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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. https://www.france.tv/france-5/c-dans-l-air/2306941-emission-du-lundi-15-mars-2021.html
  2. AZ is supposed to be 12 weeks after the first Pfizer 4 weeks. Don't confuse the two.
  3. I wasn't very impressed to see that the Statue of Lassus had become a shrine to Micheal Jackson..
  4. I am in the age group (just: it counts if you were born in 1946) and I am at risk. I suppose one could argue that British residents in France should have their vaccine from the UK stock in which case they could have the AZ one...
  5. I have just had my second dose exactly 4 weeks after the first one. My ex-wife in the UK who had her first injection the same day as me still does not  know when she will have her second. That is purely anecdotal  but has as much value as the other 'people I know' stories.I prefer data to gossip. Any real blame in this matter is down  the manufacturers who took orders and then didn't deliver. There is a shortage as a result which the authorities are having to cope with  and have published their strategy.
  6. It is a miracle that they are available at all, and all the contraversy should not blind us to the brilliance of the reseachers who have created them in such a short space of time.
  7. This is just for information. It does not imply that I am 'anti-vax'.In any case it is reassuring https://www.midilibre.fr/2021/02/27/hypertension-fievre-malaises-ou-paralysie-faciale-quels-sont-les-effets-indesirables-de-chaque-vaccin-9397606.php
  8. That puts together some of the tables and information in my earlier posts.
  9. You might enjoy a few of these : https://matadornetwork.com/abroad/20-funniest-french-expressions-use/
  10. Not if the article precedes it "un con" On the other hand if you want to use the noun  alone as an expletive  "knob!" you might wall add the 'va'.. For "what a knob!"  you would add 'Quel' or' Quelle ' as an intensifier before the noun.
  11. Ah thank you."Awake socially but ignorant grammatically"  then?
  12. idun Having 'woke' up to social issues. But that should be "Having woken up to social issues '
  13. One might say un  con I of course would never presume to say such a thing[6]
  14. I looked it up in an American dictionary, and their etymology was wrong since it stated that 'woke' is the 'past tense and past participle' of "wake"wheras the past participle of wake (the part of the verb that can be used as an adjective ) is "woken "I" woke up" (past tense) "He has just woken up" (past participle) As a parallel One would'nt   say "He has gave me "   So if "woke" is  mistake for "woken" " éveillé" would  work.
  15. The translations offered above are in the main ironic,and certainly unhelpful (apart from betise's useful contribution)  since they are insults ' hypocrite' 'wonker' offered by those who obviouly don't approve of whatever 'woke' means.
  16. I have Free and Orange (in 2 different places) and I can find the passwords, but if you have SFR I am afraid I don't know.
  17. Here is a table in LeFigaro which shows who is eligible for which Vaccine: https://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/covid-19-qui-peut-se-faire-vacciner-ou-par-qui-et-avec-quel-produit-20210224 This part is interesting as is the fact that as long as you are born in 1946 you count as being 75 even if you  haven't had your birthday yet this year Le paradoxe des 65-74 ans De 65 à 74 ans, vous ne pouvez pour le moment vous faire vacciner que si vous appartenez à l'une et/ou l'autre des deux catégories prioritaires: vous êtes porteur d'une pathologie vous exposant à un risque de forme grave, ou vous êtes un professionnel de santé ou du secteur médico-social, aide à domicile ou sapeur-pompier. Dans ces deux cas, vous pouvez recevoir les vaccins Pfizer/BioNTech ou Moderna, les premiers en centre de vaccination sur prescription médicale de votre médecin, les seconds dans les mêmes centres sur présentation d'une carte professionnelle ou sur le lieu de travail. Paradoxe de cette campagne: alors que les 50-64 ans en bonne santé générale peuvent espérer se voir proposer le vaccin d'AstraZeneca si leur médecin dispose d'une dose destinée à être jetée, leurs aînés, eux, n'y peuvent pas prétendre: l'autorisation de mise sur le marché de ce vaccin ne concerne que les moins de 65 ans, les données d'efficacité n'étant à ce jour pas connues pour les plus âgées. Après 75 ans, priorité absolue Si vous avez plus de 75 ans, quel que soit votre lieu de résidence et votre état de santé vous pouvez prétendre (sous réserve d'obtenir un rendez-vous...) à recevoir les vaccins de Pfizer/BioNTEch ou de Moderna, en centre de vaccination ou au sein de l'établissement qui vous héberge. À noter: il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir 75 ans révolus pour accéder à la vaccination, être dans l'année de vos 75 ans suffit (en l'espèce, être né en 1946). *Comorbidités à risque: obésité (Indice de masse corporelle (IMC) supérieur 30), broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO) et insuffisance respiratoire, hypertension artérielle compliquée, insuffisance cardiaque, diabète (de type 1 et de type 2), insuffisance rénale chronique, cancers et maladies hématologiques malignes actifs et de moins de 3 ans, historique de transplantation d'organe solide ou de cellules souches hématopoïétiques, trisomie 21, et diverses maladies rares listées ici .
  18. An article in LeMonde with some interesting data and graphs if you scroll down the page https://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2021/01/29/covid-19-suivez-la-progression-de-la-vaccination-en-france-et-dans-le-monde_6068029_4355770.html For example 24.92% pf over 75 have had at least one dose and 11.23 have had both
  19. Whatever the system,  people can't be innoculated  if the vaccine that was ordered and paid for hasn't been delivered as stiplated in the contract. And despite all the hysteria about vaccination here,  so far the number of deaths per million population is higher in the UK (1787) than in France (1301) source https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries and yesteday there were  548 new death in the UK and 431 in France  source https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/region/france This may well change  with the arrival of the new variants. I cite this data simply to counter the unsubtantiated accusations of incompetence being  thrown around. I deplore ALL the deaths in both countries, and salute the genius of those who have created these vaccines and devotion  those who are battling to deliver them.
  20. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/feb/24/boris-johnson-a-liar-who-will-seek-to-blame-brexit-costs-on-covid-says-diplomat
  21. Strangely enough I thought that there  was the virus that was killing people..
  22. Part of the explanation for the lack of appointments available in France  is here: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-eu-pfizer-exclusiv-idUSKBN2AH1E3
  23. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/23/new-covid-test-delivers-results-three-times-faster-than-lateral-flow
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