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Everything posted by Jc

  1. The only concern with Plasma TV's is the amount of power they consume-can be upto 10 times more than CRT/LCD.
  2. Did you find anyone to repair/service your Stanley?If you did please post-it may help other people.
  3. As the saying goes "R in the month"-ie  September to April;tho' down in 34,you can get good ones all year round,probably due to the warmer water.
  4. I never open the LOUNGE but most times I open what used to be useful forums I find people the same group of people either chatting or trying to score points off each other!
  5. Would it be possible to create a hole in which to dump the vast amount of correspondence that has nothing to do with the subject of the forum.There was a saying"It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it".
  6. Downloaded a nice piece of software from Google."Picasa2" Allows you to store photos and manipulate them and seems to be much simpler than the more well known programmes.
  7. Tony,now you have got to find out the specific gravity of both semi-skimmed milks so that you can convert from ml.to mg.(and it's not 1.0;if it was,they'd be the same).
  8. They seem to have been applying for a long time now-I bought in the area in 1988 and have been hearing the same ever since-the airport is actually closer to Agde and Vias.
  9. Don't you need to unlock the taskbar first?-also on the right click.
  10. Jc

    Lost PIN

    The old person who was asked by the cashier at the supermarket it they knew their PIN,said "yes" and shouted it out at the top of their voice!!
  11. I'm also a Diabetic but one of my cars is covered by Direct Line-who just said thanks for the info-no change to the policy or premiums.
  12. Add to your contract that anything left after this weekend will be sold and the balance forwarded to them after all your expenses have been deducted.
  13. Drink prices certainly must be displayed outside.
  14. Have you informed your French insurance company??
  15. There are some French notaires in the UK;usually French people who have moved here for marriage or other reasons and have kept up their qualifications etc..
  16. Probably because of thr hyphen-might work as one word.
  17. Makes you realize that there must be thousands of un-insured people driving around who do not understand that they have to their insurance company all these details.
  18. A round double skinned metal plate with holes in and ours has a folding handle for ease of storage.
  19. What sort/width of bank,what depth of water and a number of other questions spring to mind??
  20. Diffusers are available in just about every supermarket-even our little local one-with the saucepans etc.-also quincailleries.
  21. Whilst I sympathize,you do not have to spend that long on a dial-up for the costs to exceed some of the lower b/band connections.Also, not having to wait for the off-peak phone rates can be a great advantage.
  22. If a person is coming in from the US,changing a SIM would not be enough;they use different wavebands-that's why  you need a European tri-band before it will operate in the US.
  23. Some years ago, I bought some furniture in BUT and wanted it delivered & was offered one of their vans;no check on license or anything else.I soon found out why-I don't think they would have been worried if they never saw this vehicle again!!A very,very elderly Citroen but everything did work-just- and it got us and the furniture where we wanted to go and got back to the depot.
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