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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. It reads as if it were from the Daily Express. I repeat my link to the actual proposition https://www.vie-publique.fr/loi/280521-loi-besson-moreau-remuneration-des-agriculteurs-egalim-2 and if you prefer a  newspaper link https://www.ouest-france.fr/economie/agriculture/proposition-de-loi-sur-la-remuneration-des-agriculteurs-imperieuse-necessite-dit-denormandie-05af5db2-d4dd-11eb-8ba8-8a08e843d49f Both make it clear that the main purpose of the law is to  "protéger la rémunération des agriculteurs "
  2. I think that the law to which chessie refers is this one, and its aims are rather different from the way it has been presented in some UK outlets: https://www.vie-publique.fr/loi/280521-loi-besson-moreau-remuneration-des-agriculteurs-egalim-2 "pour l’équilibre des relations commerciales dans le secteur agricole et alimentaire et une alimentation saine, durable et accessible à tous, qui a notamment encadré les promotions et relevé le seuil de revente à perte des produits agricoles afin de lutter contre la guerre des prix" As far as labelling is concerned" L’étiquetage fait l'objet d'autres dispositions. Afin d’assurer la compatibilité entre le droit français et le droit européen, l’obligation d’indication du pays d’origine pour les produits agricoles, alimentaires et de la mer devient limité aux produits pour lesquels il existe un lien avéré entre certaines de leurs propriétés et leur origine.
  3. "Didn't anyone notice the name and provenance of the author of the article in the link in my OP?"Yes but from the little I could read he seemed coherent.
  4. I can't read that as I don't subscribe to the Telegraph...Unless I am mistaken it is also rather dated (2005)
  5. Sorry it's The Guardian again [:$]https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2021/jun/23/tour-de-france-2021-full-team-by-team-guide
  6. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jun/21/the-guardian-view-on-frances-far-right-an-advance-thwarted
  7. https://www.humanite.fr/editorial-greve-civique-711600
  8. And the Women's version on the 22nd. July https://www.bicycleretailer.com/announcements/2021/06/17/tour-de-france-launches-tour-de-france-femmes-avec-zwift
  9. We used to call those "bleeding chunks"  [:D]
  10. Music broadcasting has become like MacDonalds [:(]
  11. I have dual nationalityWhile I am on French soil I am considered as 'French' un Français binational ou plurinational ne peut pas faire prévaloir sa ou ses autres nationalités lorsqu'il réside en France. https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F334 So I voted in a French election as a French national on the issues I have posted images of.
  12. That is certainly a factor alongside the weather, the fact that many people find the région a distant body and the various responsibilities in the graphics I posted are hard to grasp.Add to that the low-key campaign and the chaos in some places didn't help. The danger is of course that the results can be skewed by the extremists who do manage to get their fanatical supporters out, though there is a slight counter-balance to that in that even if a candidate gets over 50% in the first round they aren't automatically elected unless they have at least 25% of the electorate (I am writing from memory so those figures are open to correction)
  13. *MY SOUL HAS A HAT*I counted my yearsand realized that I haveLess time to live by,Than I have lived so far.I feel like a child who won a pack of sweets: at first, he ate them with pleasure,But when he realized that there was little left, he began to taste them intensely.I have no time for endless meetings where the statutes, rules, procedures & internal regulations are discussed,knowing that nothing will be done.I no longer have the patienceTo stand absurd people who,despite their chronological age,have not grown up.My time is too short:I want the essence,my spirit is in a hurry.I do not have much candyIn the package anymore.I want to live next to humans,very realistic people who knowHow to laugh at their mistakes,Who are not inflated by their own triumphsand who take responsibility for their actions.In this way, human dignity is defendedand we live in truth and honesty.It is the essentials that make life useful.I want to surround myself with peoplewho know how to touch the hearts of those whose hard strokes of lifehave learned to grow, with the sweet touches of the soul.Yes, I'm in a hurry.I'm in a hurry to live with the intensity that only maturity can give.I do not intend to waste any of the remaining desserts.I am sure they will be exquisite,much more than those eaten so far.My goal is to reach the end satisfiedand at peace with my loved ones and my conscience.We have two livesand the second begins when you realize you only have one. by Mario de Andrade (San Paolo 1893-1945) Poet, novelist, essayist and musicologist. He wasone of the founders of Brazilian modernism.__________________
  14. Yes BUT  even on arte there is that idiotic business of interrupting a recording of a performance  with talking heads spouting banalities instead of letting the viewer listen.[:@]
  15. There was this article on Friday but as it is in the Guardian  I will no doubt be accused of having an agenda.In any  case official links are always best.
  16. [url=https://postimg.cc/V5MFHd8D][img]https://i.postimg.cc/J7Yd0kdV/image.png[/img][/url] Just making the point that these are the sort of things that this election is about, although apparently over 65% may well not have bothered to vote.[:(]
  17. These are the things that the region and the department (today's elections)  are responsible for: quite a few of them are services used by many of us. [url=https://postimages.org/][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Zn7zyHjN/infog-elections-0.jpg[/img][/url]
  18. Protection juridique if you are looking at your contracts
  19. THIS IS NOT  A BREXIT POST Since the following have not changed with Brexit British residents who have not taken French nationality cannot vote in Régional electionsDépartmental electionsPresidential élections Since Brexit they can no longer vote For European elections Local elections for the Maire etc I was reminded of this when I went to vote this morning for the first two on the list.
  20. It is useful. I have used it and think that I have sometimes posted a link to it, but of course the problem with links is that they show facts not opinions [6] .
  21. Just another thought On that link it says that for "other nationalities' they require  a copy of the 'titre de séjour' which wasn't the case before Brexit. I wonder if they are after  that when they renew now? [url=https://postimg.cc/R34tMnSd][img]https://i.postimg.cc/TPWJJrBz/infographie-mode-emploi-pieces-justificatives.jpg[/img][/url]
  22. Plenty of trees in 'La Grande Motte', but not the place to go if you are hard up..
  23. There are certainly an awful lot of things on that list[:-))]
  24. Perhaps it is just the regular updating of your 'droits' that they are doing. I remeber that at one point mine were updated for 5 years and so I expect at the end of that period they will look again and (I hope) renew them again. This is most relevent for people who are working and have to keep their côtisations up to date This link might not open for you as it is for Hérault.. https://www.ameli.fr/herault/assure/droits-demarches/principes/protection-universelle-maladie
  25. NormanH


    Thanks for that link martin-pêcheur I love things like that I think that this link should be live I also enjoy this site
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