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Everything posted by AnOther

  1. [quote user="chessie"]There was absolutely NO MENTION of the way any of us living in any eu country, might be treated, was there ?   It was only focused on the UK granting rights;  rights which Ms May had attempted to clear and confirm with all other 27 countries, and which Merkel refused to agree to.[/quote]Remembering that until Article 50 is invoked UK remains a full participating member of the EU, and therefore still subject to it's rules, I don't know what there is to actually discuss at this time. The plain fact is that May has virtually nothing to bargain with and although guaranteeing the rights of EU citizens in UK might appear a pre-emptive show of good faith and an indication of how she would wish for it to pan out for expats post Brexit frankly doing it now would be grossly premature, fatally so even, as once given it cannot subsequently be used during post Article 50 negotiations  to secure reciprocal guarantees with other states. For that reason I think the HoL vote was wrong and I hope the government finds a way to override it. What we do need is a vote on the deal AFTER the negotiations when, unlike for the stupid half baked referendum, people will at least know what it is they are voting for or against. Merkel cannot speak for the other EU members anyway so it's not for her to agree or disagree with anything other than that which potentially impacts Germany.
  2. Even if you read a thread from the beginning one doesn't always notice the originating date, I'm sure many of us have unwittingly responded to a thread which somebody else has resurrected from the grave and in this instance you must lay that at Kate's feet not mine.  Your link is still Erreur 404 Page non trouvĂ© BTW although there are links on it which work I'm still not finding the numbers of which you speak are, all I see are contacts for France Metropolitan and the French overseas territories but maybe that's what you meant ? The only number I can find departmentally is here but it's for emergencies not general inquiries. As I said before then if you really have found actual departmental numbers then regardless of any petty squabble with me then for the benefit of others either post them or at at least post a link which works properly.
  3. [quote user="mint"]Apparently, what had happened was that one of the leads had become displaced, though he didn't know how that could taken place because he said they were a certain profondeur and that it wasn't possible for a lead to jump up[/quote]Is that some Frangalise way of saying that one lead was on the wrong plug (= wrong firing order) which BTW can't happen anyway because you can't have just one wrong, it would have to be a pair at least. If so then with two leads swapped most engines will barely start and then fart, bang, and backfire if they do and you certainly won't be driving a car anywhere like that ! I'm assuming it's not a V8, with that you might be able to drive it but it would still run like a pig and you'd be turning straight back to the garage within yards. Sound like bullsh1tting rank amateurs to me, are they going to refund you for all the unnecessary work they did previously ?
  4. What makes you think it's the timing ? Don't forget to ask for your old spark plugs back BTW, obviously they were not the problem !
  5. Last Swiss vignette I had I stuck on with sellotape then when I was done with it I posted it to my pal in Munich for the hire car he was going to use to drive to visit us later that year. Against the rules but as its a flat price and obviously can only ever be used in one car at any one time I couldn't think of a single reason why it was actually wrong.
  6. The cunning plan is that eventually every car windscreen will be that chock-a-bloc with stickers that you won't be able to see out of it to drive anywhere - pollution problem solved !
  7. I'm at a loss to understand how someone who very clearly knows bugg.er all of substance about electrics can out of hand dismiss all amateur or DIY work as inherently unsafe or deadly ? Your comments about gas and wood burner installations demonstrate that your understanding of those are equally flawed and lacking in substance.
  8. [quote user="mint"]there had been an escape of oil under the jante and some of it had spilled into the engine.[/quote]Maybe lost in translation but I have no idea what that actually means ????
  9. This sort of situation typifies for me all that is rotten and dysfunctional in the EU as a whole and in France in particularly. Despite the various directives and any noble objectives they may be designed to achieve or facilitate when they get down to the pettifogging officials administering them at the coal face there seems to be precious little sense of cooperation or a striving to find ways to say 'yes' and far more effort put into being obstructive and saying 'no'.
  10. I'd heard that the process was principally for French cars to preserve the heritage but having in my travels encountered a wide range of non foreign vehicles which theoretically at least you would have thought were absolute no-no's clearly if you know where to go and who's ear to bend lots of things can become possible. A friend of mine got a Jago Jeep registered for instance and somebody else I know managed to register a Nissan Figaro (Jap import), neither were quick or easy though.
  11. You cannot export it to UK 'on paper', to UK register it you will have to physically transport it there and go through the whole procedure and in any case if you're not UK resident with a bona fide UK address DVLA will register it to you anyway. Far easier I'd say to try and find a V5 from a scrapped car, it's probably what I would do.
  12. [quote user="Gardian"]the issue with the (sad) increase in deaths on the roads around here of late is not excess speed on the approach to or exit from the towns - it's wild driving (cutting corners etc) on the secondary roads.[/quote]I couldn't agree more. We all know that speed of itself is not a killer and it's stupid to suggest otherwise however the single minded and blinkered obsession with it being the #1 factor in road deaths, not to mention the convenient fact that it's a relatively easy catch which rakes in money, mean that it fatally detracts from the real causes.
