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  1. Due to advancing years I would like to add my son on to the existing carte grise in order for him to seamlessly (?) take the vehicle over when I pop my cloggs. Is this a viable option and what are the processes?
  2. CeeJay


    Norman You a fellow Bristolian then.........my babby?https://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance-forums/cs/images/emotions/biggrin.gif
  3. I always use ParcelMonkey. They are a comparison web site where you choose from a range of companies and collection and delivery options. I have no other interst in the company!!
  4. Fancy a quick day trip down to La Perthus on the Spanish border to do some cheapo shopping. Bit confused as to what the rules are for crossing over to Spain from France, have had both jabs but do I also need a PCR test? Grateful for info.
  5. Blodwyn In same position as you, as late wife was a teacher ,also bank with CA but have had no problems so far.
  6. As I have posted before, I applied in October, got a rdv for Montpellier in January and only just got my carte yesterday!!
  7. Thanks ANB but have emailed 3 times before with a standard reply that they will reply in 15 days. Do they.......NO !!!
  8. Can't get a rdv, no dates available, keep on trying it says!! Wonder if it might be an idea to start the application all over again saying it's a first application, any thoughts? Suein56: Under the impression all cds are posted, checked anyway, no joy.
  9. Well done you!! Having had the rendezvous in January and handed over old cds and other bits and had fingerprints taken, I am still waiting for mine!! I fear it has got lost in the system so presumably will have to make an appointment to go to Prefecture.
  10. Thanks for all the replies, much appreciated. Suein56: yes I have a normal telephone connection but also have a Livebox for internet. With download speeds at the moment of around 700Kps I can honestly say that I cant wait for a decent connection! Decision now as to keep landline or not!
  11. Please excuse my ignorance but our neighbourhood is having fibre optic cable being strung from pole to pole alongside the telephone line and I would like to know how this is being connected inside the house. What I mean is what happens to the telephone line, is it still kept in addition or does the fibre optic cable take telephone as well. If there is just the fibre optic I presume that would go direct into the livebox, but how is the telephone connected?
  12. Chancer Yes I think you have it spot on, went to my friendly local garage and was told that it was, probably, a sensor on the manifold, nothing to worry about but better get it changed some time before the next test!
  13. Lovely, thanks very much to both.
  14. Had CT done yesterday on Kangoo which passed, but there is an issue which needs to be addressed before the next one and I am not sure what it relates to specifically. The wording is : 8.2.22.c1. OPACITE: Le releve du systeme OBD indique une anomalie du dispositif antipollution, sans dysfonctionnement important. Not sure what the system OBD is, can anyone help please.
  15. Catalpa, thank you but I have had an old cds for many years and only had to hand that in together with photo and fingerprints, not a new application. I understood it was quick and easy!!!!
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