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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. There are  a couple of things to know to know  about him which hold the key to his attitudes in my opinion. 1) He is a 'pied noir' born in Oran in 'French' Algeria, and has a huge chip on his shoulder about that period. This area has a very large number of these people, and they form a good part of his electoral base as well as the same population living elsewhere who give him a lot of online support. 2) His wife, who is now our Député for Béziers, is a very Fundamentalist Catholic, close to Opus dei and it is she who has pushed him into the religious postures he has taken (putting a creche in the town hall against the laicity law, organising a Mass in the bullfighting Arena at the beginning of the Féria, spending a great deal of money on gilding a statue of Mary in a town where there is a great deal of poverty) I imagine that it is a classic case of a man who is powerful at work dominated by a woman in private:)))
  2. As has been pointed out the forms needed were NOT the ones for the Curfew, they are ones for attestation de déplacement dérogatoire Perhaps an imperfect knowledge of French is at the bottom of this mistake, not the fact that some clever Brits caught out the 'clever french (sic) officials' ?
  3. [quote user="Hereford"]Very odd. The one I printed early evening yesterday had it all correct as far as I can see  ???: Déplacements pour effectuer des achats de fournitures nécessaires à l'activité professionnelle, des achats de première nécessité 3 dans des établissements dont les activités demeurent autorisées, le retrait de commande et les livraisons à domicile. What I need to do is go to an empty house (where a relative used to live before he died) in order to pack stuff up as we have a buyer! Still working out which box to tick! The house is only 3km from us and we will see nobody. Take care. [/quote] Removals are permittedhttps://www.liberation.fr/checknews/2020/10/30/est-on-autorise-a-demenager-pendant-le-confinement_1803965?fbclid=IwAR0TBTCIIOH2y3chFJ0gaP-2PJ0q8BLSBs96Hz0bN2uMnGfC6YGuDopwhWo
  4. [quote user="chessie"]Hi NoM - aren't we the clever ones !!I thought it was my fault when I couldn't see where it covered essential shopping.So 'we' have caught 'them' (the clever french officials) - in a mistake !!Oh well - have to have something to smile about these days - there's enough 'bad' in the world at the moment.Keep happy, keep safe - we've got Christmas soon !!Chessie [/quote]But there ISN'T a mistake. That clause is there in both the printed version (as I copied in a typographically garbled version above) and the one that can be filled in on the smartphone. Don't you think that  the 'clever French officials' you are  laughing at have a difficult enough job?
  5. ATTESTATION DE DÉPLACEMENT DÉROGATOIRE En application du décret n°2020-1310 du 29 octobre 2020 prescrivant les mesures générales nécessaires pour faire face à l'épidémie de Covid19 dans le cadre de l'état d'urgence sanitaire Je soussigné(e), Mme/M. : Né(e) le : à : Demeurant :certifie que mon déplacement est lié au motif suivant (cocher la case) autorisé par le décretn°2020-1310 du 29 octobre 2020 prescrivant les mesures générales nécessaires pour faire face àl'épidémie de Covid19 dans le cadre de l'état d'urgence sanitaire 1 :□ Déplacements entre le domicile et le lieu d’exercice de l’activité professionnelle ou un établissement d’enseignement ou de formation, déplacements professionnels ne pouvant être différés2, déplacements pour un concours ou un examen. □ Déplacements pour effectuer des achats de fournitures nécessaires à l'activité professionnelle, des achats de première nécessité 3 dans des établissements dont les activités demeurent autorisées, le retrait de commande et les livraisons à domicile. □ Consultations, médicaments. examens et soins ne pouvant être assurés à distance et l’achat de □ Déplacements pour motif familial impérieux, pour l'assistance aux personnes vulnérables et précaires ou la garde d'enfants. □ Déplacement des personnes en situation de handicap et leur accompagnant. □ Déplacements brefs, dans la limite d'une heure quotidienne et dans un rayon maximal d'un kilomètre autour du domicile, liés soit à l'activité physique individuelle des personnes, à l'exclusion de toute pratique sportive collective et de toute proximité avec d'autres personnes, soit à la promenade avec les seules personnes regroupées dans un □ même domicile, soit aux besoins des animaux de compagnie. Convocation judiciaire ou administrative et pour se rendre dans un service public □ Participation à des missions d'intérêt général sur demande de l'autorité administrative □ Déplacement pour chercher les enfants à l’école et à l’occasion de leurs activités périscolaires Fait à : Le :à: (Date et heure de début de sortie à mentionner obligatoirement) Signature : 1Les personnes souhaitant bénéficier de l'une de ces exceptions doivent se munir s'il y a lieu, lors de leurs déplacements hors de leur domicile, d'un document leur permettant de justifier que le déplacement considéré entre dans le champ de l'une de ces exceptions. 2A utiliser par les travailleurs non-salariés, lorsqu'ils ne peuvent disposer d'un justificatif de déplacement établi par leur employeur. 3Y compris les acquisitions à titre gratuit (distribution de denrées alimentaires...) et les déplacements liés à la perception de prestations sociales et au retrait d'espèces. Unfortunately the site has messed up the layout
  6. "The one I downloaded last night, just before the new rules came into effect, said nothing about shopping for necessities, or going out within a km for other than attending to the needs of a pet.I think it was designed for leaving the house outside the limits of a 6 am to 9 pm curfew." The latest version  has all that...I am talking about the version that can  be filled in on the smartphone.. but this printable version also https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/Actualites/L-actu-du-Ministere/Attestations-de-deplacement
  7. I just use Déplacements pour effectuer des achats de fournitures nécessaires à l'activité professionnelle, des achats de première nécessité [3] dans des établissements dont les activités demeurent autorisées, le retrait de commande et les livraisons à domicile  as a catch-all clause..
