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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. Photo upload was always easy with the old software...I did it often Will try here
  2. I think that this abominable new software may probably be the final kiss of death to the Forum. Where it was previously easy to log in, post , find active topics and post replies and photographs as evidenced by my many previous posts it has all become too complicated to manage.
  3. A nice programme on the English section of Arte (subtitles) https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/075193-000-A/paris-in-the-belle-epoque/?fbclid=IwAR1VRvyh26KQL7GQbpOiBtbL3AUSAbsKnqY50f73t5SdXvmh1AYhyKNC0jk
  4. https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/104731-000-A/renaud-capucon-and-lausanne-chamber-orchestra/ Not world-shattering but suited my mood..
  5. He is a bit behind the times.The obsession of English tourists to make perfectly ordinary French services seem quaint or weird is rather tiresome. I used  to commute on that train every Monday to go somewhat further up into the Aveyron  (Séverac) to work  and come back down on Fridays.In those days (late 90s early 2000s) the service went as far as Paris with a night sleeper, with one coming back leaving Paris in the morning and getting to Séverac at a nice time to bring me home. The line has been under threat and I have signed up to a group campaigning to keep it open It is a lovely ride and some of the  trains stop at more places than others do so a good read of the timetable is essential I last took some English friends up to Millau on it in 2019. Thanks for the video which they will enjoy.
  6. [url=https://postimg.cc/tsmNLCbs][img]https://i.postimg.cc/CKwrnz6s/242063135-3112317195760485-8317212584461866252-n.jpg[/img][/url]
  7. If you have an online account with   https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/ you can see the details of your various taxes in the 'espace particulier' The TV licence is 'redevance audiovisuel'  which is usually included in the Taxe d'habitation even when that tax itself has become zero
  8. She has proposed doubling teachers' salaries, presumably to make people talk about her.Jospin did the same in the past with the 35 hours..
  9. In fairness, it is possible that there are many more tests being done in the UK than here in France which would lead to higher figures for positive cases.
  10. I have now had the 3rd injection, but this time it was at a Pharmacy in town rather than in the  centre where it was done before. The pharmacist said that they had plenty of  places available, and in fact I was only the third person to have received this booster in her establishment.
  11. That was rather the point of chessfou''s link a couple above yours.[:D]
  12. I really don't follow their arguments. WB's link in another thread is interesting but doesn't really go deeply into the arguments:  https://www.politico.eu/article/france-coronavirus-anti-health-pass-protests-10-tribes/
  13. I have accepted Moderna after two rounds of Pfizer.I believe that both work on the same principle,  (mRNA) so that's fine but it may be better to stick to the same sort if you can. Of course I am not qualified  to say this.
  14. I wasn't sure if people knew that appointments are now open...
  15. Le 1er septembre, la campagne de vaccination de rappel débute pour un certain nombre de Français. Les personnes de plus de 65 ans ou présentant des comorbidités qui ont reçu leurs premières injections il y a plus de six mois peuvent d'ores et déjà prendre rendez-vous pour une troisième dose sur les plateformes de réservation. You should be over 65 or have "comorbidités", and have had the 2nd injection over 6 months ago.I went onto Doctolib and there were plenty of places available, so I have reserved for next Monday.
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/08/2015-paris-attacks-security-high-as-20-suspects-salah-abdeslam-go-on-trial
  17. Starts tomorrow. https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/france-in-focus/20210903-november-2015-paris-attacks-unprecedented-trial-set-to-open
  18. I am going into a clinique for a couple of days later in the month for a routine examination, and they demand a PCR test of less than 72 hours in addition to my Pass Sanitaire. This is logical, since with the Delta variant one can be infected and transmit the virus even when vaccinated. In that sense  a recent test does 'trump' the pass.
  19. "I plan to call the restaurant tomorrow to ask if they can accept a vaccine attestation." They will accept a test of less than 72 hours which is what I meant by a workaround. It won't get him the Pass sanitaire but it will replace it  for this  occasion.
  20. Could he have a test on Monday and collect the results on Tuesday as a worl-around? Many many years ago they sent the code by snail mail but I have no idea if that is still the case. If he has no accounts online I wonder how he declares his taxes now they  are supposed to be done online.
  21. These potential candifdates represent ideas which deserve discussion, and which a large number of French people say are important, yet I don't see any of them breaking through... https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2021/09/05/presidentielle-2022-suivez-en-direct-le-premier-debat-de-la-primaire-ecologiste_6093475_823448.html
  22. I can't open these sort of links, but perhaps it's just me...
  23. I share your surprise but a family I know well have just come back from Romania after a 6 week stay including a marriage where there were a lot of people and none of them are vaccinated, yet had no problem coming back by car through various borders.
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