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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. NOW I UNDERSTAND[I] I was on my mobility scooter, more likely to knock over a stall than to buy from it[:-))]
  2. The point of the article is that "It likely explains why the French have the reputation of being so demonstrative about love – because if you can't really say it, you have to show it." I reckon that it is often said, as in the examples in the songs, and that the article is one of those supposedly knowledgeable  ones explaining something about French ways that are in fact based on a false premise...
  3. I agree that La chanson des vieux amants is the best of the bunch I quoted, but I think that the other two help to disprove the idea that no-one says "je t'aime" (except  to me....[:(])
  4. I have no idea what GB news is though it sounds to my dirty mind as if it might be a porn channel. I am, as a French resident, much more concerned by Cnews which seems to be a French version of Foxnews..
  5. And you are still incapable of saying anything useful,  helpful, or informative.
  6. https://www.howtogeek.com/465416/what-is-an-internet-troll-and-how-to-handle-trolls/ Off-topic remarks: Completely going off-topic from the subject at hand. This is done to annoy and disrupt other posters.Refusal to acknowledge evidence: Even when presented with hard, cold facts, they ignore this and pretend like they never saw it.Dismissive, condescending tone: An early indicator of a troll was that they would ask an angry responder, “Why you mad, bro?” This is a method done to provoke someone even more, as a way of dismissing their argument altogether.Seeming obliviousness: They seem oblivious that most people are in disagreement with them. Also, trolls rarely get mad or provoked[:D]
  7. Like this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU-OD5_Dxrs La chanson des vieux amants Bien sûr, nous eûmes des orages Vingt ans d'amour, c'est l'amour fol Mille fois tu pris ton bagage Mille fois je pris mon envol Et chaque meuble se souvient Dans cette chambre sans berceau Des éclats des vieilles tempêtes Plus rien ne ressemblait à rien Tu avais perdu le goût de l'eau Et moi celui de la conquête Mais mon amour Mon doux, mon tendre, mon merveilleux amour De l'aube claire jusqu'à la fin du jour Je t'aime encore, tu sais, je t'aime Moi, je sais tous tes sortilèges Tu sais tous mes envoûtements Tu m'as gardé de piège en piège Je t'ai perdue de temps en temps Bien sûr tu pris quelques amants Il fallait bien passer le temps Il faut bien que le corps exulte Mais finalement, finalement Il nous fallut bien du talent Pour être vieux sans être adultes Mon amour Mon doux, mon tendre, mon merveilleux amour De l'aube claire jusqu'à la fin du jour Je t'aime encore, tu sais, je t'aime Et plus le temps nous fait cortège Et plus le temps nous fait tourment Mais n'est-ce pas le pire piège Que vivre en paix pour des amants Bien sûr tu pleures un peu moins tôt Je me déchire un peu plus tard Nous protégeons moins nos mystères On laisse moins faire le hasard On se méfie du fil de l'eau Mais c'est toujours la tendre guerre Oh, mon amour Mon doux, mon tendre, mon merveilleux amour De l'aube claire jusqu'à la fin du jour Je t'aime encore, tu sais, je t'aime Or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4HqOnPcr48 Words on the video Or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SYYKdt6GSc Words on the video
  8. Here's a challenge Ken.Post a link to any helpful, useful or informative post that you have managed to make in your brief time on this Forum. HINT that doesn't include your unsupported opinions
  9. I have no desire to follow the Via Dolorosa thank you [6]
  10. Ken you keep missing wonderful opportunities  to keep your opinions to yourself.[:P]
  11. The topic is the significance of the French President having his face slapped.I am outlining the view of a significant number of French commentators. My own opinion is of no more interest than  yours, though possibly better informed since you show no understanding of the symbolic importance of that, and evidently no interest in learning about the  country in which you claim to live https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F33322 https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offense_au_chef_de_l%27%C3%89tat_(droit_fran%C3%A7ais)
  12. "Making up your own mind" about the perception of the incident by French people without reading or listening to them is arrogance based on ignorance. banana I quoted La Croix since I have been accused in another thread of always quoting the Guardian [;-)]
  13. It would be extraordinarly arrogant to pretend to understand how the incident was perceived in France better than is stated such a range of articles.Please quote one of them and show why I should not 'believe' the opinion of the journalist.
  14. "Martin963" Not The Guardian AGAIN NormanH...... You really ought to try and read (and quote) a couple of other sources of news once in a while,   otherwise we'll begin to think you've got an "agenda"...... Apart from the fact that I reserve the right to read and quote whatever sources  I like, I believe that anyone looking through my posts would be struck by the variety of my links, often from French official sources  when that helps. As far as this particular topic is concerned I don't see how whatever prejudice you may have against  the Guardian invalidates this article which seems to me to be informative rather than taking a position. Perhaps you could show me its failings, and provide a link to a different article on this topic which disproves anything in  it?
  15. Perhaps I read more of the French press than you do https://www.la-croix.com/Gifle-Macron-comme-gifler-France-indigne-presse-2021-06-09-1301160132 https://www.bfmtv.com/politique/emmanuel-macron-gifle-c-est-comme-gifler-la-france-s-indigne-la-presse-regionale_AN-202106090146.html
  16. A fair account of the issues: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/14/marine-le-pen-sets-sights-on-territory-of-traditional-right
  17. Absolutely delightful. Played by both the orchestra and soloist in a "Mozartian" manner as befits early Beethoven, in a splendid setting with sartorial elegance! We oldies can still perform ( I really liked the conductor)   born July 11, 1927, [:)]
  18. [url=https://postimages.org/][img]https://i.postimg.cc/RhccYxkg/temp.png[/img][/url] Ressenti means 'feels like' as
  19. It is about the attacking the symbol of the authority of the Republic that the President represents rather  than about slapping Macron the man. That is why even his political rivals condemned it. I also suspect that the recent fashion of  filming someone doing weird and wonderful things then posting it on you Tube contributed to the state of mind of the perpetrator.
  20. That is true, and it is also true that the Sécu is clamping down more and more, but at the moment my MT puts most of my medicines in the part of the prescription that is supposed to be for ALDs.. May not last though...
  21. If you have a French Pension France is responsible for paying for your health care, not the UK, even if the French pension is smaller than the UK one. On the downside this means that you could be liable to pay for the various social charges levied on French pensioners, but they only apply over a certain income https://www.lassuranceretraite.fr/portail-info/sites/pub/hors-menu/newsletter/les-prelevements-sociaux-en-2020.html Most  retired posters here will have an S1 from the UK which entitles them to cover, but this is not your case as you are covered by France and next year your tax declaration should reflect that. The Mutuelle is something separate again.
  22. Excellent.Very useful information thanks [:D]
  23. Presidents DO get very close to the crowd. I shook hands once with President Hollande in the Ariège in a market square and there was little visible security, and remember when Sarkozy was bustled and replied "casse toi pauve c*n" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eau5_Gi3icQ
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