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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Yes, that seems to have disappeared. I miss it.
  2. That is pretty much exactly what they (Orange) told us. Thank God our neighbors were very accommodating.
  3. Ssomon - I feel for you. When we moved into our current residence, there was no phone line in the house. The house had been remodeled over the last 2 years and the 'workers' had removed the phone line and installed in its place a TV antenna receptical.... No one seems to know who did it or why.... But result was no phone line anywhere in the house or outside it. So, we were stuck having to get a new line installed (Orange). Something that should prove to be relatively basic, turned out to be an absolute nightmare project. The house is located in the center of town (so not remote at all). I won't bore you with all the details. It took us 3 months to get this done. We too had to get permission from our immediate neighbors to connect our line to the one running from their location. Luckily for us, it was just the one neighbor and they were incredibly kind about it. We had to provide a letter from them to Orange giving permission to run the line. Letter was provided the same day we asked them for permission. Took Orange FOREVER to get it done. Multiple appointments made (by Orange) and broken (never showed up). Good luck to you. I suspect - but hope I am wrong - that you will have to somehow get that neighbor to give permission. If they continue to refuse, I hope they never need to ask anyone for any favors in the future. Have you tried asking about the subject at your local Mairie? It is hard to imagine that this type of problem has never come up in the past. They may have a suggestion to offer. Are the three homes in question all mitoyenne?
  4. On the same subject: https://www.bfmtv.com/economie/consommation/listeria-e-coli-salmonelles-que-risquent-les-industriels-qui-mettent-ces-produits-sur-le-marche_AV-202204180020.html Someone needs to improve the 'system.' It should not take many years to finalize investigations/litigations in these cases, IMO.
  5. Oh I'm right there with you Lehaut. Until I became aware of the recall website, I often wondered how on earth France could have so few recalled foods when - say the USA - has an abundance of them. Then, I found the French recall website. It was an eye opener. They certainly don't make it easy to find this information. Yes, the recent Pizza and the Kinder recalls have sent people to the hospital, so they have made fairly big headlines, yet I still see Kinder egg advertisements on the tele, even today.
  6. I check that site nearly daily. I am often shocked at the volume of recalled food. Nearly all ice-creams, at some point, surpass the approved amount of oxyde d’éthylène, among other possibles.. And cheeses made with lait cru ... good grief.
  7. And here I was looking all over the main page but NOT at the top line of the screen !!! Of course, the +Create was there all along. I feel dumb. ?
  8. Good to see you GG. Glad you've had your 2nd booster and no serious side effects. I too can't figure out how to 'create' a new post. I have no issue replying to an existing post. Tried several things to create a new topic, no love.
  9. Good grief almighty !!!! What is with all the spam recently??????? That's nearly all that shows up these days. Nice sunny weather over here. Mob scene in town all day v o t i n g ... I'm directly across from the Mairie..
  10. I'm so glad your boy is okay ALBF. That must have been a dreadful experience. Your answer to Ken's question is what I thought you would say. I can understand it. We all do what we think is best under the circumstances. We had to take our daughter to the hospital after an accident at school, when she was 7 years old. She was taken to the hospital in Carpentras (in an ambulance). That was an exceptional experience - thank God. We had take her again when she was in Collège after another student (a boy) hit her with his phone and broke her nose !! Both times we had a very positive experience with the hospital and medical staff. Perhaps we were lucky. We certainly had heard MANY horror stories about the same hospital. We used it again for 2 surgical procedures - non emergency - with great success too. One of the first things we did when we arrived where we are currently living (and at our previous locations in France) is to locate the nearest hospital (with emergency services). We make sure we know how to drive to it. If there are choices, we always ask local residents which one they feel is better and why. Husband and I have discussed the fact that ambulance services are not always likely to offer the type of service you might expect (no matter what country you reside in) or whether it is a private ambulance or a State ambulance. Always good to have a plan B. Big hugs to your little one for a smooth recovery.
  11. Lori

    Meet Ziggy

    Is this his first pet ? I'm sure he must be thrilled. A new best friend.
  12. Lori

    Meet Ziggy

    So she is going to look like one of these? Very cute. https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/tibetan-terrier.html
  13. Lori

    Meet Ziggy

    Awww, so cute. Is this a new addition to the Wooly family?
  14. Always find that site very interesting. Round here it goes through 30 june 2021. I do wish it extended to a more current date, but hey, even this type of data has only recently (in recent years) become available at all..
  15. I had to look it up. I wasn't sure what they were trying to say. I've not seen the word used in this way.
  16. I love that one. They go all over France for the episodes.
  17. Hope you both stay safe. Really looks awful.
  18. Yes, lovely fresh asparagus in the market yesterday. Either white or green could be had for 10€ a kilo or 5€ for a botte of 500 grams. Strawberries also, but a bit too steep for me.
  19. Yes, I used that link, went to the cheapest (and largest in the region) gas station. They were out of gas (sans plomb). They still had gazole, but no SP. They were also 10 cents MORE per litre than the price noted on that website.
  20. Yep, went to Carrefour for gas yesterday evening. No Sans Plomb to be had; tanks empty. Had to move on to another station. Paid 1.925 per litre for SP95. Some stations round here have it at 2.10. That was yesterday, so likely more today... We were discussing this yesterday at length. I suspect it is going to get a LOT worse. Also expect stocks to continue to run low or run out. Gone are the days of heading out on the road for any little ole thing. At least for us anyway.
  21. So glad you popped in Idun. I'm sending all my good karma your way. Hope things improve.
  22. Menthe ! So good to see you here. Weather is definitely getting better round here. Restrictions appear to be scheduled to lift just in time for Spring. And, hunting season ended on 28 Feb here (at least for the most part), so we can now delve into areas we have avoided since last September. Hooray!
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