TH you might have more of a case, although it could be argued that the services that it pays for still have to be provided whether you are resident or not.
  7. Welcome to the Forum  As far as I know there will be a 100 km restriction still in place for  any travel from 'home'..
  8. A charming concert of "Airs de Cours" given not too far from here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63ALEAncRFM&feature=share
  9. I think it is.. https://www.journaldunet.fr/patrimoine/guide-des-finances-personnelles/1162797-declaration-en-ligne-obligatoire/
  10. Don't forget that the  areas that  are green now are likely to be the places where the next wave will hit, since there is a lower proportion of people who have already been exposed to the virus. That said, I agree with the country/town point.
  11. An enjoyable talk by Harnoncourt about  Brandeburg 1 then a performance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qYEqRFzwKI&list=PLKzfKo0994pNfDTCAjvbJMFhtI77oY-5t
  12. If you had tasted these you wouldn't be satisfied with a Magnum[:P] https://www.audeline.com/
  13. More here:https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2020/04/30/deconfinement-le-gouvernement-presente-une-premiere-cartographie-provisoire-et-incomplete-du-coronavirus_6038322_3244.html
  14. The Gard is  green https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sante/maladie/coronavirus/coronavirus-votre-departement-est-isol-rouge-orange-ou-vert-decouvrez-la-version-provisoire-de-la-carte-de-france-du-deconfinement_3942205.html#xtor=CS2-765-%5Bautres%5D- A possible complication was mentioned yesterday. A department green next to one in red might have  restrictions imposed to avoid the temptation of 'cross-border' visits..so for example  a supermarket in the Dordogne might  have to continue with restrictions because it is a neighbour of the Lot. These colours aren't fixed either and will be adjusted in as things develop.
  15. The Hollow Men Mistah Kurtz-he dead             A penny for the Old Guy                        I     We are the hollow men     We are the stuffed men     Leaning together     Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!     Our dried voices, when     We whisper together     Are quiet and meaningless     As wind in dry grass     Or rats' feet over broken glass     In our dry cellar         Shape without form, shade without colour,     Paralysed force, gesture without motion;         Those who have crossed     With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom     Remember us-if at all-not as lost     Violent souls, but only     As the hollow men     The stuffed men.                                   II     Eyes I dare not meet in dreams     In death's dream kingdom     These do not appear:     There, the eyes are     Sunlight on a broken column     There, is a tree swinging     And voices are     In the wind's singing     More distant and more solemn     Than a fading star.         Let me be no nearer     In death's dream kingdom     Let me also wear     Such deliberate disguises     Rat's coat, crowskin, crossed staves     In a field     Behaving as the wind behaves     No nearer-         Not that final meeting     In the twilight kingdom                        III     This is the dead land     This is cactus land     Here the stone images     Are raised, here they receive     The supplication of a dead man's hand     Under the twinkle of a fading star.         Is it like this     In death's other kingdom     Waking alone     At the hour when we are     Trembling with tenderness     Lips that would kiss     Form prayers to broken stone.                          IV     The eyes are not here     There are no eyes here     In this valley of dying stars     In this hollow valley     This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms         In this last of meeting places     We grope together     And avoid speech     Gathered on this beach of the tumid river         Sightless, unless     The eyes reappear     As the perpetual star     Multifoliate rose     Of death's twilight kingdom     The hope only     Of empty men.                                V     Here we go round the prickly pear     Prickly pear prickly pear     Here we go round the prickly pear     At five o'clock in the morning.         Between the idea     And the reality     Between the motion     And the act     Falls the Shadow                                    For Thine is the Kingdom         Between the conception     And the creation     Between the emotion     And the response     Falls the Shadow                                    Life is very long         Between the desire     And the spasm     Between the potency     And the existence     Between the essence     And the descent     Falls the Shadow                                    For Thine is the Kingdom         For Thine is     Life is     For Thine is the         This is the way the world ends     This is the way the world ends     This is the way the world ends     Not with a bang but a whimper.
  16. You might also be interested in https://www.france.tv/france-3/la-france-en-vrai/1432335-la-france-en-vrai.html?fbclid=IwAR2yPC-rRGjTp9Tl-8s0EbfRGIS3VKR91ngBgiVT0D6dLdfZga31O8DPFoo and also this one which has NOTHING to do with health but is one of the most extraordinary documentaries I have ever seen https://www.france.tv/films/cinema-documentaire/1389215-ni-juge-ni-soumise.html
  17. I meant a cash dispenser.In our Bank you can also use the ones inside to pay in banknotes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO19g4x1UEo
  18. Again it was the subject of an intelligent and informative edition of "C'est dans l'air" this evening https://www.france.tv/france-5/c-dans-l-air/1405521-11-mai-feux-verts-et-feux-rouges.html
  19. The lack of a queue is probably to do  with the confinement and the fact that it is the end of the month so no-one is there to withdraw their allocs. On the other hand I have had useful help in doing something similar in my local PO when I was in the Ariège.
  20. [url=https://ibb.co/5xMQTGR][img]https://i.ibb.co/FqxQ6mD/94224519-1450591485113411-2772365599605522432-n.jpg[/img][/url]
  21. I rather think you mean Rochester, but for reasons of discretion I will refrain from quoting  'the Imperfect Enjoyment' [6] " Rochester's poetry, in his limpid love lyrics, lampoons, burlesques, and sharp satires, has an abiding presence. The philosophical and religious undertow—often detected in the deep disgust and misanthropic attitudes, the obverse of aristocratic insouciance—has especially fascinated modern readers. His poetic craftsmanship is repeatedly evident in the allusiveness and parodic facility he brings to his verse. That he was celebrated by contemporaries for his impromptu ripostes in verse will not seem, to readers who have tasted the fruits of his intellect, exaggerated praise, however remotely glittering and improbably theatrical his world must now appear. He was ranked as a poet second only to John Dryden, a judgment accorded as much to his genius as to his scandalous lewdness. Andrew Marvell's striking opinion, as recorded by John Aubrey in his Brief Lives (1813), is a sure guide to the heart of Rochester's appeal to the literate classes: "The Earle of Rochester was the only man in England that had the true veine of Satyre."
  22. I haven't been away..perhaps my posts haven't been showing up... Mint will send a mail..
  23. Is that just for Laposte?I can deposit cash in  the automatic dispenser at Crédit Agricole, and I only have to put in my card and code..
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