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Everything posted by woolybananasbrother

  1. My first and only answer to this is 'No, a step too far' . Perhaps the Archbishop should simply shut up and sort out the problems in his own Church
  2. Mine sits on my desk, discharged, deflated and unused. Too expensive to take out to play. Gimme voip and msn anyday. And my "free calls" which last hours if required. Mobiles have their place but most of them are a waste of time and money. Grrrrrrrrrr
  3. 'spruce' I think. Anyway to add a French theme, do you think I can claim for me second bit of stuff in France too? How much would I get? Would this put my CPAM payments up? Would they both be entitled to free health care or would one have to go private?
  4. I called one Maitresse and then argues the case as with Gendarmette. it always get a sympathetic discussion going about how a woman can be a man in French Grammar. Fools 'em completely.
  5. coat of paint and a bit of wisteria and it'll be in LF[6]
  6. Tamed Rose, Ramblin Rose, Randy Rose, Rose Rose...........Garden Hose[6]
  7. [quote user="Colonel Mustard"]Ron, can't a chap have a rant without someone spoiling it with facts? I bet when your missus asks "Is the kettle boiling?" you say, "No, it's the water in it that's boiling."[/quote] Rants for Ron have to pass health and safety rules or no rant.
  8. clever. OK then, what is the future in English as compared to French say.
  9. OK guys, here is a challenge. Describe the future (tense) in English as if you had to teach it to a non native speaker.
  10. he has been very limited since tag went poor chap.. Seriously though, the shop assistant whom I know quite well pointed it out.
  11. Supermarkets sell copy ones at the same price as the propriety ones but with about four times more ink.[6]
  12. If he has any more rants it will be the dog in his boots with the cat on his best pillows.[6]
  13. what what, caravan owners assault the Earth. Twue twue.[6]
  14. Anybody out there doing any selling on ebay on a regular basis, either in France or uk. I would like a few pointers please. Perhaps by pm or email please.
  15. These answers are brilliant[6] Where is the problem?
  16. Now here then is a question: Is it more cost effective to take out cash using a card and pay that way, assuming the card makes a charge, or is it better to slap everything onto a credit card and pay it off at the end of each month?[6]
  17. You can borrow a few of my pairs. Black, brown or red. I even have some for riding too.[6]
  18. ides or march or buffalo ides or a nice bit of goat's ide??[6]
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