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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. I had one of those a while back. It wasn't too upsetting for me since I wasn't close to the deceased, but it could be devastating for someone else. I also had a very uncharacteristic mail frome mint of this  Forum  [:-))], unlikely in that she was asking me for money, but rather convincing in that the sender seemed to have genuine knowledge of a health problem that was really true.In fact of course her email had been hacked.
  2. LoriI am delighted to hear that you  recovering from this nasty bug[8-|]
  3. [url=https://postimages.org/][img]https://i.postimg.cc/qqrDMCwz/116848219-2208583369287770-1157351314696603157-n.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://postimages.org/]image uploading website[/url]
  4. I have finally given in and switched on the air-conditioning  for the first time this year. Up till now  I have been able to get by with open windows but closed shutters at night, opening everything about 7 am to let the cool morning air through the whole place then closing everything down from about 9 am, but when it gets over 35 as for the last 2 days (with up to 40 forcast) I let myself be tempted by  the air-con
  5. They calculate how much you would have paid in France if all had been taxed here, and since French income tax is lower than UK tax they reimburse  some of the difference (this includes giving credit for 50% of anything paid under the CESU scheme) In the past  they didnt actually pay out, they just didn't take any tax, but for the last couple of years they actually pay out.. This is a bit vague as I haven't got the details to hand but it is right in general principle
  6. I think that the main point is that the  test can now be administered by  many other people: Le gouvernement avait déjà élargi la possibilité de faire les prélèvements, initialement réservée aux seuls biologistes médicaux, aux 40 000 techniciens de laboratoire. Sont concernés par ce nouvel élargissement : les infirmiers diplômés d’Etat, les étudiants en odontologie, en maïeutique et en pharmacie, les aides-soignants, les sapeurs-pompiers, les marins-pompiers et les secouristes des associations agréées de sécurité civile titulaires d’une formation adéquate aux premiers secours. Il s’agit des tests virologiques PCR pour lesquels les délais d’attente sont aujourd’hui trop longs dans de nombreuses zones, notamment en Ile-de-France, où le manque de bras et la forte demande entraînent une quasi-saturation. A lot of labs were becoming clogged up with people who wanted tests so they could go on holiday to countries which demanded a clear test of less than 3 days old. As an aside it is a real nuisance for those of us who need regular blood tests for other things ( I have one a fortnight) to find the lab we go to too busy
  7. I saw  'joue de loup' on a menu translated as 'wolf's jaw' and even more queasily  'fromage de tête' as 'head cheese' [:-))]
  8. There was a serious loss of water in one of my flats (the  flush jammed open, so water continued running into the toilet bowl) for 3-months when I was in hospital in 2011, so of course I couldn't do anything about it. In fact I wasn't even aware of it, since the water had continued to run away but obviously caused no damage. I had an insurance against leaks, and when I got a bill for €3,000 I tried to claim on it, but I was informed but it didn't cover faulty equipment, only leaks that were the result of  a burst pipe. However they kindly offered me an additional policy cover faulty taps:))
  9. Hi Gus I think I am member there too, but haven't contributed for ages.Welcome here.
  10. NormanH


