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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. I am not at all sure that albf qualifies as 'you lot over there' [:D]
  2. This has taken its time to come out! https://assurance-maladie.ameli.fr/sites/default/files/2021-02-09-cp-etude-epiphare-facteurs-risques-covid19.pdf
  3. I use several different 'devices' from 2 different IPs ( as I have 2 separate addresses)I am frequently warnedby google that something suspicious is going on when in fact it  was  only me on one of the other devices or IpS
  4. On this Forum there are a number of 'old hands' who can speak from many years of lived experience in France. That helps.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/10/conch-shell-in-french-museum-found-to-be-17000-year-old-wind-instrument
  6. Can you ask to see that they have a recent (24hr) clean Pcr test result? It is complicated in that you are not the owner who has been told he must let them enter. It is your domicile not his (even if it is his property) and I suspect that if they enter without your consent it could be a violation de domicile (clickable link) Le délit de violation de domicile peut être reproché à : une personne dépositaire de l'autorité publique ou chargée d'une mission de service public, agissant dans l'exercice de ses fonctions ou de sa mission (hors les cas prévus par la loi) ;
  7. Sensible advice as always sue
  8. I still think that there might be a misunderstanding of the  word "arrête" It can mean 'stop', but usually in terms of an account it means a statement at a fixed moment https://www.comparabanques.fr/comprendre/arrete-de-compte
  9. I  have posted about this before, and there is a real problem which is evident in towns such as mine where there is a large community of 'pieds noirs' (including our controversial Maire)  who have a visceral reaction to the topic. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/feb/09/the-guardian-view-on-france-and-algeria-breaking-the-silence
  10. I think it means  'a summary'
  11. [url=https://postimg.cc/7GggChSx][img]https://i.postimg.cc/DZN5MbZb/148670133-3486875534870432-8220137253610246127-n.jpg[/img][/url]
  12. From purely medical point of view I think that there would be a third confinement, but I sense that the Government feels that it  would not be respected and can't be afforded. I see something of the same behaviour as Lori, and reckon that it is probably like that in most urban areas. I conclude  that it is up to those of most at risk of complications if we caught the disease to practise an 'auto-confinement' rather than waiting for a general one..
  13. This is what my MT prescribes and it is only available on prescription: [url=https://postimages.org/][img]https://i.postimg.cc/CLjSmGJW/137527661-10223050250751952-4431515576706243150-o.jpg[/img][/url]
  14. Yes and the second one booked before the end of the month.
  15. If it is parcels from the UK it is one of the predictable consequences of Brexit that BJ glossed over...
  16. Have I missed something?It has been overcast and between 14 and 17° but no flooding in the Hérault that I have seen signs of...
  17. A superb version of the B minor mass by people who are all new to me.Isn't it marvellous to still be making discoveries at our age [:D] https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=kvExf77nRs4&list=RDAMVMkvExf77nRs4
  18. Perhaps it isn't yet up to date.Mine was at 12.30 on the 30th and there were sheets and sheets of the list of the others already vaccinated that day..
  19. Lovely thank you [:D] Here is Sokolov playing Schumann https://youtu.be/7_mMB3VZUmM
  20. mint "If our mayor were in charge, all the elderly, ill, fragile, at-risk ones would have been first in the queue. " They are now. The other people I saw yesterday were in that category. I do completely agree that you and Mr Mint, and Judith should be at the head of the queue and I sympathise that you haven't had an appointment, but I believe that the principle you outline is the one that  as is being practised. At the same time the system of making an appointment 'laisse à désirer'[:(]
  21. GG"Norman, t’s good to read that you’ve had your first jab. Here in the UK, everyone I know who has had the Pfizer vaccine has either had their second jab already or has a firm date for it, around 3 weeks ahead. That’s probably about 30 people." Thanks for the correction. I was obviously mistaken. You are in the best place to know.[:)]
  22. A fair point Nick, but it is conceivable that you may have both before someone who has already had the first dose in the UK has the second one, even if the first one is later here.
  23. Well Judith as my story shows I would have been vaccinated today if I were still in the UK, so that is the same in the two countries. The difference is that here I have a firm date for the second dose which is  the more important in boosting the immunity, and that one in line with the manufacturer's recommandations based on their research; whereas no one  seems to know when they will get the second one in the UK.
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