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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. Berlou is a lovely quiet village in a magnificent area where I used to go often when I could still drive.  It may be a little TOO quiet as there would be little social life, but St Chinian and Roquebrun both  which now have  "Anglo" communities are not far As Dpt71 says there is not much there except the cave and this restaurant whose owners I knew quite well, although I don't know if it will have survived Covidhttps://youtu.be/2jqsiq2RtY8 It is about 40 minutes to Béziers and the sea p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115%; background: transparent }a:link { color: #000080; so-language: zxx; text-decoration: underline }a:visited { color: #800000; so-language: zxx; text-decoration: underline }
  2. This is probably not at all to your taste but gives an idea of the prices around herehttps://www.gc34immobilier.com/fr/detail.htm?cle=343901737&monnaie=2
  3. Sometimes several agents group together and  pool their offer. Here in Béziers there is this example https://www.vends-du-sud.fr/fr/nos-agences.htm
  4. Just a suggestion by why not open a second  account with an "Internet" bank with which you can do all your transactions on line? I use Boursorama and am very happy with them.You have a card with which you can withdraw cash at  any dispenser, you can pay in cheques and  transfer funds as with any other bank. You never have to go in and see anyone as they have no branches The only thing you can't do is pay IN cash. If you had an account like that already  open you could tell CA that if you hear any more of this nonsense you will transfer your pension payments to the new bank... https://www.boursorama-banque.com/ I could of course sponsor you and we would both  get a small sum [:)] BUT I  have to recommend you not to accept such offers from strangers on the Internet ...[:P]
  5. BiB is correct. It will have been taxed at source in the UK, but must be declared in France although it won't be taxed here. It is used to decide which tax band any other taxable income goes into. That doesn't change the fact that  the TPA's bank sends it already converted  into Euros
  6. or inherited, stolen, married into, or acquired fraudulently....
  7. I think it means that it is a house that is for sale with another agent, but that the second one can also advertise it to open up the client base. https://www.france-immeuble.fr/pourquoi-delegation-de-mandat/
  8. Don't forget that CA is a collection of regional banks each with slightly different ways of doing things.I had minor problems when I worked in Midi Pyrénées but lived in Languedoc, but I don't  know if that has improved since Occitanie
  9. I have a friend who  had to take someone to Barcelona airport...needed Pcr test but  it wasn't actually checked..
  10. [url=https://postimg.cc/R6CQ0YhZ][img]https://i.postimg.cc/vBfP0Fdf/188419271-10158262348325186-2050376317434420380-n.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://postimg.cc/JswNX00g][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Dw0BtbT2/188702422-10158265170195186-4891526769837026127-n.jpg[/img][/url]
  11. Which bank is it? It sounds as if they want to receive the payment in sterling so that they can convert it at their rate.... For the moment I have not heard  anything similar.
  12. That is a clear article, but then I would say that as it backs up exactly what I have been saying on both threads..[:D]
  13. Would this be the 'correct paperwork'? "Wolfgang, a German national who runs an IT business, was detained at Heathrow airport despite having proof of settled status, indefinite leave to remain and a British passport on the way." One of the problems is that unlike France,   people such as him  have no documents to show  because  the UK government has voted against giving EU citizens a residency card to show employers, landlords or border officials. I repeat that I see this as a factor which could adversly affect the treatment of UK visitors to France since a sort of 'tit for tat' attitude could creep in. I cannot see the relevence of how "how the Spanish are treating illegals", unless you are thinking that  British tourists count as 'illegals' .
  14. Mirepoix in the Ariège too https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/occitanie/ariege/mirepoix-ariege-au-rythme-du-grand-marche-du-lundi-1040925.html
  15. As I mentioned in the main thread about this Attestation I fear that the hostile reception given  to legitimate visitors from the EU (in the case of that latest article people with  settled status) will not create much reciprocal good feeling among French officials checking British holidaymakers. I see no connection with any events in Spain...
