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Document Security

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I wonder how many of us have considered personal document security.

Imagine a worst case scenario, a house fire, all the contents are gutted. All your insurance docs are gone, house, car, life, medical etc plus passports, NI number, bank cards, driving licence etc. Now compound the scenario with you being unconscious or worse. Your family, friends will want to help - how will they know if you are insured, who with? How will friends or even neighbours know who to contact, assuming you have family back in UK.

Has anyone considered such a scenario, we are now. Its a beurocratic (sp) nightmare for anyone trying to sort out the remnants of someones life without their input.

Is the answer a fireproof safe? but who has the combination? Copies of all docs held by a member of the family - possible, but who knows to contact them?

Any answers?

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Yep, done that (where's a 'Smug Face' Smily when you need it?)

Important docs as you mention are in a fireproof safe in a concealed location known to family members and a trusted friend (on a recipricol basis, we know the location/access codes to theirs)  Also, important stuff is scanned and 1) burnt to cd and given to MiL  2) Uploaded to a digital vault (again access given to MiL) 3) on a USB stick which hangs around my neck as I never go anywhere without packing at least 10Gb these days.  (Note to self:- encrypt the copies on USB drive and leave a plain text file with emergency contact details, give encryption key to MiL)

Oh yeah, there's a bit of paper in my wallet with emergency contacts as well

So I think I'm pretty well covered

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PierreZFP, as you say pretty well covered (smug g**), but tell me, do you wear the US stick around your neck in bed and is your wallet in your pyjama pocket? Most house fires with serious consequences happen at night.

Imagine a situation with no MIL, no parents living and possibly no trusted friend in the area.

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Nope, in that case I'm pretty well stuffed, unless..... someone checks my phone and starts ringing numbers  ....but then.. if I've been backpacking and the phone loses its charge....and I don't take it to bed with me in my jim-jams pocket.......  you can go on forever but I think I've done about as much as I'm prepared to do.

I take your point though.  Don't know what  the answer is.  Brass tag on your keyring with a phone number in case of emergency?

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Just a further thought, peeps.

Looked at the H the A site; good idea.

However, it would be a better idea to store data online but encrypt it with say PGP, thus even if the online database was hacked, the hacker couldn't nick personal data, such as comination for fireproof safe, e.g.

I also have a fireproof safe, BTW.


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