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Everything posted by Lori

  1. 1,56 a litre for 95/E10 at the Intermarché today. We were shocked.
  2. They are in the middle of no where. Cheapest ones seem to be round the middle of the country - FAR - FAR from most anything. Normally in towns that look beat up and left to rot. They also tend to be in areas where the weather is not pleasant, too much of one thing or another - or - too much of everything.
  3. Thanks Wooly. Brive-la-Gaillarde is not noted. We'll be visiting and house hunting there. Looking forward to it.
  4. I risk posting the unexciting topic of our house hunting search. We are heading to Brive-la-Gaillarde in September for a house hunting trip. Have never been to the area. If anyone lives in this area or knows it, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the region. Thanks to all.
  5. Yes, I remember that from way back. We had a weeping willow tree in our front yard when I was a youngster. Apparently, the roots spread far and wide. They took over our septic tank and 'killed' it. My parents had to remove the tree and replace the septic tank. I've never forgotten it. So, when we moved here, I had to look up the name so I could be sure to avoid them. Very strange name.
  6. Not a drop around here. They can't seem to get the forecast right 6 HOURS beforehand. Said the Orages would begin at midnight last night, with hail risk from 3h00 to 8h00. Didn't even get a cloud, much less a drop of rain. Still in the forecast for today with a 'risk' for tomorrow also.
  7. Agree the Lodge griddles are very good quality with good cooking results. All their products are good quality and long lasting.
  8. If I have no reason to leave the house, then I do.
  9. Yikes ! Even the thought of it gives hot flashes ! These days I don't even want to wear under garments (don't worry, I do). Can't have enough Summer dresses.
  10. Thanks ALBF. We don't know the northern areas of France (short of Paris region). This is to be our last home purchase. We have to know what we're doing. We know this region pretty well. Yes, parts of the Gard are very unappealing. Others are nice. Warm yes, always has been. I don't like very cold winters. Not fond of a lot of snow. And could not cope with rain 60% of the year.
  11. Thanks Menthe. We have certainly considered your suggestion. At this point, simply finding a house we like anywhere in the Vaucluse anywhere near budget is proving most difficult. Adding in specific requirements makes it that much harder. We are now looking into the Southern Ardeche and sections of the Gard. Both are less expensive than the Vaucluse.
  12. Bedroom never got below 28 c last night.
  13. https://www.ledauphine.com/environnement/2022/08/05/ou-y-a-t-il-des-coupures-d-eau-dans-nos-departements
  14. Maybe time to try this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_seeding
  15. https://www.bfmtv.com/politique/gouvernement/secheresse-borne-active-la-cellule-interministerielle-de-crise-face-a-une-situation-historique_AD-202208050033.html
  16. Yes news from not too distant town of Sault (yes the lavendar one) says they are running out of water for their residents. Apparently there are 3 sources from which they get water, all of which have reached levels of drying up. Not sure what they are going to do. We, of course, have had our 'source' water turned off. As have all the surrounding villages whose residents received 'source' water. I expect rationing to be announced at any time. No rain in the forecast. We now take 'army' showers, collect all used water that we can (yes in empty 1.5 litre water bottles and a 9l bucket kept in the kitchen sink). We use the collected water on our herb garden - which I would hate to lose as we use these herbs each day in our meals.
  17. Yes, it is supposed to be possible. There are several recipes for cakes in the cookbook that came with it. I've never tried it. Not doing much baking lately with the heat. Rarely turn on the oven and since we have been unable to get our long daily walks due to 40 degree full sun heat, we've been cutting down on our food intake. If you consider an air fryer, be sure to study carefully the interior size of the fryer. We made sure to purchase one of the larger, well rated ones. Some are really very small and don't hold much.
  18. Thanks for the suggestion. We took a very brief look at the entire country just to see what 300,000€ will get. Criteria: must be a minimum of 90m2, have a terrain at minimum of 1000m2 and be piscinable. There was plenty to choose from in many areas of France. It is just that we know nothing about the areas. Can't be in the middle of nowhere either. Nothing much in the Southeast of France at that price. No surprise there. The Gard has a few areas that are a good bit less than where we are. The southern Ardeche to some degree too. We are now including those areas in our search.
  19. Absolutely horrible down here. A tiny sprinkle of rain a week or so ago. Didn't amount to anything really. No real rain in months. Been under water restrictions since April. Now at Level 3 Crise restrictions. Quite serious. The Spring water offered to certain of the small town center homes (including ours) has been completely shut off (happens when Level 3 is reached). It would not suprise me if our regular water begins to be rationed (by the SAUR authority). We are now wondering if this is going to be the 'new norm.' If so, we will want to purchase elsewhere - which throws an entire brick in the plans. Supposed to be our LAST house purchase. VERY VERY risky to purchase in a department/region you don't really know. Grateful for the air fryer. Wouldn't dare turn the oven on in this heat. No end in site for the heat. The weekend is supposed to bring some storms, but they often don't develop. This time lets pray to whomever/whatever you pray to that they arrive !
  20. Hot as He** and a bit bored of staying in the house to avoid the nearly 40 degree days. Posting on the 2 other forums when I have something to add, which isn't that often. Was so quiet here I rarely look in. Hopefully it is better now.
  21. I tried to create a new thread also. Can't select from Topic menu. Doesn't work.
  22. Hope so. It is sadly dead here.
  23. Sounds terrible, but I'm glad you got compensation. With all the horrible travel stories that make the headlines every single day, we've decided where ever we go next, it will be somewhere we can easily drive to. And, it won't be until school starts again.
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