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Everything posted by Kong

  1. Sadly I think the op has missed the point.
  2. Then the guests cannot access your Orange account unless they have your Orange password even if you are logged on to your Orange account already.
  3. Kong


    I'm less worried by his hair than the vacuum between his ears.
  4. Assuming your interest is not taxed in the UK then on form 2047 lines 222, 224, 228 and 230 (which is 2TR). Copy this to 2TR on form 2042.
  5. You can fill in as much or as little as you wish of the forms and your entries will be kept if you wish to leave part way through the process. If you fill in 3916 (sections 1 and 4 of each form, one for each bank account). the same forms will be there for you next year to edit.
  6. When you get near completing the online declaration you get a chance to add any comments you wish.
  7. I think you are right to use lines 220-230 if you are using a paper declaration. In this case you can write what you like where you like. But if like me and some others you do your declaration on line you will find you cannot enter 0% on line 223 and the form blocks you from continuing. There are two solutions for onliners, 1st enter a taux of 0.1% which will round the interest taxed to zero, a bit of a fiddle, or 2nd use section 25. As I mentioned in my earlier post my tax office moved the amount to the equivalent of section 25 last year (wrongly? each tax office has its own agenda). Which ever way you do it make sure 2TR is populated and transferred to form 2042.
  8. Idun May I ask how you filled in your 2047?
  9. It is for bank interest paid gross. From what I understand you declare gross to france and need to reclaim any tax paid in the UK from HMRC. For example I had some Granny bonds mature (Over 65 guaranteed x%) and they nicked the standard 20%. So I have had to claim that back from HMRC., but I have declared the gross to france.
  10. Anna, I think you are right. My reasoning for this change is as follows: Last year I entered interest in section IV – 2 -(B – Autres revenus de valeurs mobilières et revenus assimilés) in column 8, then totals in ‘D’ and ‘TR’. No calculations were done for me. However on reviewing my supplication on line the impots had moved my interest to section IV – 1 REVENUS N’OUVRANT PAS DROIT À ABATTEMENT – INTÉRÊTS ET AUTRES PRODUITS DE PLACEMENT À REVENU FIXE (crédit d’impôt inclus) and hence TR. They made this change without telling me. This corresponds to section 25 this year. As you say, the numbers arrive in the right place on 2042.
  11. Perhaps a bit scathing, but absolutely right..
  12. No, somebody else running spare parts for landrovers (he and wife new to this line of work). She was a down to earth school teacher. Came over as a nice couple, I hope they do well.
  13. Just watched it. I wouldn't feel too comfortable if I was 'well off' in Greece at the moment. I'm looking forward to part 2 on Sunday/Monday.
  14. A friend of mine joined Ancestry and discovered one of his forebearers was hung for murder! Enjoy your research.
  15. Found some! A primeur in the local city has some. Sticky stiring here we come.
  16. Have a look here: https://www.frenchentree.com/france-forum/topic/avis-de-premier-acompte-2016/
  17. Mint I haven't yet found anything, but I will be looking at assurance vie which you can buy into with sterling through british investment outfits. Relatively good returns if you've enough cash and not risky. I don't hold out much hope of avoiding CSG. My next battle is recovering tax deducted from HMRC. I haven't had any dealings with them since I left the UK over 5 years ago.
  18. Did you have enough pectin?
  19. I wish I could find some Seville oranges...
  20. idun I'm well aware that your income is French and that you buy pounds. What I am saying is that if the exchange rates change rapidly, one way or the other, the two companies may be adjusting their rates at a different pace. If and when the exchange rate settles for a few days it will be easier to make a judgement. In the meanwhile, each time I change money I will look at both and choose the most favourable at the moment. I change monthly small pension amounts and live hand to month. I can't afford the luxury of saving up four or five figure amounts and waiting fo a good rate!
  21. It's a bit difficult to make comparisons just now as the pound has plummeted nearly 10% against the euro in the last two months. The rates we can get from TW and CF tend to lag behind bank rates, so if one lags a tad more than the other it may appear more unfavourable. Anyway thanks for the heads up. I'm a CF user and will watch TW with interest.
  22. paperless toilets are as common as muck!
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