  8. also availabe on the app TousAntiCovid though sometime I have the impression that I am the only person who has downloaded it..
  9. Exactly Alan.In the other thread  where we discussed freedom of expression, I pointed out that "there is no absolute right to freedom of expression, since it can be forbidden by the law of the time in a particular country in dealing with specific topics. This has been exploited by some powerful pressure groups who have managed  to make certain opinions illegal:racist , sexist anti-homosexual  comments can be punished by the law, and  one can say that 'so they should be', but this underlines the fact that there  are constraints on the  freedom of expression and  that those limits change according to fashion. One of those pressure groups has created a situation where criticism of the politics of Isreal   is considered to be  the form of racism known as "anti-semitism", and that is one of the areas that freedom of expression has been curtailed.  It is particularly bizzare given the  very dodgy comments made by Johnson in the past: " 1. Referring to Muslim women as 'letterboxes'In a 2018 column for The Daily Telegraph relating to a burqa ban, he wrote that was "absolutely ridiculous" that "people should choose to go around looking like letter boxes". He continued: If a constituent came to my MP’s surgery with her face obscured, I should feel fully entitled… to ask her to remove it so that I could talk to her properly. If a female student turned up at school or at a university lecture looking like a bank robber then ditto: those in authority should be allowed to converse openly with those that they are being asked to instruct. 2. Saying Malaysian women only go to university to find a husbandThis was in response to Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak saying at the 2013 World Islamic Economic Forum that 68 per cent of women were going to be attending university, to which Johnson replied: [Female students went to university because they] have got to find men to marry. Would he have said the same about British (white) women? It seems doubtful 3. Using a racial slurIn 2010, he used the word "piccaninnies", an extremely derogatory term, which he surrounded by an extremely derogatory take, saying: It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies. Wow. 4. Using another racial slurIn 2002, in yet another Telegraph column, he described black people in the Democratic Republic of Congo as having "watermelon smiles". Writing about a prospective trip by then-PM Tony Blair to the DRC, Johnson stated: No doubt the AK47s will fall silent, and the pangas will stop their hacking of human flesh, and the tribal warriors will all break out in watermelon smiles to see the big white chief touch down in his big white British taxpayer-funded bird. Last year, while running for leader of the Conservative party, he was asked about these comments. And no, he did not apologise. In fact, he brushed it off as "satire". We're not laughing.​ 6. Using dog-whistle racism against Barack Obama In April 2006, he wrote in The Sun that: The part-Kenyan president [has an] ancestral dislike of the British empire – of which Churchill had been such a fervent defender. The evidence for this? His race. 7. Using the word "Nigerian" as an insultThis one is interesting because we think he was actually trying to insult "young people" – the racism was just a byproduct. Here's the quote: All the young people I know – ie those under 30 – are just as avaricious as we flinty Thatcherite yuppies of the 1980s in fact, they have an almost Nigerian interest in money and gadgets of all kinds. 8. Wanting to bring back colonialismWe're back to The Spectator, this time in 2002, when he seemed to want to re-invade Africa (yes, the entire continent), saying “the problem is not that we were once in charge, but that we are not in charge anymore". He continued: The best fate for Africa would be if the old colonial powers, or their citizens, scrambled once again in her direction; on the understanding that this time they will not be asked to feel guilty. 9. Saying black people make him uncomfortableIn a column in 2000, Johnson said that a "bunch of black kids" made him “turn a hair”, and added: If that is racial prejudice, then I am guilty. Yes, you are. 10. Saying we should "axe" parts of an "anti-racism industry"In the same column, he railed against the Macpherson reforms, which were proposed in the wake of the Stephen Lawrence case. These reforms have since become the standard for prosecutors. They allow victims and third parties define if something is racist. Johnson wasn't keen, saying it was "Orwellian stuff" from the "PC brigade". He also wrote that they were "just as wrong" as Enoch Powell, presumably referring to his infamous racist "rivers of blood" speech. At the time, Michael Mansfield QC, who represented the Lawrence family at the public inquiry, called Johnson's comments a "disgrace", saying: “This is a man who is deeply prejudiced and obviously I’m horrified about the possibility that he may remain prime minister. He is fundamentally sexist and racist."
