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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. https://www.lefigaro.fr/politique/macron-devance-legerement-le-pen-au-premier-tour-en-2022-selon-un-sondage-20210901
  2. Eric Zemmour, whose views I dislike strongly but who as a very visible media presence is also strongly tipped to run He would be to the right of Marine le Pen and might siphon votes from her in the first round https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89ric_Zemmour https://www.ericzemmour.org/
  3. For the most attractive town centre: https://www.fncv.org/actualites/a-vos-marques-prets-votez-253.html https://www.midilibre.fr/2021/08/28/en-lice-pour-etre-le-plus-beau-centre-ville-commercant-de-france-9755175.php
  4. Nice one [:D]  but for  a certain banana even memories have faded...
  5. Here is an English one: "Doctor, Doctor I've a pain in my ear""Right ear?""No, right 'ere" (indicating the left ear) Try putting that through Google Tranlate :)))))) I believe that was one of Tommy Cooper's
  6. That isn't smut it is whorticulture.
  7. Sometimes when a joke depends on a double meaning that doesn't exist in the other language you just can't translate them, for example : Il faut cueillir les cerises avec la queue. J'avais déjà du mal avec la main ! " Coluche ( 1944-1986[:D]
  8. I imagine that many of us have had the pass checked in cafés and restaurants (and not in some cases, although I haven't found that myself) I was posting more about the Police coming to check that the owners were indeed verifying the passes as they are  supposed to..
  9. https://www.midilibre.fr/2021/08/28/embouteillage-a-droite-pour-la-presidentielle-9755019.php
  10. The article you posted about the profile of the protesters against the pass sanitaire gives an idea of the strands of thought that make up the right-wing electorate, and the Catho-facho one is quite voluble on social matters (anti-abortion, anti same -sex marriage etc).In my town the Deputé (who also happens to be the Maire's xème wife) belongs to this group, hence the fact that since he is place there has been the absurdity of a Mass in the arena to 'celebrate' the opening of the corridahttps://www.ville-beziers.fr/a-la-une/une/messe-aux-arenes It is not only the left that is made up of irreconcilable splinters.
  11. Overseas travelIf you have activated your Pass Sanitaire in the TousAntiCovid app, you will also be automatically issued an EU Health Passport or EU Digital Covid certificate. This is another scannable QR code available in the ‘My Wallet’ section of the app. This Passport is required for access to all flights in and around the EU. source: https://www.frenchentree.com/news/frances-health-pass-pass-sanitaire-everything-you-need-to-know/ Gardian, if you are known in a café and they have previously seen your pass they aren't bothering to check each time, but when we saw the police arrive at the place next door the owner of my 'local' did ask all to make sure we had them ready to show (she knows who has them, and does check anyone she hasn't seen before)
  12. I have seen it happen twice so far this week, once in a restaurant next to the one I was eating in, and the other time a full 'descent' on the cafés and bars in Les Halles (our indoor market). I haven't been asked, but my regular haunts are all playing the game and have seen mine anyway. There might be a bit of politics going on here, since our dear Maire said that there wouldn't be any checks by the Municipal Police ( for which he is responsible and whom he has armed, like a militia) but this is not really in his remit as Maire. It is the business of the Prefet. It made life more difficult for restaurant and café owners too, as customers could say that the Maire had said  etc.... Hence the appearance this week of the Police Nationale to do the checking. It may be no co-incidence that the first one checked is run by a friend of the Maire [:D] NB (Many of you will mainly come across Gendarmes. It towns  of a certain size one hardly ever sees them. Law enforcement is by these two Police forces)
  13. None of the people who have declared themselves candidates so far...
  14. I stayed in a very 'mixed' bit (Noailles) in the heatwave of 2003, but was carted off with a DVT and pulmonary embolisme to La Timone, from the 9th floor of which we had a great view of Notre Dame. It was a bit spoiled by the fact that the air-conditioniong was only working in lower floor where the operating theatre is, so we were all sweating so much that the sticking plaster intended to keep the drip in place wouldn't hold..[:-))]
  15. This article from another thread gives a fair picture of the demonstrators:https://www.politico.eu/article/france-coronavirus-anti-health-pass-protests-10-tribes/
  16. That one is new to me too chessfou!https://www.cavesa.ch/definition/ampelographe.html
  17. If you stay in the religious domain, the risen Christ is seen as 'the first fruits of them that sleep'https://youtu.be/4Q0qho_hKEg On the other hand https://www.francetvinfo.fr/replay-radio/les-pourquoi/pourquoi-la-pomme-est-elle-le-fruit-defendu_1777851.html
  18. https://la1ere.francetvinfo.fr/polynesie/christophe-leboucher-malvoyant-et-pecheur-a-la-tate-a-etretat-908884.html should be a live link
  19. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/24/marseille-murders-spark-political-row-over-drug-gang-turf-wars
  20. I have now spoken to someone who is eligible, and has also received a letter.As you say the sum and account number were  accurate, but the money was already transferred  earlier in the  year...
  21. 2. Proof of a Negative Covid-19 TestIf you are not vaccinated, you can opt instead to activate your Health Pass by taking a Covid test. Scanning a certificate of a negative Covid test (PCR or rapid antigen) taken in France will activate your Pass Sanitatire for 72 hours. Tests are currently free for residents in France, and you can get one at your local pharmacy or search for your nearest test centre on Doctolib. However, from September, there will be a charge for all ‘convenience’ Covid tests, with prices set at a maximum of €29 for antigen tests and €49 for PCR tests. Source: https://www.frenchentree.com/news/frances-health-pass-pass-sanitaire-everything-you-need-to-know/
  22. The second one will be for the Taxe foncier which is a tax on the ownership of the house.Normally once a house is sold it is due only on the part of the year during which you were the owner, but the tax people may not know that it has been sold, although normally the Notaire should have informed them. The first one is income tax. This used to be for the previous year, but now it is taken each month based on the figures for the previous year, so there again it should be stopped. You might find a French speaking Notary public in the UK if you can't find anyone who speaks French I am open to correction on the detail of this but I believe I am broadly right
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