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Everything posted by Tresco

  1. You can cut a Yucca at any point and it will regrow, but if that's what is causing the cracks in the wall I would get it out of there. The mulberry, I posted in reply to Saligo Bay fairly recently about that, (probably a page back on this forum) but not knowing anything about your conditions down there I hesitate. Is there a neighbout you could ask?
  2. Saying nothing and hoping for the best might be asking for trouble, when you think about the things people sling down toilets without a second thought in England. I'm considering putting a sign up next time we have a mixed party, rather than making an 'announcement' to the whole family (bit embarrasing for the adolescent boys and girls perhaps). You need to be quite clear it includes no cotton wool pads etc. The bin should be lined and have a cover, and there should also be little 'nappy bags' for the 'girly' things. I'ts a while since i've been to Greece, but where we stayed the signs did say NOTHING 'extra' to be placed in the toilet
  3. Thanks Tim and James for replies. James, it's the advanced search function i'm talking about! Glad to know that the problems are still being worked on tresco
  4. French Kat, just to clarify, I did not come here against my will, and I am happy here. Moonbus, what you are proposing sounds pretty grim from your partners point of view. It may be that in your Royal Navy time you were in UK, perhaps surrounded by family, friends, informal support structures. I'm assuming that for much of the time, at least you were on 'home ground'. Presumably your partner would have none of these, not even you initially. I come from a Naval family myself, so I do understand that it can be done (although my experience was as a child, and for the most part it boiled down to 'wait till your father gets home - in 6 months!!!'), but for your partner, his lack of French could only add to his isolation. Perhaps he could take some classes before you go any further with this plan. tresco
  5. I havn't had any more time outs. The edit function is back, but I understand some people still can't see who's posting. The search 'function' is still terrible The quote function may as well not exist (because it only allows you to quote the first 3 lines, whether you selected them or not). The list of people logged in at the bottom of the main living france forums page has disappeared, although they are still 'there' on the individual forums (this isn't a 'problem' as such). There are probably more things like this going on. Tim, is this as good as it's going to get? tresco
  6. What's whizzing around in my head is Mrs O as Mme Mc O' O
  7. My apologies to M Boiling a Frog, I did indeed get the wrong end of the stick, then I poked myself in the eye with it Better have a look around to see what other nonsense I got up to on the forum last night. Tresco
  8. Sorry you guys, however much work you have done, in the last hour I have had 3 of those big yellowy screens saying things like serve/error bla bla an unhandled exception was thrown etc etc. tresco
  9. Oh how I would have loved it if I had been 'logged on' as 17 sex godess, or even spangle squirmything, alas, it was not to be. Still, I hope everyone else can laugh at their temporary names.  
  10. Me too Baz. I have already made a mistake, and now I can't change it. I liked the edit thing, where's it gone?.... and why are there people called Wilbur Wright here, not that I wouldn't welcome a new member with a name like a 1960's street.
  11. Patf, Please, I need to know, where did Space Badger come from? Did Lf just give it to you? I quite  like it.
  12. Sad, SAD?? Hey Froggie, Some of us may not choose to take the name of the person who we married. I very much doubt whether any men could be included in this 'we'.  You may find it 'sad',  but for me, it's one of the things I have had to accept to make life run smoothly (i.e, getting  mail adressed in MY OWN NAME). Have you ever had this problem, mail, correctly adressed with YOUR OWN NAME on it, not getting to you???
  13. [quote]Sorry I can't find a general discussion category so I hope this one will do. My question is simple : why have you decided to come (or intend to go) to France ? Maybe I should introduce myself a litt...[/quote] Hello French Kat. Put very simply, we came here because my partner wanted to retire early, (at 50) this he had planned for since he was 20. He had had many holidays in France since the age of 19, and we had come together a few times. So, for him the reason would be that he absolutely loves France, and doesn't like England. For me the reason was that I absolutely love him, and chose to have a live, mentally healthy husband in France rather than a cracked up heart attack victim in England.  For him to retire at 47 (as it turned out) we simply would not have been able to have the kind of house, and the peace and tranquility that we have been able to afford here. I really like England, but I could not have had there, what we have here. I'd just like to add the obvious, your written English is superb. I'ts nice to have a French person contributing too. Tresco 
  14. How fab is that? From disaster to (hopefully) solution in one page. That's why I like it here. tresco
  15. How fab is that? From disaster to (hopefully) solution in one page. That's why I like it here. tresco
  16. But is it boring?. Many times I have read here peoples views on these programmes. Self imposed exile from uktv (drastically reformed telly addict) means I can't join in, but I bet I would, if I could. tresco
  17. No problems at all bringing plants. We arrived with as many plants as furnishings. Strawberries is a new 'problem plant' to me, so thanks for that. The one that stuck out in my mind, for some reason, was pyracantha, (it can catch a thing called fireblight). I took no cuttings of ours in England because of this, customs had no interest at all in our lorry full of plants, and naturally I now find that of all the hedging plants we have bought here, they do the best. So it goes, good luck with your move. tresco
  18. Hi Alexis, you're doing OK though - from Dallas to Dakar in 3 days isn't bad going (even in cyber space). When I first got my telly here, it was all this race to Dakar and I was deeply confused about the time spent reporting it. Then we went to a rally car thingy one day, with children, who were totally fascinated, along with every single adult. Now I understand that in France, the love of fast cars, and speed on the roads, is pretty much universal. Regarding the crashes etc, drive faster, crash more, and I bet someone somewhere has proved this.
  19. [quote]Tesco,now you appear to be well balanced so why would you feel the need to spread untruths,outcast as never sent a nasty PM to anyone,never even posted a nasty posting,some may disagree with the posti...[/quote] Outcast, you really do make life hard on yourself don't you. If I mention the names Wendy James and Teamed Up, would that help with your memory problem regarding nasty PM's you have sent?. I have just about recovered from you saying I 'seem well balanced'. Yesterday I did not know whether to laugh, cry, or run shrieking from the forum. Now I notice you are posting in the 'third person'. This makes life even harder for those of us who are still not quite sure how many outcasts there are. Have a good trip. Tresco  
  20. I sneaked into someone elses thread earlier with a problem, but now I have seen this handy thread. I experience all, or nearly all of the above problems, and here's another wierd little thing i've noticed. When I am online, and logged in, my name frequently does not appear on the list of people who are listed as online. It doesn't really bother me, but how can it be?  
  21. That's quite funny, Piprob, but then a lot of things that are a bit dodgy are.  While he usually gets his kicks posting views I strongly disagree with, (to which I respond, often), and apparently sending nasty pms to people, on this occasion the guy posted about cheap flights. Now, I must go and lie down. tresco
  22. [quote]Hi Tresco, In your 'control panel' under 'topic subscriptions', is there any topics that you are currently subscribed to? If so you can delete your subscription to the topic there. If not then it is ...[/quote] Just checked, there were 13 topics there, now all deleted. Subscribing to a topics you have posted on is an active choice which you make at the bottom of the 'reply' page when posting, and I know I have never ticked that box. I'll let you know if it happens again, Forum Admin. tresco  
  23. Noticed earlier in the thread people talking about having to run off to get insurance after they had signed. I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but we had to have the insurance in place before signing. The Notaire asked to see the documents as soon as we arrived. Do remember to get the Notaire to give you something proving you are the owner before you leave, as Quillan suggests.  It comes in very very handy. I hope you have a good trip and everything goes well. tresco
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