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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Thanks for that Menthe. We use the "Le nouveau service Avance immédiate" so we won't get reimbursed anything. We get the discount credited when the service(s) are made. That is why I wondered if we needed to report this to the fisc on any particular line of the declaration form. We have an online URSSAF account that shows exactly what/when/how much we've paid to date.
  2. Yes, we use the same type of service for our heavy garden work. They also offer secretarial work and house cleaning, among other things. This is our first year using this type of service. How, if at all, does it affect your revenue declaration? Do you have to note it on some line when you complete your forms?? Thanks for any info.
  3. I don't know how helpful this will be, but we bought a 2019 Twingo in 2021. Due to Covid, it only had 5100 kms on it. It had the biggest available motor (for Twingo's), so we could easily drive it on the autoroute. It is an essence vehicle, so not electric like you mentioned. I think it is an exceptional little car. I can park anywhere, drive on these tiny country, hilltop roads without much concern. It has a lot of pep and can reach a fast speed very quickly. I find it comfortable to sit in and to drive. We have a manual drive and the clutch is exceptional on hills. 🙂
  4. Couldn't be an implant as that is an entirely different ball of wax. OH Going through that now.
  5. I'm not sure if the color of the crown is part of a new thing or not. I had to have a crown replaced last December (2022) and the Dentist offered me the option of paying for the 'white' one or having the visible one covered by the carte vital. I chose to pay for the 'white' one. It was nice to have the option though.
  6. I see these types of articles fairly frequently. I'm not so sure how they can generalize so much. In France, like most places I presume, it depends on where you live and how you live. Like Lehaut said, we are fortunate in that our house is paid for, we have no debt and do not require luxurious things. We take rare vacations and rarely eat out (though we keep saying we'll do more of each). Though the french article excluded things like vacations, etc. It was strictly the basic necessities for life. I think many people in rural France can and do live on a budget UNDER what the article states. However, big cities raise the number. "Pour une personne retraitée seule, une pension de 1 836 euros net mensuelle est nécessaire." Many months we (a retired couple) do not spend the amount they've noted one person would need.
  7. Click on the 3 dots to the top right of your post. It will give you a Report or Share option.
  8. Sadly, these days, they'll send any unpaid factures to a Collections Agency and they will hound you until they get the money.
  9. Good news ! I hope they reach you soon and work well.
  10. Without a doubt, but I think it was many years ago. Now, there are SO many social media platforms, I think people just go to ones that suit their style. This one has made so many changes over the years that it became difficult to sign-in, post, etc. I don't think that helped. Still, as you say Menthe, there are still some folks here who are willing to lend a hand. That is always nice to see.
  11. YES ! I've come to the conclusion that if and when I MIGHT find someone, anyone, anywhere who is able and willing to help or even try to help, I am overjoyed and shocked. It's today's world and it is universal. I hope you find a solution. I find it hard to figure out why the bread would have disappeared. Do you think and animal carted it off (paddles and all) to eat elsewhere ??
  12. There are several online sites that well bread machine parts. Like this one: https://www.directrepair.eu/bread-machine/ I didn't see the Arebos listed, but you might find other sites that have the parts.
  13. You could try to find a second hand model. Leboncoin, Ebay, etc. I presume the trash has already been disposed of.
  14. I thought they were required to list all ingredients. Or do you mean changes from one sugar to a cheaper one - for example?
  15. Tried it again and wasn't blocked. Odd. I think the legislation could pass in October. Yes, I imagine the big food manufacturers will attempt to block it. Most of us have already noticed the changes and we know it will continue. The manufacturers certainly couldn't deny the facts. The legislation (if passed) will just make it more noticeable to all shoppers. It won't stop the process from taking place. It 'might' make manufacturers think twice before doing this, but I rather doubt it.
  16. This was a regular occurrence when we lived in an apartment in Paris. Drove us crazy. And we too were never really sure when you are supposed to call the police.
  17. Wally - Based on your comments here on this thread, I would not recommend settling in France.
  18. I don't like either one of them. In fact, I haven't seen a candidate from any party that I like. So, who am I to vote for?????? It will never be Trump and I don't like Biden and find it hard to believe anyone would support him for re-election. Yet if Biden is the Democrats choice and Trump the Republicans, sadly IMO, this is why SO many people don't vote. Except old, white people. Where does that leave us?
  19. Got ours a couple of weeks ago.
  20. Not if Georgia has anything to do with it. But yeah. If re-elected, he will 'make disappear' all of the Federal indictments.
  21. Good point. I'd insist they prove I stole something. Wouldn't be pleasant. I still ask for all my receipts. I'd say about 75% of other people in front of me at the check out are asking as well.
  22. We call the Cebette a green onion in the U.S. I think they are called Spring Onions too. Here they are:
  23. I always buy the Violet garlic. We like it very much. I don't really think of Roscoff onions as sweet. To me, they are in the middle of tart and sweet, really nice, but not cheap. Funny Menthe, I don't really mind yellow onions in stews and such. Love red onions on nearly anything. Love Cebettes also.
  24. I only recently discovered the Roscoff onion. FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!
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