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/may/21/uk-like-an-enemy-state-to-eu-nationals-detained-by-border-force
  17. Now the Guardian has caught up! https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/20/uk-travellers-to-france-may-be-asked-proof-of-accommodation-as-part-of-post-brexit-changes
  18. This seems a bit more ambiguous. The "British Foreign Office’s official Travel Advice for France" is not quite the same as the interpretation of "the Brexit.gouv.fr page" (surprise surprise) which " suggests that France may intend to apply the lighter border code rules specifically to Britons" "The Connexion notes that the British Foreign Office’s official Travel Advice for France was updated yesterday to include a reference to the attestation.It now states: “You should be prepared to show proof of your accommodation, for example, a hotel booking confirmation, proof of address if visiting your own property (eg. second home), or an invitation from your host if staying with a third party, friends or family. “As detailed by the French Ministry of Interior here, you may be requested to provide an ‘attestation d’accueil’. French residents will need to acquire the ‘attestation d’accueil’ and pass it on to you before you enter France.” The Interior Ministry site linked to refers to the document being required by “a foreigner who wishes to come to France for a tourist stay of less than three months”. The wording of the Brexit.gouv.fr page however suggests that France may intend to apply the lighter border code rules specifically to Britons visiting France."
  19. Thanks for the quick reply.That adds a hefty sum on top of normal travel costs for those on a modest budget [:(]
  20. One other thing. Distances on the map can be deceiving since many of the roads in that area and narrow and winding and you can get stuck behind a slow moving vehicle.
  21. Apparently France is on the UK's 'amberlist' Is anyone clear about what this implies for someone who returns to the UK after a visit here? This is an area I know nothing about as I haven't been to the UK for about 10 years but I might have a visitor this year who is confused so I am asking the question here as many of you make the trip frequently I found this but it seems mainly about travel the other way:https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/19/coronavirus-covid-british-tourists-to-eu-may-have-to-quarantine-even-if-vaccinated
  22. I had a place in Mirepoix for 6 years which is near there, though just over the border in the Ariège. You could get to Carcassonne reasonably quickly from there and many people from there go to Mirepoix for the English  set and the Monday market. Toulouse is about an hour for really major shopping or medical needs
  23. Next month there will be elections for the Régions and the Départment. While many British people living in France will not be able to vote it might be of interest to know the functions of these bodies Régions: https://www.prefectures-regions.gouv.fr/Le-savez-vous/Quelles-sont-les-competences-d-une-region Départementshttps://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_des_comp%C3%A9tences_des_d%C3%A9partements_en_France For those who can vote you can check to see if you are on the electoral list if you think you should be on it : https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/services-en-ligne-et-formulaires/ISE As additional information this is a useful site for everyone's administrative needs France Services https://www.cohesion-territoires.gouv.fr/france-services#scroll-nav__2
  24. "Without looking at the properties I am shocked at the levels of local taxes. Rip off by the look of it Sue touched on the nub of the matter. The ones Lori are looking at are mainly recent 'villas' that will have had their valeur locative calculated recently. That means that when the TF is revalued it will already be at a realistic level. There is a looming problem with older properties since the their value was calculated a long time ago and hasn't been brought up to date. When this happens there could be a steep rise in TF on  those older properties. (TF does go up, but that is just "Le taux d’imposition voté par les collectivités locales" i.e. the % of the VL decided by the local authority. What hasn't really changed much is the VL which is the base figure) This process has already started for professional premiseshttps://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/particulier/les-grands-principes-de-la-revision-des-valeurs-locatives Cynics might see this as a way of clawing  back some of the taxes lost by the abolition of the  TdH, but diverting it, since the TdH used to go into local coffers wheras the TF goes more centrally
  25. Délais moyens de mise à disposition des titres de séjour (pour des dossiers complets)Année 2020comprenant le délai de l’instruction, la fabrication et l’envoi de la convocation pour la remise de titreT1T2T3T41ères demandes d’admission au séjour4 mois6 mois6 mois et 3 semaines  5 moisDemandes de renouvellement d’un titre de séjour3 mois et 2 semaines7 mois     4 mois et 3 semaines 4 mois date de mise à jour : 10/02/2021
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