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Everything posted by alittlebitfrench

  1. Funny, I had the image of them all being green, 10 ft tall with webbed feet. But I smoke to much. What do you smoke Ken ?
  2. I have lived all over France. Have you ? Peeps are the same wherever you go. The Pays Basque is no exception.
  3. That NK bloke is quite fat, ugly, rude and kills people for a living. And he wants some nuclear weapons so he can kill more. I wonder if all NK peeps are the same.
  4. You are describing France you numbty again. Just substitute fish and ships with Kabab or Mc Dos and what you are describing is the majority of France. I took my kids to that very nice shopping centre in Basingstoke and they were horrified to see how fat and disfigured the majority of people who were shopping there looked…..mostly dressed in pajamas. Now I spend my time pointing out the same in France. It is the same. Same peeps the world over….different coloured flag.
  5. Peeps are the same the world over. Just a different coloured flag.
  6. The only British around here tend to be lost trying to get back onto the A10 to go to the Dordogne and the Lot and all of the rest of that misery. They tend to drive camper vans, have no teeth, and can’t speak a word of French. But to be fair, not much French is spoken around here anyway.
  7. You are a Brit you numbty…lol. When you get up in the morning and look in the mirror…do you say to yourself ´not many Brits about’….😄
  8. I have taken nothing personally I was just showing you how people can get upset so easily online. Anyway you missed my point about the internet. Personally I think life was a whole lot better without it. Yes the internet does fuel crime, aggression, drugs, guns, murder…..or whatever. Social media is poisonous for kids. How many kids comitt suicide each day by using it ? And just as importantly, all the tech we need to buy to use it is killing the planet. So yeah, the world should rewind back to the 90’s or 80’s before it is too late. We don’t need to all be conected. A simple telephone was good enough.
  9. I would tame in your mouth my friend. Btw…you have just proved my case. 🙂
  10. I put it all down to social media and the internet. In fact I put the worlds problems down to social media and the internet. The internet is humanity’s most shītiest invention. It’s polluting peoples brains. Especially childrens and young adults. They know nothing différent and they will never know how life was so much better before. Off topic….but the same sort of thing. I bought my 16 year old a record player and a few records (she loves her music) just to prove to her how vinyl music can sound so much better than spotify through some airpods. She was blown away. Which makes me very happy. Life in France was great in the 90´s. Today, not so much.
  11. Yes, France has become a very violent and dangerous country. A point I made a few years back but now it has just gone mad. France is most definitely more violent than the UK. Especially for women….or gays. I am sure I heard on the TV the other day that there are 700 stabbings a week in France ? That cant be right ? But it would not surprise me.
  12. https://www.tf1info.fr/societe/video-fraude-sociale-que-disent-les-chiffres-2228483.html https://www.lepoint.fr/economie/fraude-sociale-2-6-millions-de-cartes-vitales-en-trop-12-02-2020-2362480_28.php#11
  13. Yes….I have the same problem with my shoulder…..i.e needs an infiltration. OH managed to find the drug (guessing it is the same)….but it was the last one literally in the area. All places are now out of stock. To get an appointment for infiltration takes three weeks. They are all fully booked with appointments. So where are people getting this drug from ? luck would have it, the the pain has gone and full movement has resumed. So I don’t need the infiltration at the moment. So I could be the only person in the country with this drug.
  14. There are thousands and thousands of fake CV’s in circulation. It is big business. I think that is point. There must be a way of cross referencing your ID against your CV. There is health tourism in France as well you know. Go to any city A&E in France and half the people if not more look very dodge….or just very scary. Which is why you have bodyguards. A&E is horrible in France. It is OK once you pass through to the care bit….but the waiting room. Horrible.
  15. Yep, it is the same system here for hospital based appointments. You have to talk to a machine. It is fun watching the old folk trying to use it. It passes the time.
  16. I have been in and out of hospital for the last two months…..including three times going to A&E. Every time I have to show my ID with my CV.
  17. Well that is good news. If you speak to him….send him my best wishes. And tell him if he has a scar bigger than mine, I will get upset.
  18. I read on another forum that Chancer had fallen ill and was recuperating. Is he OK ? If you are reading this Chancer, keep strong my friend. Kindest
  19. Its..still attached to my arm. Stiches and drain are out but it still very very swollen. Just about play the piano again. The scare is very ugly. I look like a gangster. But it is what it is. Thanks for asking
  20. The French were facinated with the coronation….as they are generally with everything UK. The French love the UK. Funny old world innit. My French elderly Aunt’s were saying how they watched the Queens coronation back in the day. I watched a bit…but it is not my thing. It was good to see that Macron did not manage to upset anyone or a nation….planetary system during his stay in the UK. Things like this make you proud. And there is a big fuss about the police arresting a few peeps. Jeeesus…have the UK folks seen Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Angers, Rennes, Nantes recently. The UK is doing fine. France…..not so much.
  21. Been there many times. Wonderful place.
  22. I’m more Parklife…than Pond life. You know wot I mean ? Hey Ken, did you used ta drive a Ford Granada back in the days. ? Around Camden and all that. I imagine you in a Ford Granada. Parming it around.
  23. The architecture of the house in question is quite unique. Look at the physical features. They are your main clues. If you google and click on images of such houses in and around Cahors they do tend to have the same characteristics ! Cahors is a good shout.
  24. Will the real slim shady…please stand up…please stand up
  25. I cant see the weird thing that you are describing ?? I have spent enough time trying to track down this house. It is a needle in a haystack unless we have more info. There is nothing in those photos that gives us a slightest clue.
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