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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. Well I had my first injection today. All extremely well-organised, with a team of young, smiling and welcoming professionals. Even the young security guards (in PC parlance 'of African heritage'...it is Béziers remember, not La France Profonde) offered to get me a wheelchair.. As I had been told the second appointment  (for the 27th Feb) was made a the desk on leaving, so I needn't have been concerned that I hadn't been able to make it online. I hope that those of you still waiting will be able to get an appointment as soon as possible. As a strange co-incidence a friend of mine who used to put me up when I visited the UK after moving to France  had a call from the local  vaccination centre, but it was for ME not for him. We are still trying to work out how they still have my details. When I was chatting to the nurse who vaccinated me she said 'here we have VSLs..will they be sending you a private jet to get you over there?' [:)]
  2. Surprise surprise! https://www.lefigaro.fr/politique/plutot-que-le-confinement-macron-fait-le-choix-d-un-couvre-feu-renforce-20210129
  3. "I suppose that this could be, light the blue touch paper and stand well back" Is it ever anything else with this poster? It would be hard to find an informative or helpful reply.
  4. NormanH

    Over Weight

    Will everyone stop copying the sickest nation on planet earth! And not only in its junk food! 
  5. There is a legitimate discussion to be had about whether to give a single dose without a clear date for the second (as seems to be preferred in the UK) or whether to ensure that the target group  will be able  to have both first and second  injections at the recommended interval. The French authorities seem to take the second approach erring on the side of caution and respecting the manufacurer's protocol,  while in the UK the strategy seems to be to reach the maximum number  with at least one shot, possibly preventing the most serious effects for as many as possible. I am not in a position to judge the scientific basis for either choice though I can Google  in the same way as anyone else.
  6. NormanH

    Over Weight

    Have you been watching the advertisments with which 'Comme j'aime' bombard early evening  TV? [6] I think that there is a distinction between the risk of catching the disease, which is something that we can legitimately expect the authorities to try to lessen; and  the risk that it poses to each of us if we  catch it. One can blame the management of a particular Goverment for the first. The second is true not only of obesity and Covid, but of many other sorts of behaviour and disease.Smoking, drinking alcohol, drug abause eating 'junk' food can all contribute to disease.
  7. https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2021/01/28/l-efficacite-du-couvre-feu-a-18-heures-s-estompe-olivier-veran-fait-le-point-sur-la-situation-sanitaire-avant-des-mesures-plus-strictes_6067948_3244.html
  8. I tried at Narbonne at one point, a town that is close but in the next département.As it came up  that all the RDV were taken I didn't get as far as  trying to book a place. I don't recall being asked for my department. On the other hand the Goverment released stocks of the vaccine based on the numbers of over 75s in each department among other criteria, so it may cause a problem..
  9. You forget that the  Gov pensions have already been taxed at source in the UK at the same 'whack' as anyone elsepays. The figures for French tax liability concern the OAPs. French income tax is lower than UK income tax, but French social charges bump it up for French people. Where British pensioners gain is in the fact that they no longer  pay NI contributions (unlike French pensioners who continue to pay social charges), not in the amount of income tax they pay which is higher than if it were all taxed in France.
  10. We might have a third lockdown but there would be a strong possibility of civil disobedience. It is justified on medical grounds, but there is a strong groundswell mounting against it partly from the young " N'y a-t-il vraiment eu que 60 morts du Covid chez les 15-44 ans en France ? LA VÉRIFICATION - Dans sa chronique hebdomadaire dans «Les Echos», le philosophe Gaspard Koenig utilise ce chiffre pour interroger le sacrifice des jeunes générations en faveur de leurs aînés" and partly on "social networks" from a similar group to the one from which the 'gilets jaune' sprang..
  11. ET I think it was in the posting I made from LeFigaro  about changes from the 1st JanuaryI can't find that but there is this: https://www.accountingweb.co.uk/tax/personal-tax/brace-for-brexit-20-tax-hike-for-french-property-owners
  12. Is the UK OAP your only source of income?
  13. I shall report this calumny to a moderator!Hang on.....[:-))]
  14. NormanH


    https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/jan/25/english-and-scottish-get-drunk-most-often-25-nation-survey-finds Certainly true of the ones around here [6]
  15. I have watched  a couple of each, and although I usually prefer 'detective' style series I found Dix per Cent much more enjoyable. I prefered Engrenages ..
  16. I certainly recognised some of my own experiences in it[:P]
  17. Very interesting link oh bent one. That could make a diffence if I have  buy another second hand scooter, and even more when I have to replace the batteries since I have never managed to source them here ..[:-))]
  18. How about choosing to become a full citizen of the Republic in which you have decided to live, rather than the subject of of the monarch of a country in which  you were born by chance, and which you have chosen to leave? That is not necessarily my reason but it could be one.
  19. A few photos from  Fessebeurck of our centre...I haven't been there yet myself.. [url=https://postimg.cc/PC8wRj39][img]https://i.postimg.cc/8zZmskhp/139607681-3745005518871490-1598337518576764956-o.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://postimg.cc/F190swzk][img]https://i.postimg.cc/jqfcvbrc/140242052-3753461281359247-2487249414706098399-o.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://postimg.cc/JD9wKjG9][img]https://i.postimg.cc/8cC1pHDP/140035366-3753461651359210-6804361053422338033-o.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://postimg.cc/ppH4TW8Y][img]https://i.postimg.cc/bNDhmdwM/139609165-3753461561359219-5349113903037143357-o.jpg[/img][/url]
  20. My own experience is no longer current.The interview wasn't so much to test one's language ability, since that was assumed, as to probe knowledge of French history and culture.It did require a reasonable level of oral fluency though. There is a basic booklet which can help to prepare https://www.immigration.interieur.gouv.fr/Accueil-et-accompagnement/La-nationalite-francaise/Le-livret-du-citoyen
  21. There is a useful Facebook group where these things are discussed: Applying for French Nationality
  22. http://rers.asso-seyssinet-pariset.fr/2020/11/un-beau-poeme-de-jacques-prevert/
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