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Everything posted by Callie

  1. I agree with Martin as well ! Alcohol breaks down the inhibitions and one are less likely to worry about making mistakes.  Suddenly all the French you ever came across pours forth in a sort of burbly manner.  We all think we sound great after a few drinks - I wonder how the French see - or hear - it ???? French TV is definitely a useful tool, though probably easier for those who already have an inkling of the language.  I think a complete beginner would find it a bit overwhelming.  Sub-titles can be useful as well, though personally I have never liked them.  I was always irritated by what was obviously a long sentence being translated by "oh dear" or somethying equally banale. There are programmes like "La carte aux Tresors" (Treasure Hunt) which is good, and educational too.  There are even one or two French soaps which, although the storylines are pretty unbelievable, do contain lots of current expressions ! The weather on TF1 is good - all the presenters speak clearly, though the speed takes time to get used to.   And there are some good documentaries and nature programmes where there isn't necessarily too much dialogue.  
  2. Callie

    Cannot stop

    Stationery and luggage.  I just ADORE luggage shops - just can't pass one by.  And as for stationery shops.......all those cool files, paper and biros ! ! !
  3. Just thought of something else - don't whatever you do use a spray polish [:(] !  There's nothing like a good wax finish !
  4. tj - here is an idea that will give you a wonderful finish on matt paint : Get some very fine (000 or 0000) wire wool (any bricolage shop) and some proper wax polish, like Liberon.  IncolorĂ© will do fine.  Apply some wax to the wire wool and rub very gently all over your prie dieu.   Give the wax a few minutes to dry, then rub off with a soft cloth, then a nice duster.  You will get the most wonderful finish which will be nice to touch as well - much nicer than varnish !   Then all you need to do is dust from time to time.  You can always put another coat of polish on later if you want.
  5. Hi Pierre We've seen a kite surfing school in St Malo (ParamĂ©) which seems serious.  The instructors seem to take a lot of time with beginners on land before going into the water.  The problem seems to be not getting the strings tangled, and keeping the kite in the air.  Whilst you need enough breeze to get a lift, they can't start off in a Force 7.  It looks a lot of fun and there are always loads of them out - along with windsurfers.  The beach is brilliant and well managed. But this is the north, not the west coast...
  6. We didn't have any trouble with email as we were already with Club-Internet, now Neuf.  Mr Blaze went through the instructions to the letter, and so far, so good - that was about 4 months ago. Because there are power cuts and mobiles don't work here, we have been forced to keep our FT line.  I believe that Neuf cover this now ?????
  7. We're with Neuf, Sweet, and very happy with it.  One thing we have learnt is that for a second phone, say, upstairs, you may need a plug-in ADSL filter.  Costs around 9 euros and cuts out any interference.  We were told by Neuf that walk-about phones could cause problems, though I've seen others using them with no problem.. A bit of a case of trial and error. Their help line was really helpful too.  I have seen some negative posts about Neuf, but I suspect they were people who couldn't speak frfench ! Good luck !
  8. Thanks, Moderators - I meant to send my post as an email (which I have now done) and I tried to delete it as soon as it had gone on the open forum but it wouldn't do it.  The I tried to cut out bits, and it wouldn't do that either......[8-)] Sorry [:$]
  9. Hi Lilly - how awful for you.  Catalpa has some very good advice. I would contact the VAT office as well as the tax office.  Explain the position - you can be sure others will have suffered as well and it's possible that they have already heard of the problem.  The French company cannot just 'opt out' like that - typical blame culture fashion, they don't want to be involved.  Presumably you have kept all previous correspondence with the company, and have references to the English speaking partner.  If you have kept copies of the paperwork you have sent them, then it shouldn't be too difficult to recreate the dossiers. I think you should warn as many people as possible - have you contacted other Forums???
  10. Callie

    Doggy poop bags!!

