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  1. I heard two American women talking about the Arc De Triomphe - one described it as great, but couldn't understand why the French built it in the middle of a roundabout![:S]
  2. The Azertyuiop keyboard only knows it is French if you let the system tell it that it is - try changing the windows keyboard setting to read UK or Qwertyuiop and hey presto! sorry, voila! - it works - but be warned - it is very confusing if you can only type by looking at the keys!
  3. Finding almost anyone in France is quite simple really - just log on to Infobel, put in the name (and, rather cleverly, if it is not too common you do not even need a postal address) press the search button - and hey presto! it's all there - name, address, post code and phone number of the person that you seek - they even give you a map to help you find them if you want one.   Best advantage of this free service is that it has a reverse search facility - you simply put in the phone number and it can tell you who that belongs to, as well!  
  4. Try Beuze Michel 10 r Reignier 05 55 65 00 00 BOUSSAC for a quote!
  5. Speaking as an Agent Commercial I must say that I for one do reply to all enquiries made to me - it is more often than not the originators that do not respond to my replies.   So many people come to France with a fixed dream in their heads - they have an image of a property, a location and a price, and they know it exists because they have seen it on the TV.   If I can supply their every wish then I am a dream-maker, but if I fail to provide them with what they want, then I am a dream-breaker.     I try to be honest with them all and tell them the good and the bad about every house, but some people just won't listen to the words and still see their dream as being the truth rather than the reality of what is actually before them.  The worst offenders are the "I want something for nothing" breed, and when you have spent hours travelling round the countryside with them, and then negotiated them a great deal, they finally have the nerve to tell you that they have no money to buy it.   
  6. I live in 23 and sell property in 03, 18, 23 and 36 - but would ask why everyday prices are so varied between these neighbouring departments?   My neighbours shop in each department according to what they want!  
  7. Leader (and eventual winner) gets yellow jersey for having completed the race around France, so far, in the shortest time.  C'est tres simple! 
  8. I find it odd and strangely discomforting that the dates of both the London and New York attacks sound very much like the start of some macabre childrens' nursery rhyme or playgound chant - seven-seven, nine-eleven ..........
  9. Good question, but quite impossible to answer!   There are far too many "supposings", and far too much unpredictability - it is one of those hateful questions that can only be answered at the time it happens - everything said/intended up to that point has to be pure conjecture.   I'd like to think that should anything happen to either of us, the one left would .................
  10. I know exactly how you feel - I had a client make an appointment to meet at the office at 3pm to view a nearby property that he was so keen on seeing.   He rang my wife at home at 4.30 pm to say he was still in Paris, which, on a good day, is over three hours away.   He then left a mesasage on my mobile at 8.30 pm that same evening to ask where I was  - as he was waiting in town for me!   Needless to say, I have not heard from him since. And I regret to say that people still think that they can come to France with five pounds, buy a house, three bottles of wine and a bit of smelly cheese and still go back to the UK with two pounds in their pockets.   Hey ho, such fun being an agent commercial!
  11. Limousin!  Bit like saying England - where exactly?
  12. Why not substitute "Nimby" with "padamaja" - that's a bit more french, innit?
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