  13. [quote user="Chancer"]ANO, what return are you expecting on your €3?[/quote]Absolutely none, as I've said the chances of me actually needing it are probably less than zero. I was curious as much as anything but beyond that it's just a piece of windscreen candy and maybe a topic for conversation somewhere down the line because I doubt anybody around these parts will have seen one before !
  14. Petition has been kicked into the long grass before debate, anyone surprised ? https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/171928?reveal_response=yes
  15. [quote user="EuroTrash"]I don't know if you can pay monthly because I think it's like property taxes, the bills are sent out towards the end of the year and need paying quite soon because in effect you're already paying in arrears. It would be best to assume you can't and set the money aside.[/quote]If it is the same then monthly payments can only be made in advance, that is to say if you get a bill at the end of the year that is already in arrears so has to be paid in full but then you can pay monthly for the following year.
  16. Sometimes removal of any items of apparel is optional !
  17. Sure sound like your anxious to me ! [quote user="Loiseau"]The serial number one: I presume it's EVERYthing in that circle, including "V5C" and the bottom bit (in my case) "3/11" ?[/quote]Since you have to scan and upload a copy of the V5C with your application do you honestly think it would really matter one way or the other but why wouldn't you just put the whole thing anyway, nobody could possibly fault that ! FWIW, and leaving aside the fact that I cannot conceive of any circumstances whatsoever in which I could or would ever ever want or need to drive my car in or even near any of the controlled zones at any time never mind between the given hours, just for the sheer thrill and excitement of it on an otherwise dreary Monday afternoon I decided to apply for a sticker for my own car (French reg). I got an immediate acknowledgement of the order however an hour or so later I got a further email telling me that my application had been rejected because somehow or other I'd got the month of the date of first registration wrong (I blame the interactive calendar !), it also said that I hadn't been charged. I just did it again, got another acknowledgement followed shortly by a confirmation that all was OK and that my sticker would arrive in the post in due course so the point is you don't have to worry about making a mistake because there are only two possible outcomes, rejection because of an error or an omission which you simply put right by applying a second time - or you get your sticker.
  18. A bit of hysteria creeping in over these I think; thus far at least they are only required if you want to enter designated inner city areas and between defined hours so if you don't need to be doing that then you don't need one, it's equivalent to the London congestion charge if you like. You can see the zones here and I note that Lille is now included but so far with no zone map  The site seems pretty simple to me, serial number is the unique number on the V5 which is on the front page in the top RH corner and begins with V5C,  Brand is the make and since Trade Name (Model )/Euro Standard (Emissions)/Co2 (g/km) sections are not marked as mandatory you can just leave them blank but if you're that worried about it then look up the data here
  19. If they are looking for volunteers to perform field tests with fertile young ladies then where do I apply [:D]
  20. Under the Loi Warsmann you should not have to pay more than 2x your normal bill for water lost due to an undiscovered leak but as you discovered for yourself a faulty cistern did not fall under the definition. Albeit not on your part personally to put it perfectly bluntly it's difficult to see that as anything other than negligence so I don't think you can really blame an insurer for not paying out for it. As mentioned most policies seem to cover finding a leak and any actual damage caused by it but not it's repair. I had a leak which I narrowed down to being under the concrete garage floor and having localised it then had a 'discussion' with my insurer concerning the definition of 'within the property' and whether that included under it or not but ultimately I decided that I really didn't want my garage floor dug up so I dug up the pipe just outside the garage myself and installed a small inspection chamber with an isolation tap and from there fitted a whole new section of pipe hose which I ran up the garage wall  than across it's ceiling to completely bypass the replace the old leaking piece.
  21. No, in fact that is probably the least risky time as under normal circumstances the charge will turn off completely when completed, it's not possible to over charge them so that's not a concern. For longevity also keeping the device on charge and only using the battery when forced to when mains power is not available is the best strategy. Most but not all problems seem to occur during charging but I suspect it's when they are low and therefore being charged at the highest rate that the risk is also highest. The well reported Samsung Galaxy battery explosions happened both on and off charge though and sometimes while people were actually making perfectly normal calls on them.
  22. For the second time ! [url]https://h30686.www3.hp.com/?lang=en-GB[/url]
  23. In 50 years of driving I've never been stopped either in France or UK, and that's despite probably driving more miles/km than most. Here's a couple of questions for those of you who have been stopped in France: 1. Were you asked to produce a breathalyser and if you could was it in date & NF marked ? 2. If you were but couldn't or could but it wasn't in date etc. was there any consequence ? Anybody even seen the wretched things on sale in the shops anymore ?
  24. I've don't believe I've ever complained about type size in the past and can't recall many others complaining either. If you want to know the reason for the change you'll have to ask the 'young hot shot' but I'm pretty sure you'll find it won't have been user driven, hell nobody's taken a scrap of notice of users in the past so what makes you think this was any different ?
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