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Everything posted by Pommier

  1. I had the identical email today (twice!), which I immediately deleted.
  2. We've got a Sky Gnome (bought off Ebay) which works perfectly with no need to have the television switched on. As well as radio it's also possible to listen to TV channels (ideal for not losing track of a film whilst in the kitchen etc). 
  3. We had this problem when we first moved to France, and the work was very urgent. After being fobbed off with increasingly pathetic excuses, in the end I went into the builders office and suggested that as they were obviously having so many problems I'd help them out by cancelling our job (all said in the nicest possible way!). All of a sudden they found that they could start the work the following week..........
  4. Hope you're right as that'd be a bonus!
  5. [quote user="derf"][quote user="cheryla"]We're in Castillonnes which is about 17k from Eymet, so there's the choice of mixing with British or French people (and our house is for sale!!) [/quote] How much is it?[:D] [/quote] I don't think advertising is allowed, so I've sent you a private message.
  6. We're in Castillonnes which is about 17k from Eymet, so there's the choice of mixing with British or French people (and our house is for sale!!) 
  7. Thanks for the replies. I rang DWP yesterday and they said that we will get a married couples pension once I am of pension age ( although I'm one of those whose pension age will be 65 as I was born in 1955!). At least now we know we will get a married pension eventually.
  8. On the Jeremy Vine webpage there's the opportunity to email him about the changes to French healthcover. I sent one to say it's NOT free!!!
  9. [quote user="ErnieY"] Ultimately of course I could decide not to take the 25% in favour of a bigger annuity. I've a few years to go yet until it becomes imminent so nothing is urgent.    [/quote]   That's what I did (not that it was a huge sum), but it does give me a slightly bigger pension.
  10. Doesn't anyone know if the 'married couples' pension is going to be abolished?
  11. I was looking at the Pensions Service website about the pension reforms and found this Why is Adult Dependency Increase being abolished? Abolishing Adult Dependency (ADI) will enable money to be reinvested in improving State Pensions. Women in particular will get a better deal from State Pensions. So the need for ADI would have reduced anyway. Does this mean that men will no longer be able to get an increase in pension for a wife who has no NI credits?
  12. Part of the 'Connection' article says Ms Gaillard said: “Non-Europeans must have a titre de séjour to stay in France long-term, and people who have a titre de séjour can benefit from the CMU. European Union citizens do not need one. So is Ms Gaillard saying that if we've got a titre de séjour we CAN stay on CMU? We've got them as they were necessary when we moved to France 5 years ago. Is this confirming the '5 year rule'?  
  13. When we moved to Lot et Garonne a year ago we were already on CMU. We had to fill in all the forms and produce certificates, passports etc the same as if it had been a new application, but after about 3 weeks we did receive Cartes Vitale. I wonder if CPAM are holding off issuing new CV's with the changes to cover for British people as they know that you won't be in the system for long.
