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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Yep it's hot ! Just came in from a walk. Was 27 when we set out at 10h00. A slight breeze or it would have been dreadful under the sun. I feel very bad for the farmers. All of us will suffer the consequences. Yes, ALBF, I'm sure you blame Macron.
  2. Thanks for the update. I'm sorry he was not able to go home. I'm a little surprised a patient has no say in the care they are given. Six weeks seems like a very long time. I'm glad he is appearing a touch better at least in his spirits. Hopefully his personal belongings will reach him. I don't quite understand a social worker advising you not to visit him on the day he moved to the Nuring Facility. Based on the dreadful experience with the hospital up to this point, there is no way in He** I would not have been there for every step of the move. Likely would have insisted on staying with him all the time, to avoid another 'mishap.' I hope they take good care of him and he is able to return home soon. Maybe sooner than the six weeks mentioned. I hope he will get a visit from the Dentist soon too. Can't believe that hasn't happened yet.. At least for a consult. Try to get some rest. You'll need it.
  3. This site has been horrible lately (can't sign on, can't navigate). Was your husband released from the hospital today? Did they let him go home or did they insist on sending him to the Nursing Facility? How are things proceeding? How are you both doing? Thinking of you both.
  4. Yes, this site is always problematic for me. However, yesterday it was simply not loading at all. Gave up.
  5. We'll take some over here Judith. We are under drought rules since mid April.
  6. These say they speak english and work in the Santé specialty. First question would be to confirm they do still work in this specialty. I know nothing more than what is on the links. Toulouse: https://www.izilaw.fr/trouver/avocat/Bordeaux/prendre-rdv/Chloe-Robert https://consultation.avocat.fr/avocat-toulouse/marine-bergua-28098.html https://consultation.avocat.fr/avocat-toulouse/benedicte-guettard-46069.html https://consultation.avocat.fr/avocat-toulouse/olivier-hirtzlin-pincon-24122.html https://consultation.avocat.fr/avocat-toulouse/delphine-reynaud-eymard-29888.html Bordeaux: https://consultation.avocat.fr/avocat-bordeaux/judith-raffy-25380.html Not sure if this one speaks English: https://www.veyssiereavocat.fr/
  7. Several of the links to search for attorneys working in the santé field state what languages they speak. Several had English noted. I'll look again. You might want to call your local Dentist to ask his advice on getting your husband the dental care he needs. Be sure to mention that the hospital is NOT helping him with this problem. The department number helps. Hospital name would be helpful too. You could PM it if you're willing.
  8. The link Betise posted is a good start. If you do not have the time to gather all the pertinent hospital staff, departmental agency data as you are busy trying to care for your husband, we can try to help you. Contacting the director of the hospital should be done. I know you said you've tried to speak with people, but it appears you are being ignored. So, writing an urgent letter to the Director of the hospital seems the next step. Can you tell us what hospital he is in? I could try to track down some data on who runs / mediates at the hospital. Also, I know you have give brief racaps here on the forum, but you should try to write down as much as you can remember of this entire ordeal (from minute 1). We tend to forget things as time passes by and fatigue takes over. Write down notes each day of what has transpired. You will almost certainly need this information.
  9. This site offers several different agencies who are supposed to aid in medical problems. These are avenues that 'can' be contacted prior to taking the attorney route. It sounds like the injuries your husband suffered from the fall in the hospital should be discussed with someone; an attorney or a representative from one of these other agencies. As the fact that the hospital has now forced him to be unable to visit the toilet, call for help if needed (buzzer too far away), fastened him to his bed forcibly, plan to send him to a nursing home against patient wishes - all this should be discussed with an appropriate professional. Some of these places have online chat options, some say they reply within 24 hours to inquiries. https://www.topsante.com/medecine/medicaments/scandales-sanitaires/erreurs-medicales-comment-obtenir-reparation-70249
  10. Here is another site where you can search for an attorney that specializes in medical problems in your region. https://www.juritravail.com/avocat/erreur-diagnostic Another one (you just select the santé categorie as the specialty): https://consultation.avocat.fr/avocats/index.php
  11. This is just so awful Chessie. I am so sorry you both are going through this. I did a quick search and you can contact an avocat en Droit de la Santé. You can search by region of France on this site (I just found the site and do not know it personally): https://www.conseil-juridique.net/droit-sante/erreur-medicale/avocats-8-153-0-0-0.htm I pulled up the info. on one of the avocats nearest to me. He is in Avignon. His training and expertise is noted and he also gives online consultations (his fee for that is 75€). Perhaps you can find one in your area. I think you need legal advice to learn your rights. Also, I imagine that if your husband tells the hospital that he doesn't want to go to a Nursing Home, certainly they can't FORCE him to. I'm sure there are other sites guiding people in your circumstances too. I'll have another look see online. I don't know what department you are in. It might help to know in order to try to find local assistance for you.
