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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. More wheeze than disease.... "Doctors failed to find any health problem, but a court expert said turbine syndrome had been previously identified by scientific research. However, an Australian study found sickness attributed to wind turbines is more likely to have been caused by people getting alarmed at the health warnings circulated by activists."
  2. To drag the thread back to French, there was a good example of the topic in our local paper not long ago. "La Machine a vendagé" instead of "La Machine à vendager"
  3. One in English which irritates me is the replacement of "should" by "need to " as in "X needs to answer this question", when in fact that is just the speakers opinion, not X's need.
  4. Bur would Abo been equally welcome? I re-iterate my point that some familiar expressions of Nationality are not the same as those which imply race. The topic here is 'racism' or lack of it. French people are sometimes called 'Frogs' but that is not the same as calling French people of North African origin "Arabs" which in any case may not even be technically correct..
  5. I have no idea which word you mean but in general I would say that words such as you quote for British people have no racial undertones. On the other hand similar one that imply a racial rather than a national origin might be considered as being racist especially if there is a history of them being used perjoratively
  6. A recent survey found that 69% of French people would support such a ban. https://www.lejdd.fr/Politique/sondage-les-francais-favorables-a-linterdiction-de-la-chasse-le-week-end-et-pendant-les-vacances-scolaires-4075067?fbclid=IwAR2hDDY5F-8JzFdWnTUH9cRr2OT4MkGkiZ06my6sf05_xJoku-XeprCY5As
  7. Errors such as those in the article reveal a lack of understanding of the structure of a phrase. They are not just a spelling mistake, but ssomon (I nearly wrote Solomon) is right. Versions of them are common in in English0
  8. " The world cannot return to the pre-Industrial Revolution ever." It may well go back well before that to a period when it was uninhabited and uninhabitable. As for school it is half-term here in France...
  9. One or two are a bit out of date, (ANPE and ASSEDIC have merged into Pole Emploi) but useful, thanks.
  10. I see your point, but as it says in the video the new law of 2010 which bans full coverings (and includes helmets and balaclavas etc) in certain places is there as a security precaution, not as part of the principle of secularism. It might been seen as a response to the threat of terrorism.
  11. I used to take the Aubrac express to Paris before it was stopped a few years ago, and many years ago the Penzance train. Just after the fall of the Berlin wall I took a night train from Berlin on New Year's Eve and the Champagne was fre....
  12. Questions about "La laïcité" form an important part of the interview that one passes when applying for French nationality, so no-one could claim be unaware.
  13. https://www.gouvernement.fr/avis-guides-et-documents-utiles and
  14. Bias , and selective reporting of "facts", creating a false "truth". Inflammatory language, assertions without evidence: logical fallacies.... These are tools of manipulation and propaganda.
  15. If the source is untrustworthy the subject matter is likely to be contaminated. https://www.factcheck.org/2016/11/how-to-spot-fake-news/
  16. I have a Wise (formerly Transferwise) mùlti currency card which has a UK bank sort code in addition to my Euro details so that one can ask for payments in Sterling to be made into it. After I can transfer them at a very low conversion rate. I find that helpful on the rare occasions I have to receive money from the UK. https://wise.com/gb/borderless/card
  17. There are some 'border' areas where the requirement can vary. I had a flat in a part of the Ariège that rarely saw snow, but was only 30 minutes from ski slopes...
  18. From the 1st November until the 31st March these are compulsory in certain areas: https://www.securite-routiere.gouv.fr/chacun-son-mode-de-deplacement/dangers-de-la-route-en-voiture/equipement-de-la-voiture/nouveaux
  19. The author https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giulio_Meotti and the source of the article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gatestone_Institute
  20. https://video.lefigaro.fr/figaro/video/notre-systeme-immunitaire-sest-il-affaibli-avec-le-covid-19/
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