  14. On the same site I found this (which was updated on 4th October 2007) http://www.ameli.fr/assures/droits-et-demarches/par-situation-personnelle/vous-avez-des-difficultes-financieres/c.m.u.-de-base-une-assurance-maladie-pour-tous/
  15. I was looking at the Social Security site and found this http://www.ameli.fr/assures/droits-et-demarches/par-situation-professionnelle/vous-etes-sans-emploi/vous-etes-chomeur/vous-n-etes-plus-indemnise-par-les-assedic which seems (to me) to say that if a French person is signing on as looking for work, they are covered by CMU, and that for those over 55 they don't even need to sign on. Have I read it right, and is it any help? Link shortened by a mod
  16. On another forum I've seen a link to this petition to the UK government http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/healthinFrance/
  17. I emailed the British Embassy asking for confirmation that UK citizens would be allowed to access French state health care after 5 years residency and have received this reply: Hello   Thank you for contacting the Public Enquiries section of the British Embassy.     The information on our website is based on information we  have received from (and double-checked with) the French Health Ministry, it relates to article L 122-1 - see  attachment below. Health officials are ensuring that the CPAM's advice is consistent and correct with this information.     For further updated information concerning "French policy" applying to all inactive citizens from all EU countries. Please contact:   CPAM - The French Health Service (English language service):   Tel:+33 (0)8 20 90 42 12   CLEISS - (France's helpdesk for international mobility and social security): 11 rue de la tour des Dames 75436 Paris cedex 09 Tel: +33 1 45 26 33 41   http://www.cleiss.fr     This is the attachment:   l'article L121-1 du même code qui fonde le droit au séjour du ressortissant communautaire: Article L121-1 (Loi nº 2006-911 du 24 juillet 2006 art. 23 II Journal Officiel du 25 juillet rectificatif JOrF 16 septembre 2006) Sauf si sa présence constitue une menace pour l'ordre public, tout citoyen de l'Union européenne, tout ressortissant d'un autre Etat partie à l'accord sur l'Espace économique européen ou de la Confédération suisse a le droit de séjourner en France pour une durée supérieure à trois mois s'il satisfait à l'une des conditions suivantes : 1º S'il exerce une activité professionnelle en France ; 2º S'il dispose pour lui et pour les membres de sa famille tels que visés au 4º de ressources suffisantes afin de ne pas devenir une charge pour le système d'assistance sociale, ainsi que d'une assurance maladie ; 3º S'il est inscrit dans un établissement fonctionnant conformément aux dispositions législatives et réglementaires en vigueur pour y suivre à titre principal des études ou, dans ce cadre, une formation professionnelle, et garantit disposer d'une assurance maladie ainsi que de ressources suffisantes pour lui et pour les membres de sa famille tels que visés au 5º afin de ne pas devenir une charge pour le système d'assistance sociale ; 4º S'il est un descendant direct âgé de moins de vingt et un ans ou à charge, ascendant direct à charge, conjoint, ascendant ou descendant direct à charge du conjoint, accompagnant ou rejoignant un ressortissant qui satisfait aux conditions énoncées aux 1º ou 2º ; 5º S'il est le conjoint ou un enfant à charge accompagnant ou rejoignant un ressortissant qui satisfait aux conditions énoncées au 3º.     I don't know if it tells us any more as there's still no mention of health cover for people who have been here 5 years 
  18. Pommier


    Nor me - and my hair is much better since I stopped the shampoo
  19. Here's one forum I found on Google - there seem to be quite a few http://bonjourlondres.com/modules/newbb/
  20. The links are an excellent idea and make a really useful reference point. Many thanks! I'm still worrying about the 5 year residency giving access to CMU as it doesn't mention it in the latest statement - in fact it says ALL inactifs not covered by E forms must have private insurance. Please reassure me!!!
  21. The E106 is still acceptable and always has been. The problem arises when the E106 expires....................
  22. Not received ours yet, and the tax office told me 'no chance of it arriving by 17th September'
  23. Has anybody written back to the lady at the Embassy to question the anomolies in her reply? I emailed her last night as follows:   Dear Ms Beloeil,   I have seen a copy of an email which you sent today regarding health cover for early retired people living in France part of which states   However, the French Ministry of Health has assured us that the provision of healthcare to people already resident in France and subscribed through the French system will not be affected. You then refer to the following website http://www.securite-sociale.fr/comprendre/europe/europe/cmu_inactifs.htm   which states that those British people already covered by CMU have six months in which to take out private health insurance.   This is contradictory and is adding to the deep concern and anxiety felt by many people affected by these changes.   I should be grateful for an early clarification of the changes to healthcare provision for those people already resident in France.   Yours sincerely,   I haven't had a reply as yet.
  24. Does this ruling apply only to British people (what about the Northern Irish?)? or does it apply to other EU citizens? It appears that American citizens are currently allowed to join CMU. Are they going to be affected?
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