  12. This is the slowest site to load that I visit. It is painfully slow to move from one page to the next. 50% of the time it just 'times out' and shows an error message. Really, really bad and has been this way (at least for me) since the software change. I often just give up on the site. It takes far too long to post anything, read anything or navigate between pages. Never have this issue with any other site I visit.
  13. Thank you all. Very wise replies. I have posted on the town (Ste-Cécile) Facebook site requesting a recommendation for an Opthalmologist. We are new to the area, so don't know one. You are right. My eyes are invaluable. Must follow proper procedure. It is not pressing, so if I have to wait 6 months for an appointment, so be it. Thank you for your replies.
  14. Thank you ET. Most helpful. So, can I just see an Optometrist or must I see an Opthalmologist? I HATE seeing the Opthalmologist. Those drops, those gadgets SO close to the eyeball that make the puff into the eyes nearly send me into heart failure - all those crazy tests they do. I have a thing about any messing with my eyes. It is just something I dread more than COVID. What's the minimal I can do??? THANK YOU.
  15. Thank you ET. Most helpful. So, can I just see an Optometrist or must I see an Opthalmologist? I HATE seeing the Opthalmologist. Those drops, those gadgets SO close to the eyeball that make the puff into the eyes nearly send me into heart failure - all those crazy tests they do. I have a thing about any messing with my eyes. It is just something I dread more than COVID. What's the minimal I can do??? THANK YOU.
  16. Thank you ET. Most helpful. So, can I just see an Optometrist or must I see an Opthalmologist? I HATE seeing the Opthalmologist. Those drops, those gadgets SO close to the eyeball that make the puff into the eyes nearly send me into heart failure - all those crazy tests they do. I have a thing about any messing with my eyes. It is just something I dread more than COVID. What's the minimal I can do??? THANK YOU.
  17. Okay, all you helpful folks. I need to get a new pair of glasses. The ones I have are 'progressive' lense (no idea what they call those in French - will need to research that). I have the prescription, but it is from 2019 (from the USA). The only reason I need to replace these glasses is because I've dropped them so many times, they are now heavily scratched, etc. Can the eye glass store just do a vision check and make a new pair or do I need to see a Doctor to obtain a new prescription? As always thanks for any advice offered. ?
  18. Our experience is exactly as Wooly described, although it was a LONG time ago. I don't think it has changed. The local tax offices are really very helpful and will assist you in completing your return if you ask them to (at no charge). I don't know how much English they will speak. Round these parts, they are pretty good, but every area can vary; especially in the rules of foreign earned income. And yes, that tax I.D. number can open many doors for you. Plus prove your permanent residency; tax residency.
  19. ET - I could not agree with you more. Only, I do not know of any other forums where things are more pleasant. I wish I did. I miss the better days of this forum. And I do not believe that all the old posters are dead. I've communicated with several of the undead - that no longer post here. These 'old posters' that no longer post here do not post because they don't want to.
  20. Sorry for the double post. Can't seem to remove the second one.. Site acting very odd with errors, time outs, etc.
  21. It is very common round here. I do it. If you have been hit by a driver from the rear whilst sitting at a light, you tend to take all precautions possible to try to avoid it happening again.
  22. It is very common round here. I do it. If you have been hit by a driver from the rear whilst sitting at a light, you tend to take all precautions possible to try to avoid it happening again.
  23. Short of the first sentence, I found this to be incredibly rude.
  24. What was the topic of this thread again???
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