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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Yep, saw that in the news yesterday. Have to remind self to get snow chains on next outing.
  2. And this is why I posted asking about hunting rules. We seriously modified our walking routes since the season began last month. https://www.bfmtv.com/societe/ille-et-vilaine-un-chasseur-interpelle-apres-la-blessure-par-balle-d-un-automobiliste_AD-202110310034.html
  3. Lori


    Looks very nice ! Lots of work there. You've done such a nice job.
  4. I don't normally post on threads involving the UK as I am American. However, the above quote falls directly in line with the way I feel. We are very happy in France. We see the changes that have taken place over the years. Some good, many not good. We're still happier here than we were in the U.S.A. EuroT summed it up quite well for us.
  5. I didn't have any problem connecting to the new version. I guess a lot of folks ARE having problems. That is such a shame. I don't think I have ever seen the forum this quiet. Sunny, but breezy here today.
  6. Is she actually locked out? How can that be? And I miss Idun too.
  7. Not hiding. It has been rather quiet here. Is Mint still locked out?
  8. Considering how many drunks have been picked up over the years round these parts, I'm surprised I have never heard the term before either.
  9. This is the first thing my husband said.
  10. Where are you? Many pharmacies have self testing kits for sale. Could you phone your nearest pharmacy to ask if they sell them - AND - have them in stock. If yes, you could then hire a taxi to pick up the test kit and deliver it to your mailbox where you could have his payment waiting for him - no real physical contact. Otherwise, you could ask if your nearest pharmacie could have the kit delivered to you.
  11. Gorgeous photos. And yes, Norman, inquiring minds want to know.
  12. Thank you both for the replies, forgot to say that.
  13. Funny, I hadn't thought of that but yes, a pelvis too. So, I guess a proper, in-ground swimming pool can also be called a bassin. ? I wonder if it is determined by the size of the pool/bassin.
  14. Nope, not in the house for sale cases I've seen. They clearly show photos of what appears to be a normal in-ground swimming pool.
  15. So, what is the difference between a Bassin and a Piscine? I always thought a bassin was much like a pool but without the filters and equipment. Just a square of beton, covered in some sort of crepi with water in it. My neighbor in Bédoin had a bassin they used for their farm. Some years they would clean it up and paint it with a sort of crepi for the grandkids to use as a pool. Of course, no filters/equipment, etc. Obviously I am wrong as I frequently see homes for sale that note there is a 'bassin' on the property and I can clearly see the filters etc. Looks just like an inground pool to me. So, what is the difference? Anyone?
  16. Learn sumpin new every day.
  17. If you click on "Activity" at the top of the page, you should get the most current posts and not all the old gobbaldy goop from years past. At least that is what worked for me.
  18. Russethouse !! So nice to see you. Idun - I do hope things improve for you in the coming days.
  19. Safe travels Judith. Enjoy your time away.
  20. You can purchase moveable kitchen cabinetry. Some of what Ikea sells falls into this category. Same with Castorama and the like. It isn't all that expensive, but you are right; it may or may not be useful in your next place of residence. You don't want to bolt anything cabinetry to the wall as that will have to remain. If renting for a short term - one year or less, find a place that has a fitted kitchen. It shouldn't be that hard to find.
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