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Everything posted by anotherbanana

  1. From 15th you can go to a pharmacy, Nimt, dont need for your donkey.
  2. As you could surely be considered at high risk, I am surprised your doc did get you on the initial Pfizer roll out for 75 plus. Mine did when I asked.
  3. Cheesie, I think we might get some sort of document in a couple of months when the vaccination programme has begun to produce a drop in cases. Too dangerous for the moment, though I would dearly like to go ‘over the water’
  4. has anyone heard from Norman? He has been abnormally quiet of late, either because he is honeymooning or because he is translating the Barrel Dwellers Guide to Becoming a Millionaire into the local patois.
  5. My right arm is such a mess that the left had to do, though I would have preferred the right. It was Pfizer. So far, no aches and no hair appearing on my feet. but I am worried about my voice sounding as if I had been at the helium or whatever!?
  6. Yep, got mine done at 1215hrs. All very straight forward but bureaucratic, thus quite slow. I reckon in a couple of years there will be statistics published that will show that most people had their job on their left arm! The opinion was that France is now, finally getting its act together as vaccination is the only way to stop the beast!
  7. Well, it seems to have been a busy couple of nights in Lyon and Beauvais with youth gangs being kind enough to get rid of all those cars that are stopping buyers get new ones and hence providing employment for the semi-skilled of France.
  8. Tax neighbour In my last village my closest neighbour was more than a bit weird, no doubt about it; soon as I got to the village people warned me, not to get too close, not to say too much. After all, they said, with their eyes narrowing sharply, he's a tax inspector and you never know whether he's not trying to find out if you have got a little bit you haven't declared or if there's been a little noir going on, which is everybodys right in France of course. Well, isn't it? And the man putting in the double glazing said we could only do the cash-in-hand bit on the other side of the house, where he couldn't see. Then there were the hints about him being chased out of another village, just down the road, for sticking his nose in where it was not wanted. Hmmmm. Apparently the local lads turned his car upside for him and then tied his hands and shoved his head through a metal sheep fence so he spent the night there. Oh, they took off his trousers and drawers too. And then there's his wife who hasn't been seen for years and years, never leaves the house, not even to shop. Not natural said the villagers, lowering their voices. But she is there as the shutters are raised and lowered at the same time every day apparently to keep the sun out, and the outside light goes on five minutes before he comes home every night. And what a time, 1130 every night and it was 1230 on Friday as I just happened to notice. Not nice, elle est sequestrée said one, he makes her, says another; there have been such violent rows that the neighbours have thought of intervening says another, which is just unheard of of course. I even tried ringing the door bell to let them know there were tiles hanging off the roof after the last big storm, but there was no reply, twice. ‘Nah’, they said, ‘she doesn’t answer the door’. The one person who is supposed to have met her said that she said that she was very strictly brought up by her father and so didn't like to go out. Which suits my neighbour, say others. It means he can spend his time elsewhere, but where, no one knows. Maybe with his mother who he adores; I met her once in the local Super U, and she is a delightful old crone of about 85 with one good eye and one tooth which she displays proudly, but she's got all her marbles still that one, that's for sure. Trolley was full too, but only the cheap stuff on special offer. Yet, he is rich, they say, got four properties, even owns his mother's house and could turn her out in a second, so he could afford better than the cheapest. Who paid I ask? Nah, he's not with his ma in the evenings. With the lads then? Nah, too late, they'll all have gone home to the bosom of, so where does he go, then? Well, you can see what they are really thinking can't you. Even at weekends he is off like a ferret after a rabbit, except when he is cutting the grass. And no flowers or bushes or pretty stuff in the garden except for twelve (I counted) dahlias in front of the lounge window, and the house getting all tatty too. Looks like someone killed an animal by the front door, judging by the stains on the concrete. And then there is the story about the bit of land next door, for 30 years non-constructible with a footpath running right through it down to the chateau, and protected of course. Then one day the footpath is deviated at great expense and the land suddenly becomes constructible and is bought by a young couple who immediately start work on the foundations, with a nod and a wink from Monsieur le Maire (Enarque, in office since the beginning of time). But my neighbour doesn't like it at all, doesn't want it built on anyway, and he has the gendarmes out and the young couple have to stop everything because they don't have planning permission, do they, even though the mayor gave them the ok. And then he digs a bit further and finds that the mayor did not have the right to make the land constructible at all, acting all by himself as he did, so he slaps him with a civil suit and a criminal prosecution for malfeasance in office, and he does the same to the deputy mayor too. But the mayor then tries to get him sacked from les impots, which is not a good idea, and it's the mayor who has to resign. Now the land is now non-constuctible again unless it can be linked to a lotissment which it can't unless my neighbour or I give up a strip of our land which neither is gonna do. And my good neighbour will only withdraw the criminal stuff if the new Mayor, who used to be the deputy will make the land totally non-constructible and put back the footpath where it was. Which leaves the young couple renting a house and repaying €40000 they borrowed for a piece of land they can't build on. So my neighbour offers them €20000 for the plot to piss them off which they refuse, then he offers them the full price that they paid, and they refuse, just to piss him off. And there we are, village life in the raw, in rural France, really! Oh I do love a good bit of gossip!
  9. Doudoune, I see that your husband was saved from injury by his thick coat. What is he, Newfoundland or Pyrenean Mountain Dawg???
  10. Got an email to remind me of my appointment tomorrow, late morning, so it is beginning to seem real.
  11. Even if you managed to get out, Chessie, could you get back in? I am in a similar situation but cant see an administrative solution so far.
  12. My Facetime connexion with UK and Belgium freezes then cuts every couple of minutes and doesnt reconnect. Any thoughts as to how to improve things, pleeeeze.
  13. But they will benfirst in the queue! Not a bad strategy really?
  14. Castex and Véran are speaking now, finally with a sense of urgency, sending extra vaccines to the départements which are worst hit, apparently ordering weekend opening of centres If true, about bl**dy time..
  15. Not very big, local, just down the road. We shall see.
  16. It seems that those of us who have been here for more than 15 years are to be reenfranchised. Apparently it is in the budget. Not sure I wanna vote but better than nothing. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-56265898?fbclid=IwAR01aIcuwqGI2l9XsGb8Bj_Y4GxkCMNnE9SyCh3WkcfexmJu2wr64MXaqCg
  17. Well done, Nick. Keep the sharp elbows and boxing gloves on! Interesting that CDS was required as it is not, to my understanding, obligatory for UK residents in France until June or October.
  18. It seems that the Pas de Calais is gonna be locked down for the next three weekends, ostensibly for two days but I guess it could be extended, following the serious outbreak at Dunkerque. Caused, apparently by lorry drivers from UK which I seriously doubt. Can they never admit their own stupidity, in this case a failure to keep to distancing? Never heard of school holidays which are the biggest spreaders of all? Grrrrrrr.
  19. Thanks peoples, some ideas there. Will keep youse posted.
  20. The pharmacy does know about it all but has not yet received the vaccine, and there are still some,problems. Obviously the one of storage temperatures and, apparently, the Astrazeneca one should not be shaken, which is why delivery is not so easy. Pictures I saw of it being delivered in UK were not gentle to it though, so what? She confirmed that some doctors will not give vaccinations, either because they cant be bothered or because they are too busy. But, she thinks my doctor has a stash which is why I have an appointment on Monday afternoon. The pharmacy is establishing a list of those waiting with me at number four. Some light at the end of the tunnel? More like a pinprick but better than nowt.
  21. I have to pop in t9 the pharmacy this pm so will try to get an update.
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