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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. NickPThis discussion is very interesting for me; as my wife and I are in the process of researching for a mutuelle. So far we find the amount of information on the sites for various levels is mind-boggling. After ploughing through the various offers we quite like La Poste who we bank with, they have always been very professional in all their dealings with us over many years. What does amaze us is the costs as we have been used to the fact that up to now we have free health care in the UK. So the idea that some on here have put forward, "self-insurance" is interesting and we will look into it. Remember too that French pensioners continue to pay contributions  to the health system out unlike in the UK where NI contributions are no longer levied after retirement. These can be as much as 9.3 % of income above a certain sum. https://www.previssima.fr/question-pratique/quelles-sont-les-cotisations-sociales-sur-les-pensions-de-retraite.html So these are just for the basic cover before the cost of any Mutuelle.
  2. Also, if the owner has an insurance policy (GLI) to cover him in the event of a tenant not paying rent, it is the insurance company that will have to accept your dossier (after the owner sends it to them - if HE was willing).  These insurance companies RARELY ever accept any foreign documents - translated or otherwise).  Just a warning so you know. I can add  that in some cases such insurances companies are unhappy to accept those whose income is not based in France, since they can't get their hands on it of the tenany doesn't pay... A couple of friends of mine who have a  very good income  in the UK were refused a rental by the insurance company for that very reason.
  3. De nombreux contrats comportent des limites d’âge au-delà desquelles il n’est plus possible d’adhérer. Celles-ci démarrent souvent à 70 ans. Tous ceux qui choisissent de se passer d’une complémentaire santé pour des questions financières, ne serait-ce que temporairement, doivent en tenir compte pour ne pas être définitivement exclus de la complémentaire santé. source https://www.quechoisir.org/guide-d-achat-mutuelle-pour-les-retraites-optez-pour-une-mutuelle-specifique-n7243/ Que Choisir is a bit like a French 'Which' if that still exists.. There is a good article in it about the choice of 'insuring yourself' https://www.quechoisir.org/conseils-mutuelle-se-passer-d-une-complementaire-sante-pourquoi-pas-n8605/
  4. https://www.ameli.fr/herault/assure/remboursements/rembourse/soins-protheses-dentaires/soins-protheses-dentaires
  5. The second link showed some worked example but you might not be able to open it as it was for my departement
  6. That is why I like the 'modular' Mutuelles where you can choose the level for each section rather than having a 'one size fits all' approach. That said  there is a much better level of cover included in the basic Sécu for certain things: "Depuis janvier 2020, le 100 % santé est mis en place et permet un meilleur remboursement grâce au respect du contrat responsable." https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F33956 and https://www.ameli.fr/herault/assure/remboursements/rembourse/soins-protheses-dentaires/soins-protheses-dentaires
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/14/covid-19-french-regions-to-announce-new-restrictions We have had the same for a while here.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/15/foreign-covid-workers-in-france-to-be-fast-tracked-for-nationality
  9. Lori Your questions are not at all 'weird' and it is very useful that you ask them as it can help others.We 'oldies' in the system can forget what is it like for those just getting in to it..
  10. If the MT had given a prescription then a copy of the results would go back. If there is no prescription as I think can happen for some Covid tests at the moment and also can happen in some AIDS testing centres then only you would have the results. Remember that for some things you are supposed to pass by the MT https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/parcours_de_soins_coordonne_a_l_hopital-2.pdf and if you don't you might not be reimbursed or for a lesser amount
  11. 1)Don't assume that you can just take a mutuelle and get immediate cover. Combien de temps dure ce délai de carence mutuelle ?   La question du délai de carence n’étant pas régulée par le Code de la mutualité (au contraire, par exemple, de celle du questionnaire de santé), sa durée est laissée à la seule appréciation de chaque mutuelle. Il s’agit donc d’un critère de comparaison important à considérer, lorsque l’on souhaite s’engager auprès d’un nouvel organisme de complémentaire santé, par exemple en tant que nouveau senior qui souhaite arrêter sa mutuelle obligatoire pour en choisir une plus adaptée. Inscrits par les mutuelles dans le contrat de leurs adhérents, les délais de carence sont en général de 1 à 3 mois pour la majorité des garanties qui en font l’objet. Mais cette période de latence peut aller jusqu’à 9 mois ou même 1 an, pour certains cas comme les frais importants d’optique, les prothèses auditives et dentaires, ainsi que pour la maternité, celle-ci étant logiquement connue à l’avance.   Exemple du délai de carence mutuelle   Prenons un exemple concret pour que vous puissiez bien comprendre le principe du délai de carence. Si vous avez signé un contrat de mutuelle qui prévoit un délai de carence de 3 mois pour l’achat de nouvelles montures et de verres, et que vous perdez vos lunettes 1 mois après votre adhésion, vous ne serez pas couvert dans le cas où vous achetez une nouvelle paire en remplacement, immédiatement après leur perte. Pour faire valoir la garantie de votre mutuelle, il vous faudra attendre 2 mois après la perte de vos lunettes, ce qui permettra de dépasser le délai de carence. Sachez aussi qu’il peut exister des exceptions au délai de carence. Certaines mutuelles peuvent par exemple abroger ce délai dans des cas particuliers, comme celui d’une maladie infectieuse grave qui a été contractée après l’adhésion au contrat, ou celui d’un remboursement qui aurait été pris en charge par votre précédente mutuelle que vous venez de résilier. Pensez donc à demander à votre future mutuelle si elle prévoit des cas d’abrogation de ses délais de carence. 2) My Mutuelle covers me for ancilliary expenses that I prefer to be able to have. An individual room in both the Hospital and the convelescent home after during one period of illness which lasted 4 months would have cost me 60€ a day. I also don't have to pay  that out in advance. I also like the security of knowing that I won't have to think about the cost , but that is a personal attitude. 3) The Idea of a "Mutuelle"  where people pay in when they don't need it is more often questioned by Anglo-Saxons such as the members of this Forum by those than by French people who have often paid in all their lives but are more used to an idea of 'solidarité' and 'fraternité'.. I think that that is a philosophical difference which has nothing to do with the practical question
