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  1. Hi We will need to travel from north Deux-Sevres up to central Paris to go to the Chinese embassy to get visas.  I realise that we can easily get a TGV from Poitiers but we are also considering driving up and leaving the car near a metro station in the south west of Paris - can anyone suggest a station with nearby parking? Thanks in advance Su
  2. Why not buy online?   When my husband smoked a pipe he bought on line for years. http://www.e-tobaccos.com/buy-cigars/amber-leaf-50g-bags-p-75447.html
  3. I never met Debs but have been following her posts on here for years.  She was an amazing lady.  Our thoughts are with you at this awful time.
  4. Have you looked at the Special Offers page on cheznous.com - plenty of bargains to be had there.
  5. Have a look at staysure.co.uk - I've never used them but have bought their insurance for a trip later this year.  It looks as if they may cover your situation.
  6. And Cabernet d'Anjou is even sweeter and very pleasant as a light summer drink.
  7. No it's not a public holiday - should be open as usual.
  8. Wonderful!   That's what it was.  Thanks very much Clair.
  9. It's very odd cos it's working fine on my husbands PC.
  10. Hi Suddenly I have a problem with viewing the adverts on this site.  I can see the "annonces a la une" on the right hand side but the left hand side of the page says 1-35 but apart from that it's blank.  I have hunted through the FAQ's etc but can't find a way of altering it.  This has just happened over the last couple of days and as far as I know I haven't changed any settings.  No problems with any other site and I am using Firefox. Any ideas anyone?   Anyone else with the same problem?
  11. I just followed a hint from "another place" and it works here too - just hold down control and use the wheel on the mouse to enlarge the text and you can then fill the page and eliminate the lavender plants.
  12. It works in Firefox okay for me - I like it too.
  13. I wondered why it was so quiet - we are in the centre of Saint-Varent and there is usually a fair amount of "quarry lorries" - but not today!
  14. Possibly at some places but not at RAF Shawbury - the Met Department there was actually run by Civvies from the Met Office.
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