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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Great writing Norman.  Sad poem, but I appreciate the skill.
  2. I have planted a small herb garden; oregano, thyme, sage, mint and rosemary (several of each).  The mint seems to have attracted some kind of insect.  I'd like to purchase something to protect it from the bugs, yet still be able to eat the leaves.  Can anyone recommend what I should buy? Thank you.
  3. So, this is different from the Titre de Sejour or is this replacing the Titre de Sejour?  If different from TdeS, who carries the ID card?  Is it a requirement to have one?
  4. [quote user="nomoss"]What a disgusting spectacle. They need spraying with something a bit stronger than disinfectant. I think a vaccination certificate should be required for admission to urgences for anyone with Covid symptoms. I don't care if they die, thousands of others may because of them spreading the virus. [/quote] I agree with you.  Imagine how the medical staff feel about these anti-vaccers.  I saw a report on CNN interviewing a woman hospitalized with COVID in the U.S.  She said she regretted not getting vaccinated.  The reporter asked her why she hadn't gotten vaccinated and her answer was she simply "hadn't gotten around to it."  So, I refer back to my other comment; there are a lot of stupid people in the world. 
  5. Sadly, there are a lot of really stupid people in the world.
  6. Mint:  if you decide you want to really go crazy, you can add some of your cocoa powder to a butter cream icing recipe.  If you haven't done that it is really good.  You can also add some mint extract (or even mint syrup) to have a chocolate/mint/butter cream frosting.  Tis great on brownies among other things.
  7. Thanks for the clarification Mint.  I did think 600 grams was a lot, but the final result looked pretty big, so I figured it was right.  Thanks for the correction.
  8. Gee (just for you Wooly), I think I gained 5 kilos just watching that video mint.  Looks delicious, but I'd probably add some chopped fresh garlic to the stuffing and perhaps some chopped fresh oregano or basil or both.  Then some hot pepper flakes either sprinkled on the top or served on the side. I just made a tomato tarte a couple of days ago.  Only this time, I used multigrain flour for the crust; never used that before.  It turned out great.  Tomatoes are so nice these days and so cheap in the market here. I imagine your recipe Mint would also be good with multigrain flour instead of white flour.
  9. Glad it sounds like it is under control. 
  10. [quote user="mint"]My cooking has big, robust flavours:  curries are hot, mediterranean dishes are tomato-ey, cheesy dishes are generously cheesy, everything is abundantly seasoned and I could use 7 or 8 different vegetables for what is basically a veggie stew.  Lots and lots of garlic, sweet onions, quartre epices .....I don't do bland.... [/quote] I'll be right over !
  11. It is a big problem in the Var and the Bouches-de-Rhone also.  We are learning.
  12. Hope all those in the area are safe.  Looks pretty bad. https://www.bfmtv.com/police-justice/aude-un-important-feu-en-cours-pres-de-l-autoroute-reliant-narbonne-a-carcassonne_AN-202107240168.html
  13. I'm confident China knows the truth and clearly they are not planning on sharing the data.  Perhaps other governments are investigating the source of the virus, but I don't see any information in the daily headlines confirming this.  Maybe I'm not reading the right news sources.  To me, it looks like nothing is being investigated. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/07/22/opinions/covid-origins-full-investigation-china-who-metzl/index.html
  14. Lori


    [quote user="anotherbanana"]Oh yeh, Honey Chil’, us knows that, moonshine country wasn’t it? I hadnt heard ‘gee’ since the early Batman ‘n Robin days.[/quote] Ahh, well I am old. And they still make 'moonshine' and even marry their first cousins.  It was a lovely place...
  15. Lori


    [quote user="NormanH"]I suspect he was pulling your leg over the "GEE" [:)] [/quote] I see.  I am a Southern Girl you know.
  16. Lori


    [quote user="Lehaut"] Torrential rain, close to the road lightening strikes and rivers of water on the road to Strasbourg. Rivers crossing closed, raging rivers, magnificent waterfalls. [/quote] So, Wooly, you think the above sounds safe? It doesn't sound safe for a car, much less on a motorcycle.
  17. Lori


    Gee that sounds absolutely dreadful !  Not the vaccination part, the weather part :) So much rain and yes, here not a drop and mid 30's every day.  Course this is pretty standard round here in Summer. You did all that on a motorcycle ??  That sounds down right dangerous to me. Hope you managed to have some enjoyable moments in spite of the terrible weather.
  18. I like this one.  I tend to leave out the aubergines.  You can play with the recipe as it is very versatile.  Be sure to season it well with salt and pepper.  You can also add other spices if you want it spicy.  I like it baked for a good while.  It is good cold or hot. https://www.mygreekdish.com/recipe/briam-recipe-greek-mixed-roasted-vegetables/
  19. I don't really use Facebook on a regular basis, but I am a member, so can easily check things. I will look at the various tourist office sites too.  Hadn't gotten to that yet.  With the Delta variant growing, I don't know if we will be forced to delay our plans or not.  I certainly hope not. That's what I thought about L'Ognon, but wasn't sure. Thanks !
  20. Well I have been absent for a long time (until recently), but what 'other' forum are we talking about?  Or can it not be named for some strange reason?
  21. That is a huge and very fast increase !  I just don't understand people who won't take the vaccination. 
  22. Yes, it is the D168 that runs along the L'Ognon (how do you pronounce that ?). I think anywhere near a school must be avoided at start and end times.  It is the same here as the College and Lycee are side by side, so traffic is dreadful. Thanks about the accommodation suggestions.  Since we plan to stay two weeks, we will likely look for a vacation rental.  Might allow us a tiny bit of an idea of what it feels like to live in the area.  If we change our plans, I will get back to you for the Chambre d'Hotes and/or hotel names. Husband suggested we stay in Olonzac for our visit.  I just had a quick look at Air B&B for vacation rentals.  Yikes, they don't come cheap..  And I don't think we'd be able to enjoy a pool in mid October (so many have them).
  23. Very good to know Judith.  I presume the small road would be the D12 as it appears the D168 is the road that runs along the river.  Can't see the bridge on google maps.  But, I can see that those are the only two main roads that run through Félines. We are trying to determine where we will stay for our first visit.  I was thinking maybe Lézignan-Corbières.  30 minutes drive in any direction from that town seemed to be worth visiting.  We're thinking of two weeks, perhaps in October, assuming COVID doesn't change everything - again.
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