  12. The MT will usually have a copy of all the results of visits to specialists hospitals x-rays and other examinations etc. They are sent to the MT as well as to you.The MT will keep a copy of prescriptions also. That isn't from Ameli, which deals with the finances, it is between the MT and the various places you were sent to. There is something else the DMP, (Dossier Medical Partagé) which SHOULD give access to all this  to any Doctor or Hospital but as yet it is only in a very rudimentary stage and not really working as intended. Copy from another thread: Re: carte vitale and ALD I keep mine (reasonably up to date) on a USB Stick, but of course IF the Dossier Médical Partagé worked as it should it shouldn't be necessary.But it doesn't I have also made a 1 page of A4 summary with details (organised into different sections) of : 1) major illnesses with dates of signifcant events in reverse chronological order2)Contact details of the relevent specialists I see 3) A list of my current medicines4) Up to date results of coagulation and most recent cancer marqueurs I keep a copy in my wallet in case of an accident or emergency, and can always give a copy to Doctor I haven't seen before at the first appintment Of course I also have a much fuller 'dossier' I can give if needed, but this list has been very useful on many occasions, cutting out a lot of questions and answers
  13. I keep mine (reasonably up to date) on a USB Stick, but of course IF the Dossier Médical Partagé worked as it should it shouldn't be necessary.But it doesn't[:@] I have also made a 1 page of A4 summary with details (organised into different sections) of : 1) major illnesses with dates of signifcant events in reverse chronological order2)Contact details of the relevent specialists I see 3) A list of my current medicines4) Up to date results of coagulation and most recent cancer marqueurs I keep a copy in my wallet in case of an accident or emergency, and can always give a copy to Doctor I haven't seen before at the first appintment Of course I also have a much fuller 'dossier' I can give if needed, but this list has been very useful on many occasions, cutting out a lot of questions and answers
  14. I did start a thread but nobody replied (SOBS) [:D]
  15. It can be very difficult to find a Mutuelle who will  accept people over 75 even 65...
  16. Looks as if you have  to be signed up: Localiser les membres du réseau de santé Sévéane Il suffit de vous rendre sur votre espace client ou sur votre appli mobile Groupama et Moi, et de vérifier si votre praticien habituel fait partie du réseau de professionnels de santé.
  17. The place to look for information is https://www.anil.org/
  18. I have Swiss life as it has a "modular" system where one can choose the level of cover for the various areas.It seems very expensive (I pay 182€ a month) but it has always paid out and even advances the costs so I never have to pay out and claim back (for the single room in hospital for example) as I had to with my previous Mutuelle. https://www.swisslife.fr/Particuliers/Proteger-ma-sante/Assurer-mes-remboursements This is NOT a recommendation for Swiss Life, just an explanation of why I chose the company 10 years ago. Don't forget  that  there are "genuine" Mutuelles which are forbidden to ask for a Medical history, and others which are just businesses and will try to worm it out of you  when they give you a quotation " toutes les compagnies d'assurance ne soumettent pas la souscription d'un contrat à un questionnaire de santé. Quant aux mutuelles, le Code de la Mutualité leur interdit purement et simplement d'y recourir.'
  19. I also received a new one yesterday as I needed a nano one instead of the larger version in my old phone. On the back of the sheet of paper that it was stuck on  there is a page of instructions.For me the calls worked automatically but I had to set up the APN settings to get the 4g signal, but I think there is a section in the instuctions that deals with the settings if the Sim doesn't receive calss..
  20. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GHrE2amzinyP8F6r49z0rKG6a6wWZnpT/view?fbclid=IwAR2tyGVBg8p-Hv9IeidKQF13fPwOWcyWnPS7zh2NMNmegxi5hGtMQ1yfJKo The sunlight on the garden Hardens and grows cold, We cannot cage the minute Within its nets of gold; When all is told We cannot beg for pardon. Our freedom as free lances Advances towards its end; The earth compels, upon it Sonnets and birds descend; And soon, my friend, We shall have no time for dances. The sky was good for flying Defying the church bells And every evil iron Siren and what it tells: The earth compels, We are dying, Egypt, dying And not expecting pardon, Hardened in heart anew, But glad to have sat under Thunder and rain with you, And grateful too For sunlight on the garden. Louis Macneice p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; direction: ltr; color: #000000; line-height: 115%; text-align: left; orphans: 2; widows: 2; background: transparent } p.western { font-family: "Calibri", sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; so-language: en-GB } p.cjk { font-family: "Arial Unicode MS"; font-size: 12pt; so-language: zh-CN } p.ctl { font-family: "Lucida Sans"; font-size: 12pt; so-language: hi-IN } a:link { color: #000080; so-language: zxx; text-decoration: underline }
  21. I think that my reaction is summed up in my new tag...
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