    We went to a very quiet beach (the weather wasn't good at the time) and there was a woman playing with her dog.  We watched her from a distance, and saw her.....picking up her dog poop !  And she was French, so French people DO sometimes pick up after their dogs !
  11. I have never understood why these travel organisations can't get it into their heads that it isn't the delay we mind, it's the lack of information.  If they took the time to explain "the waves are high so we have to slow down for safety" or whatever, they wouldn't have such frustrated customers.  We're not idiots !
  12. Jura - I don't wish to lecture people on what they should and shouldn't do ! !  And in your position, I would probably have done the same !  But in these days of litigation and blame culture, I am becoming a little more wary.  Mind you, you could what adult is going to ask you for a paracetamol if he is allergic to them? Thanks, Gareth, but we want to encourage people to do first aid courses - it is one of the things that earns us money !  Having looked on internet at how they work, I'm not totally convinced, though the idea is interesting.   Defibrillators are being distributed more and more in public places in France.  The automatic ones have a voice that take you through the procedure, so for those who aren't sure, it's brilliant.  You can turn the voice off if you want to - personally, I find it a little slow, but it's great for people who find themselves needing to use one if they've never done it before. So I'll pass on this one.  But what gite owners could provide is a book or leaflet on basic first aid !
  13. You did the right thing, Jura.  I bet Herr German didn't speak French and didn't want to show himself up - probably more important to him than the poor little baby.  I believe there's normally a duty doctor who can be reached by an answerphone message at your usual cabinet ?
  14. Well, Cassis, I have just looked at the links and.....er......it will not take the place of a proper first aid course.  I wonder how it is kept up to date - methods change !
  15. Try talking to a bike shop or even a bike hire business in another area.  It's probably best to pick the brains of people who are in the business.  I think it sounds a great idea - we have hired bikes several times when on holiday.
  16. Deby - in this instance, you could have hired a Portaloo - they are fine provided they are maintained !  But it was good to hear that everything turned out fine.
  17. GJC - that sounds a good idea - but presumably it is in English???  There are various first aid organisations in France :  La Croix Rouge (Red Cross !), La Federation Nationale de Protection Civile (of which I am a member), L'Ordre de Malte and La Croix Blanche.  There may be others.  They are all international but with sections in each department of France.  Your first aid kit could be useful to these organisations as they do first aid courses for everyone from private individuals to companies, businesses etc.  If you could supply them to the first aid organisations, they could then sell them on to the people who do their courses.  By the way, I think you may be allowed to supply Paracetamol etc, but not administer it.  I, personally, would avoid it simply because "c'est la loi".  Perhaps I'm over cautious because it had been drummed into us..... So you could have a big market there - as well as targetting gite owners. Good luck !
  18. I would ditto what Clair says.  You would be well-advised not to supply any medication, even paracetamol as in France, only a doctor is allowed to administer such things !  I am a Secouriste-Equipier ie I have the same diplĂ´me as the Pompiers, and we are only allowed to give medication if there is a doctor present. Sorry, that all sounded a bit heavy as you probably wouldn't have done that anyway !!  I don't believe that there is any obligation whatsoever to supply a first aid kit.  People arriving by car should have their own !  Plus if you supply sticky plasters and someone reacts to it...... But it's a nice gesture, and not likely to be used very often.  Anyway, if they swipe the thermometer, you can deduct it from their deposit !
  19. [quote user="babcock"]I have been hearing some tales about newcomers being befriended and given lots of help(communications with utilities, banks and translations etc) followed by a bill. I have no problem with this as long as it is known up front. If someone is too nice to you make sure that you understand whether payment is expected.[/quote] If there is no Siret number on it, you can be sure that these 'kind' people are offering their services on the black - so no need to pay if you haven't already agreed some arrangement !
  20. Almost identical list to Jo Taylor !
  21. Try asking a local builder, or go to somewhere like Point P and ask them.
  22. www.laymyhat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2498&highlight=ftandl This link is revealing about Force Travel & Leisure....
  23. I hope I am not going to break any Forum rules with this posting... Has anyone advertised through these people? If you have, have you actually had a single booking through them? If they have approached you, please check up on them before you part with any money.  They were declared bankrupt in February this year yet have started up again. I have more info but I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to write here ! ! Advice, please, Moderators !
  24. I think it sounds a great idea (having not passed my bike test years ago after failing to cancel my indicator...[:(]) and very tempting.  I had a Yamaha 125 called Yolanda - she was great, just sad the rider wasn't up to scratch.  But the feeling of freedom, of not being cooped up in a tin box on wheels is wonderful. Pierre, I love your description of the generously proportioned dame and her 50cc....  it made me giggle !
  25. Callie

    Any idea..?

    Oh yes they dooohooo ![:$]
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