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Everything posted by andyh4

  1. But is a guide dog charity for humans or the animals? Interesting conundrum.
  2. Could not agree more Richard. I am currently working my way through a note pad, biro and address stickers from a guide dog association which I have not supported. Not because I don't think guide dogs are a good cause but because this particular outfit can clearly afford to waste money in the hope of getting more.
  3. Yes you do need a QF to register a car in France even if you bought it abroad. I think the twists and turns of the discussion show the complexity of moving vehicles across the EU.
  4. The crisps are good. Sprinkle with sesame seeds a little olive oil and sesame oil. Cook in a hot oven until crisp. Not sure what nutritional value is left though. I too am unsure about green sludge, but Kales can be cooked (not stewed) like cabbage. 5 mins max in boiling water, drain, add butter and sprinkle with Calvi (caraway) - whole or ground. Also finely chopped (with or without the stalk to taste or according to your teeth and their ability to chew) and added to green salads. Cooked with beans (Flagelot blanc, butter beans or similar) and tomatoes. Much under rated
  5. I think Chou Plume is Cavelo Nero or Black Kale. Easy to grow but very frost tender. Tastes like ordinary kale and can be cooked in the same way.
  6. But if your tax return inadvertently still continues to include her (with the benefits that brings in your tax return), then she is still linked to you and your home. She will need to fill in an individual tax return and you will need to ensure she is not included in the calculation of yours (IIRC it is called "parts").
  7. Yes it is not new Nick, the problem then was defining constant occupation. Could you go away for a holiday? Of course you could. What about if you had a business trip (1)? No problem. Visiting relatives (2)? Yeh that's OK OH stays for a time in one property, while I am in the other (say Monday to Friday). (1) which happened to be within commuting distance from the other property and which you used for such trips. (2) who live near the other property. And suddenly both properties are in constant occupation. I think the problems today would be just as difficult unless you take a simplistic stance - 1 property OK, 2 properties or more where there is no rental income = some form of penalty - tax, community charge or whatever.
  8. What on earth makes you think that this news source is any more reliable than any of the other media outlets? Does it come with a Microsoft trusted site certificate perhaps. They are all scoundrels - that's the media, not the politicians. Er no, hang on............................................
  9. Richard51 I would politely ask you to look at the question that BinB posed. No reference to second homes, just a potential collapse in sterling. It was this and this alone that I replied to. However in partial defence of our right of right wing ovine poster, I might suggest that one partial solution to the UK housing crisis might be to disadvantage the ownership of more than one property, and using both as a personal residence. Would a right wing party ever go down this route? Unlikely Would a left wing party ever go down this route? Not impossible but still perhaps unlikely - since many MPs by dint of their profession have to have two residences - but not necessarily own both or either.
  10. Perhaps not BinB. Shadow Chancellor McDonald openly publicised that Labour had a contingency plan in the event of a run on the pound. Clearly they believe it is a strong enough possibility to warrant having a plan - but full marks for that. Better than the cons and their advance planning for a Brexit vote.
  11. It is certainly the case with sweet chestnuts that the first to fall are worm infested, so I could well believe it would be the case for olives.
  12. But CeeJay wants to watch Sky Sports and unless something has changed that definitely requires a card and subscription..
  13. Theiere wrote Were that to be true virtually all our family and their friends would be without Sky. I think you need to explain that since an ISP has nothing to do with receiving TV signals via a satellite. Unless of course they have also set up their internet connection via Sky/the Sky box - something I was told emphatically not to do.
  14. It is certainly possible for Sky to detect a non-UK/Eire ISP. (BBC and other TV companies do it all the time to refuse access to I-player/catch-up or whatever they call it.) Whether they do or not is another question, but I think it quite likely that they do.
  15. Inflation? Actually your time period does cover the first week of Advent and hence the start of Christmas Markets. However I suspect the main reason will be the increased cost of oil and therefore bunker fuel. One year ago Brent was $51/barrel and now it is $62 - so 20% increase.
  16. Sorry when I saw the title, all I could think bout was a Spanish sea shanty What shall we do with the Catalan leader? What shall we do with the Catalan leader? What shall we do with the Catalan leader? Earl-lie in the morning Hoo-ray and up she rises Rohay has some nasty surprises Puidgemont’s off to the assizes Earl-lie in the morning
  17. Thanks Nomoss It leaves open the question what happens when we cease to be EU citizens, but perhaps buys 8.5 years of peace. Time scale was meant to mean time of validity = 10 years. I will seriously think about applying - which was the background to the question. Thanks.
  18. Thanks Norman I was interested in what No Moss's one said.
  19. Woolly wrote: The potted chrysanths are very forced and may not survive if planted out, though I am not sure why. Any ideas anyone? So you take a plant that has been kept under glass in a cosy environment with controlled intense lighting to stimulate flowering. It probably has not been given massive amounts of fertiliser nor been planted in a rich soil, since these encourage growth rather than flowering. The you take it out of its nice warmish pot and plunge it into a cold hole in the garden. If it is lucky you will have given it a little fertiliser, but probably you have either given it none or far too much. You probably gave it a really good drink of nice cold (just above freezing) water drawn from your water tub. It is then subjected to grey days and long dark nights instead of that bright controlled lighting. Within a day or two it will enjoy its first ever frost. If you gave it lots of fertiliser this will have started to stimulate new growth and those micro shoots will now be frozen and will die. And you wonder why they don't always thrive. PS the same is true of those pots of herbs from the supermarket. You can keep them alive but they will need cosseting.
  20. Kale and Spinach are plants that are not overly frost hardy. So growing them in Brittany all year round might be possible, but not in much of France. You can however get frozen Spinach.
  21. The reason they frequently do not survive is that they are a half hardy perennial. They dislike cold and wet and those left in the pots they were bought in will quickly get cold roots. Planting in the garden may be an answer but if you suffer the extreme cold that we do or prolonged periods of winter wet as you might near the coast, the best method is to lift plants in the winter and store them in the dry and a cold but frost free area.
  22. What is the validity of the TdS? Timescale? and what does it say about your right of abode - EU citizen, British or something else?
  23. Unfortunately it is the same old, same old from the British Barstewards Assoc.. Just as an example Barclays: You can hold an international account if you deposit and maintain a minimum £25k in the account. This account is not a UK account. It is based off shore and therefore does not necessarily provide the protect you would expect for a UK account.
  24. What this clearly demonstrates is an inability of most of the population, MPs, Journalists and posters on this board amongst many, to understand statistics and indeed simple English statements. "Voters for remain tended to be better educated" does not mean: Anyone who voted leave is a thicky Everyone who voted stay is clever Either of them are right. As chancer so succinctly put it, it matters not a jot now. We are saddled with the result for good or bad and the only comment we can perhaps make is the David Cameron must rate as one of the most politically inept leaders of the decade and maybe the century - although there are a couple of Iberian leaders currently vying for that position.
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