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Everything posted by Lori

  1. I thought your concern was regarding ease of use. Until I read the article, I didn't realize your concern may have been about getting accurate readings. Our machine also tells you if the cuff is not properly adjusted. It won't work if it isn't adjusted to its liking. It was new to me that mis-sized cuffs even existed (or that cuff sizes could be different) or that they would give inaccurate readings if mis-sized. Good to know. Glad your new cuff fits.
  2. Back on the blood pressure subject (sorry I know it is off topic). I just read this article: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/07/health/blood-pressure-cuff-size-wellness/index.html I had no idea that the cuffs come in different sizes. The size the patient requires and the size that is actually used can have a rather dramatic impact on the readings given.
  3. We also like a potato salad that is: cooked, sliced potatoes (I leave the skins on and you can cook them any way you like, including in the microwave) Slice and layer potatoes in a glass dish Add diced sweet onions, kalamata olives, chopped fresh mint (or parsley or both - whatever you have on hand), drizzle with a good olive oil, season to taste. I like to add some granulated garlic. You can also diced fresh garlic over it if you are a garlic fan. Excellent warm or at room temp.
  4. I looked to see if our Zojirushi bread maker was sold on Amazon.fr. I didn't see it there. I'd definitely buy it again if I could find it.
  5. They are great in home made tabouli. Also as you say in salads. We make a cucumber, tomato, mint, sweet onion salad frequently. I like them in vegetable casseroles also. And in omelettes. We will also use them when making freshly pressed hamburger patties for the grill. We add mint to those too, and often freshly grown parsley.
  6. If I understand the moderator's point correctly, he is referring to posts (or posters) that/who are unnecessarily argumentative on a regular basis. I stand to be corrected if I have misunderstood his point.
  7. Wishing you the best of luck with your procedure(s). You were very smart to have mentioned your symptom (so to speak) to your doctor. Like you menthe, I'd like to think I'd know if something is amiss. As I age, I always dread hearing the results of any regular exam (frottis, mammogram, even controle/detarage). Now, I'm eligible for the colon test (the one they send you to do at home). Husband said it was nothing. Still, I dread the entire thing.
  8. I use a cuff blood pressure machine. I bought it off Amazon France. It is called a Fitreno. It plugs into a USB connection on my computer. I take my blood pressure one time each day. The times vary. I have been advised to have rested for several minutes before taking my pressure, not crossing legs or arms/hands, obviously relaxing. I will sometimes get an elevated reading and will rest 30 seconds and take another reading. It is often a good bit lower. It really varies. In my older age, I now suffer from "White Coat Syndrome." I never did before. For those who don't know the term, it is when a patient's blood pressure is abnormally high when in a medical setting (doctor office, hospital, etc.). It can alarm the doctor/nurse. I explain my situation and I always have at least 3 months of blood pressure and pulse readings to show them. And, yes, from our experience, the wrist or finger blood pressure readers are total crap.
  9. I've only had one electric bread maker. It was a Zojirushi (not sure if I remember the spelling correctly). It made decent enough bread, but not great (IMO). It did make great brioche. I gave up on it after a few years and gave it away as I thought hand made breads yielded better results. Fewer disappointments. No idea about how long it would have lasted. Most small kitchen appliances don't make it beyond 3 years or so. Particularly if they are used on a near daily basis. Don't get me started on coffee makers ....
  10. All because they broke the initial payment arrangement. What a PITA ! I would have thought the same thing about the cash. Amazing your local bank could not verify the cash was legit.
  11. That's funny, I liked my Samsung Galaxy, however after about 8 years, we decided to replace them (husband and I had the same model). The current phone is a One Plus Nord phone. I've had it for about 2 years now and find it easy to use. Works well for us. Husband has the same model.
  12. That could explain it. If I need to search the supermarket message boards, I'll never see the notifications.
  13. I know what you mean Lehaut, but I actually take time to look at that recall site every single day. It is amazing to me how many food items get recalled. I rarely see any notification in supermarkets about recalled items.
  14. Glad your still on the mend. I hope the headaches go away. A bit worrying. I never go down stairs unless I can use one arm balancing on the banister. In my older age, I don't really like stairs so much. And the French seem to have no problem at all having stairs with NO banister or rail.
  15. Off topic but how are you feeling Menthe? I hope you are still healing from the fall(s).
  16. +2 Yes, my two MRI's were of my brain. It's amazing what they can see. However, I do agree with the others here. Just let the doctors do their thing and wait to hear what they say. If you've never had a brain MRI, they are rather long and you may want a sedative to help you relax. They normally will offer this option if you ask and if you have someone to drive you home after the procedure. Please keep us posted as we will all be thinking of you. I hope your wounds are continuing to heal.
  17. Thanks Judith. Sorry to hear about your Pergola. Hope it won't be too much of a bear to rebuild. Lehaut posted a link to various cranks that are sold by amazon and they look very similar. However, if I ever come across a shutter/store shop, I'll have a look see.
  18. IRM's can show a lot. I've had two in my life. I found it amazing. Hopefully yours will give you the all clear. Good you're having these appointments. Hope you don't have to wait too long for the RDV's.
  19. Ahh, thank you Lehaut. They look like what we'd need. I'll have to figure out which one fits with the unit we have. Gotta love Amazon huh ! Menthe - be careful on your outing today. I'm kinda surprised your doctor didn't take much notice of your falls. Particularly when your latest one caused such serious injuries.
  20. Good to know, thank you. I'll check it out.
  21. I'm not sure where to go to find the crank mechanism. I'll try to give it a search online.
  22. Yes Menthe, do get it checked out. It sounds very serious to me. And follow Lehaut's and Riggers instructions. My Mom was given the same instructions by her doctor. And the walking stick is a good idea too. There must be a reason this is happening.
  23. Oh Menthe, your story sounds terrible ! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all this. I hope you are on the road to recovery. Sounds really painful. No idea about the 3's thing, but I have heard it before. Lehaut - at least you managed to figure it out. I am terrible at these types of things. Judith - I'm waiting for something like this to happen to our double terrace door volet. It is not electric, you use the hand crank to roll up/down the volet. We inherited it when we bought the house. Though we are grateful to have it, I don't know how long it will last.
  24. I have to agree with you. Kinda scary really.
  25. That's pretty much how we see it. Whether right or wrong, I guess we'll see.
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