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Dreading guests


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Well after a few stressful weeks we have finally got our in-ground pool in - well I say in - it is a big hole in the ground surrounded by a few tiles - the rest looks like a building site. Our guests arrive tomorrow and expect a pool. We have warned them it might be delayed a few days (adjusting PH etc - it is saltwater too). They grumbled a bit, so I am dreading their arrival. What do I say, how do I handle this, the pool will be usable, but wont look the best. It is certainly an improvement on the above-ground pool we were offering on our website (this is the one that never arrived from Castorama).

Anyone had experience of pools not being quite ready or not being aesthetically pleasing...

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LAST EDITED ON 16-Jul-04 AT 09:51 AM (BST)

My motto for all situations - "if in doubt, tell the truth".

What is the WORST that they csn do to you ? Leave, threaten to leave, doubt your parentage ?

There is little that you can do - suggest that you just tell them, politely but firmly, "you have/will have a usable pool so take it or leave it".

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don't wory about it, you advertised an above ground pool and through no fault of your own it didn't arrive, so at great expence and time to ensure your guests got a pool you made other arrangments.

I've just installed an inground pool and the surrounds do not look perfect. again like you i was let down by people with diggers etc for the landscaping and in the parking area i have a big pile of gravel which i promised our 1st guests i would remove this week, i still haven't done it yet and i've appologised, but they are not bothered as their kids are having a ball playing in it.

personally i always worry wether the guests are going to like our gites, at the end of the day you can't please everybody
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Dear Deby

We are in exactly the same position as you! The pool is finished but as the person building it took so long, the surroundings are not as finished as we had hoped.

Our first guests arrive on Saturday and we were really worried what they might think, even though the gite and the pool are finished, so we took a decision and rang them all up to explain. They were all understanding except for one lady who said her husband was very demanding. In the end they decided not to cancel and we are very glad that they are all forewarned. I suggest you do the same thing to all your guests this summer so they don't expect too much.

Bon courage


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>Well after a few stressful weeks
>we have finally got our
>in-ground pool in - well
> I say in -
>it is a big hole
>in the ground surrounded by
>a few tiles - the
>rest looks like a building
>site. Our guests arrive
>tomorrow and expect a pool.
> We have warned them
>it might be delayed a
>few days (adjusting PH etc
>- it is saltwater too).
>They grumbled a bit, so
>I am dreading their arrival.
> What do I say,
>how do I handle this,
>the pool will be usable,
>but wont look the best.
>It is certainly an improvement
>on the above-ground pool we
>were offering on our website
>(this is the one that
>never arrived from Castorama).
>Anyone had experience of pools not
>being quite ready or not
>being aesthetically pleasing...

I know I am a nosy so in so, but I am dying to know how you got on with your guests re: swimming pool.


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Dear deby,
I have just read the postings on this and wish you all the luck with your guests.
We have a holiday home and they are tomorrow starting the installation of our pool.
I know how traurmatic this can be and we are not contemplating renting the house out.
We have told our installers all our requirments but will not be back until they are nearly finished so our anxiety levels are high.
We have a garden totally enclosed but have purchased the AFNOR certified fencing so we are totally secure.

We hope to landscape around the pool after it has been installed but realise that this will take time.
If we had to rent we would have to explain to clients and I would hope that they would understand.

Anyway I hope that it all goes well for you and your family.

redards Tess
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