    I believe the S1 certificate comes from Newcastle. If you are retired it comes with the notification of your OAP. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-insurance-application-for-healthcare-cover-in-the-european-economic-area-ca8454
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufT6UPy8N6Y
  12. It is always sad to hear of the passing away of one of our 'own'.
  13. Technically (in French terms) I am Franco-britannique) which means that I  have double nationality, but whenever I am in in France I am French. My UK passport is valid until 2023 so I will just let it be if I manage to hang on that long.At that point I will decide whether to try to renew it or not.The French one is for 10 years so I very much doubt that I will last that long.
  14. This is just let you all know that after nearly 4 years I now have these doicuments in my hand. I don't want to re-open the issue of whether it is necessary or even worthwhile, and it was a purely personal choice, but it was a long and convoluted road so I am  glad it has finally come to an end [url=https://postimg.cc/G92Dh3TW][img]https://i.postimg.cc/8kdm4jpz/photo-2020-07-07-16-52-26.jpg[/img][/url]
  15. It is supposed to be the PM, since it is his Goverment, but nobody is under any illusions that it is in fact the President.Several of the main ones were kept, such as Education, Finance, Foreign affairs and  the Army... I enjoy seeing Roselyne Bachelot back. Never one to mince her words she was Minister for Health at the period of a former possible pandemic and she really built up the reserves of masks and equipment, but  as the menace never actually materialised she was pilloried for wasting money.The stocks she had built up  were allowed to dwindle and we saw the results of that  when this virus hit France https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CteC4bVO-0o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7yQySa59YY and en pleine forme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpdg7xMDFWM
  16. https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/live/2020/07/06/en-direct-la-composition-du-gouvernement-de-jean-castex-annoncee-a-19-heures_6045386_823448.html or https://www.lefigaro.fr/politique/en-direct-remaniement-gouvernement-jean-castex-emmanuel-macron-annonce-ministres-quinquennat-20200706
  17. I enjoyed it probably more than you did, but I think that outdoors performaces never come over so well on TV. However it lead me on to discovering this programme that I found very interesting and informative about Rameau: https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/053995-000-A/jean-philippe-rameau-le-maitre-du-baroque/ so it's a double thank you [:D]
  18. Seul est retenu « le chef d'abstention de combattre un sinistre, délit prévu et réprimé par l'article 223-7 du code pénal », a précisé vendredi soir la Commission des requêtes de la Cour de justice de la République. That is the only charge that has been retained. I have no idea how many people complained, and I repeat that I am simply commenting on the article in WB's link.
  19. They aren't MY figures..I was commenting the article as asked by WB which says "la Commission des requêtes de la Cour de justice de la République. Elle vient en effet de transmettre à François Molins « procureur général près la Cour de cassation, ministère public près la Cour de justice de la République, 9 plaintes, après avoir procédé à leur jonction, aux fins de saisine ».
  20. As often  with this programmes there was a good 'C'est dans l'air' yesterday evening dealing with the issues https://www.france.tv/france-5/c-dans-l-air/1790773-emission-du-vendredi-3-juillet-2020.html As for Covid I wouldn't be surprised  to see it back  even sooner, not helped by waves of tourists from  ( and countries)  the infection  rate is still high.. A 'C'est dans L'air' special the other evening: https://www.france.tv/actualites-et-societe/magazines-d-actu/1783397-coronavirus.html
  21. It is not quite "non-assistance" which is also an offence.It is abstention de combattre un sinistre 'failure to combat a disaster' which is more appropriate for people in charge, and implies a deliberate intention not to take action, as opposed to the failure to act at the moment as in the case of the 'non-assitance' law This has been rumbling away for a while, (many of the complaints were made at the start of the confinement) and now that things have calmed down, even if only temporarily, it has come to the surface. In total 10 complaints were made but the other 9 have been dismissed.They were  made against many Ministers accusing them of such  things as 'manslaughter' 'endagering life'  More on the background  to this in the TV Prgrammehttps://www.france.tv/actualites-et-societe/magazines-d-actu/1783397-coronavirus.html
  22. NormanH

    Air Bridges

    In my MT's waiting room in full 'confinement' there were 12 people close together with no blocked off places to ensure a safe distance, and 4 of them weren't wearing masks...[:-))] Yes that photo was the centre of Béziers last week and last night https://www.midilibre.fr/2020/07/02/beziers-le-centre-ville-sest-illumine-8960567.php The video plays a little way down the page..
  23. Hulot was too far Green for Macron who wanted a 'puppet' green with no teeth. He wanted Phillipe out of the way because he was threatened by the man's popularity, but it may blow up in his  face, since the centre-right is looking for a credible candidate to run for the 2022 election against Macron, and they may have found one in Phillipe.
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