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  1. Very heavy sleat here in theSouth East Dordogne, everyone laughed at me yesterday when I said I thinks its gonna snow I checked the meteo last night and it from my understanding did'nt mention snow but maybe thats my error! and we've no logs cut and OH is at work till late tonight****!
  2. Thank you guy's (Gal's) They all sound good !   Lilly
  3. I fancy making a nut roast in a loaf tin type of thing has anyone got a nice recipe? I used to like a bought one from Tescos with a piquant sauce but I want to have a go at making one. Also after seeing the other post on Polenta something like a Polenta loaf  for a veggie would be nice kisses Lilly
  4. Lilly


    Buy some raw langustine tails (frozen or otherwise) flour them dip them in beaten egg and dip into bread crumbs, fry in hot oil until breadcrumbs are are a golden colour and voila better than nasty frozen scampi but the real thing.
  5. My Husband the other day went to visit our nieghbour who is a local farmer, actually a machanic and makes anything you can think of and very professionally too, has an enourmous hanger with every type of machinery you can imagine. OH is there talking to Guy about all things interesting to men folk and work etc etc when distracted by a strange heavy breathing noise behind him turned to see Guy's Dad appearing round the corner ( he is quatre vingt something) it took a double take and a few moments to take in the vision of what he was faced with. Grandad had a length of very heavy duty cable with the internal wires spilt in two (hopefully curled over on the end!) hooking his nose up to appear a bit like a cochon with the cable stuck against his forehead by a plaster, this contraption was to aid his breathing OH was told in a very matter of fact way and conversation recommenced as if nothing was out of the ordinary at all, when he returned home shortly after, relaying the tale which took several efforts due to tears splitting laughter and to marvel at the shear ingeniosity of the French.
  6. Hi I have only just found this thread( I must read all the sections in future) and I am so sorry to hear of her nasty accident but am equally relieved to find that she is making good progress, best wishes to you both. xxx Lilly
  7. Sorry I meant mix the ingrediants together in the warm water and wash with that. I also meant to say add also a drip of washing up liquid to the water to act as an emulsifier.   Good luck
  8. Thank you John, It was made about two years ago and OH was not too happy with the form ( a bit dumpy, I however love it dumpy or not!) the lathe was actually playing up due to not being fixed to the floor and a shudder which can only be the bearings, still it has worked hard and is now in semi retirement no more big stuff thats now for the VB. The bowl is full of now crushed pine cones as the cat has claimed it as hers and I daren't re arrange the cones as she always seems so cumfy in it. Lilly 
  9. Hi, Andy is dead write about finishing one side or the other of a wooden piece of furniture and it makes no difference whether the piece is old or new as wood will always react to its environment, sooo try a bowl of warm water with a sprinkle of bicarb in a solution, a drop of vinegar and a drop of olive or linsead oil, clean in the direction of the grain and immediatly wipe with a dryish cloth ,leave open to air dry you could add a drop of bleach but if this is a  treasured piece of furniture go easy on treating the inside, if not you will raise the grain and distroy any colouring on the surface. Try a small area first after its dry you could use a spray polish with some wax in it but this may require you to leave the doors open longer to get rid of the polish smell.  Good luck . 
  10. Nice to here from you Jon I've been using it as my avitar for a little while but its hard to see so I'll have a go at posting a photo [IMG]http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk60/peachespuss/P1010015.jpg[/IMG]  
  11. Thank you for your reply, I have tried googling but nothing regards oak in the tourbiere preseverd well not that I can find anyhow. I have used the phrase that Clair suggested and it did prompt a couple of good converstaions so it worked, thank you again.
  12. Fandabbydozie!! Clair you're an Ange XXX
  13. Also how would you say  for example " fossilised in tourbe for 5000 years" I know its cheeky but I have tried the translation sites vbut they don't work with this!! xxxxxxx
  14. Thank you for trying Clair I was kinda hoping you would be on line to help with this one as I have tried everywhere to get it translated to no avail. We are doing a Marche nocturne artisanart tomorrow night and my friends can't help me with the name of this wood so do you think if I used the term chene petrifie people might understand that it is fossilised in tourbe????
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