  10. I have posted an update in the other thread
  11. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lefigaro.fr%2Fpolitique%2Fcovid-19-reconfinement-teletravail-ouverture-des-ecoles-colleges-et-lycees-ce-qu-a-annonce-emmanuel-macron-20201028
  12. As I posted on the other thread https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.midilibre.fr%2F2020%2F10%2F28%2Fcoronavirus-pourquoi-emmanuel-macron-devrait-opter-pour-un-reconfinement-national-9168060.php%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0Qyfzq5t9GE4Bh67U6cAq08nVF_sLFzvyfYhqoWnUDEIlXS-dCEGs_WVQ
  13. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.midilibre.fr%2F2020%2F10%2F28%2Fcoronavirus-pourquoi-emmanuel-macron-devrait-opter-pour-un-reconfinement-national-9168060.php%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0Qyfzq5t9GE4Bh67U6cAq08nVF_sLFzvyfYhqoWnUDEIlXS-dCEGs_WVQ
  14. Two articles that I find interesting 1) https://cache.media.eduscol.education.fr/file/Actualites/41/6/Ensemble_defendons_la_liberte_1330416.pdf which mentions "le délit de blasphème n’existe pas." "tout citoyen peut donc parler, écrire, imprimer librement, sauf à répondre de l'abus de cette liberté dans les cas déterminés par la loi." 2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitehouse_v_Lemon  When the offence of 'blasphmous libel'  was held  still  stand, although it  was later abolished in 2008 What these suggest to me is that there is no absolute right to freedom of expression, since it can be forbidden by the law of the time in a particular country. This has been exploited by some powerful pressure groups who have managed  to make certain opinions illegal:racist , sexist anti-homosexual  comments can be punished by the law, and  one can say that 'so they should be', but this underlines the fact that there  are constraints on the  freedom of expression and  that those limits change according to fashion.In France at the moment blasphemy is ok
  15. There is much speculation about the next step, but a further lockdown is now not totally off the cards. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lemonde.fr%2Fsante%2Farticle%2F2020%2F10%2F27%2Fil-faut-s-attendre-a-des-decisions-difficiles-nouveau-tour-de-vis-en-vue-en-france_6057559_1651302.html
  16. https://www.clemi.fr/fr/cles-medias/la-liberte-dexpression-et-ses-limites.html
  17. I also think that there has been an outbreak of better-tempered discussion, and helpful hints[:D]
  18. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/27/muslim-backlash-against-macron-gathers-pace-after-police-raids We have already aired our views on the events themselves in another thread. I am posting this to highlight the posssible heightening of tension that may result from the crackdown by the French authorities. It is of most concern perhaps  to  those who live inner city multi-ethnic areas, as I do, but I think  everyone should be aware.There can be flare-ups in small apperently quiet communities as happened in Trèbes (not far from nomoss) two  years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcassonne_and_Tr%C3%A8bes_attack
  19. He was powerful because he wasn't afraid to practice "pork barrel" politics.If you supported him you got a good deal if not you were totally frozen out.He was an egocentric bully, who wasted a lot on vanity projects. nomoss reminds me of the story that first he wanted  to rename the Region "Septimanie";  then he wanted to  rename all  the lycées after political figures he admired; and finally he wanted to rename the Mediterranean La Mer De Frèche   (say it out loud)[:D]
  20. Thank you:)And who needs a conductor? https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/099434-001-A/beethoven-au-festival-de-schwetzingen/
  21. It seems to me to be more cartoon than painting..a sort of photo shopped version ofhttps://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/claude-monet-the-water-lily-pond It is cheap except for the price it  fetched, but then  'a fool and his money are soon parted.I would have called it 'Laughing all the way to the BANK... sy'
  22. I second your point about having cancer screening.Both of mine were caught early thanks to that, as was the secondary one. For men, have regular PSA blood tests to see if the level changes, (for Prostate cancer), and for both sexes do that one they send out for bowel cancer to see if there is any blood in the stools. Neither of those is embarrasing or painful..
  23. But there are evangelical groups in the USA of whom one could say much the same...The problem starts when belief starts to think that those with other ideas are 'wicked' rather than misguided or wrong..
  24. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sante/maladie/coronavirus/infographies-covid-19-decouvrez-quel-est-le-taux-d-incidence-dans-votre-commune_4151943.html should be a live one
  25. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? [:-))] https://www.midilibre.fr/2020/10/21/coronavirus-un-cluster-detecte-au-sein-de-la-police-municipale-de-beziers-9153017.php
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