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Everything posted by Lehaut

  1. Have had two Kindles and been happy with them. However I found that the winter afternoons made getting the light in the right place difficult. Rather than an exterior lamp or shelling out over 100 for the paperlight, I bought a Nook glowlight for £49 on line from John Lewis in the UK and a friend collected it and posted it to me. The light is really quite good and works well in the lounge or in bed. Same system for loading books via Calibre as the Kindle. 2 year guarantee. I believe they were more expensive but Barnes and Noble are getting out of E readers. Could not find it for sale in France or Germany. Good stocking filler?
  2. When we had a recent problem with CA and Pacifica, we went to usual contact lady at the Bank, sat down with her and got her to ring them and sort it out. She was in a better position to debate the point with head office. They sold us the insurance so they should work for us.
  3. Wherever he is I hope he is having as big a laugh as we are at the SA Authorities who left the man on the stage next to all those world leaders doing sign language for the deaf! We thought he was particularly gifted signing in all those languages, turns out he was just waving his hand about as he thought fit. No idea who he was but he has used up mine and a few other peoples 15 minute of fame!!
  4. Read those EULAs is excellent advice. I am surprised by how many of the regular free but useful programmes I had to re-download had crafty accept boxes built in now that had nothing to do with the programme I was after but were for bloatware eg programmes that take over your task bar. So easy to just click on the accept without reading the full info. Experience is the best teacher, for me its no big deal now to reinstall. I begin to understand why many people are afraid to do anything but surf and email. One click in the wrong place and they are in a mysterious world with a computer they don't recognise!
  5. Thanks for the reply. Tried all of these, tried the higher level msconfig, could not stop it running (it did not run in safe mode, but then could not find it to delete it). It did not appear in the programme list so could not uninstall it. Tried the MS malware removal tool which removed something alright, crashed the computer and made it un reparable from the W7 installation disk (all drivers gone!) Done a clean install of W7 and am now reinstallling all the programmes.... The only programme I noticed that needed the 2005 c++ programme was Autoroute 2013. I don't know what I did one day, but my son found the C drive was full. It was in the process of downloading Google Earth, but not the programme, but all the data for the Earth! . How I did that I have no idea!
  6. Thanks for the heads up. I am having a real difficulty with a vbc.exe application which is hogging the CPU to 100%. Any help would be appreciated. Had a nasty bitminer too which kept crashing my GPU every time I started playing BF4!
  7. Sticky backed plastic, worked for Blue Peter!
  8. We have three electric hot water tanks installed, would not have anything else. Cheap to buy, easy to install, virtually no maintenance (you are supposed to check the operating of the security valve). To avoid a long cold leg, we installed a smaller one in an en suite a long way from the upper main tank. All heat up on over night cheaper rate. The old three phase one we have just replaced was well over 30 years only. One thing to consider is the hardness or softness of your water which will help dictate the sort of heater element you need. A replacement 150 litre tank was only slightly more than our neighbour pays for the yearly contract clean of their gas combi boiler.
  9. Sadly it would appear that there are few responsible owners of cats such as yourselves. Yes, gentle converstations with owners have produced no perceptable results. Cat owners often think that their cats have rights that are different to other animals. Long converstions with owners who actually encourage strays by feeding them and their kittens ony served to make the problem worse as they cannot understand any other point of view. People don't take their responsibilties seriously. If people let their cats roam irresponsibly there are consequences. It is one of the downsides of living in a big town. This is taken from a Cat site, VOUS ETES RESPONSABLE DE VOTRE CHAT ATTENTION le fait que votre compagnon soit identifié et se promène à moins de 1000mètres de votre habitation ne vous dédouane pas des dégats qu'il pourrait occasionner conséquence: si le voisin attrape votre ami et l'identifie il peut vous attaquer pour défaut de garde et vous demander réparation idem si votre chat blesse l'un de ses animaux!!! CHATS ERRANTS = CAS PARTICULIER!! l'article L211-27 du code rural permet aux associations de protection des animaux d'entrer en collaboration avec la municipalité pour capturer, stériliser, identifier puis nourrir les chats errants qui n'ont pas de proprios lorsque vous trouvez des chats errants et envisagez de vous en occuper vous avez interet à passer par ce type d'assoc pour éviter que d'autres voisins moins complaisants ne se plaignent en mairie de leur prolifération et de leurs nuisances comme cela arrive malheureusement très souvent !! The law is also unclear: Il est courant de laisser son chat se promener en toute liberté autour de la maison. Toutefois, la législation sur ce sujet est assez floue. Selon l’article 622-2 du Code pénal, « le fait, par le gardien d’un animal susceptible de présenter un danger pour les personnes, de laisser divaguer cet animal est puni de l’amende prévue pour les contraventions de la 2 e classe » Cats are animals that can be classed as presenting a danger. I will have to accept that there are two types of people, cat lovers and the rest! Of course I would never condone entering anyone elses property to do harm or danger to them, their animals, or property or leave substances easily available that could harm wild life.
  10. Good luck and well done for managing to keep your sanity.
  11. Well done Quillian! But why a chap? The aim of my initial question was to find out why cat owners think its OK for their pets to upset other people. There are many examples of people exhibiting this strange behaviour of "it does not bother me, therefore I don't care if it bothers you". Smoker who smoke in non smokers presence, throw their butts on the floor. Or "its only a little bit of my cats poo in your garden", its only a little scratch on your car, I have only taken a little bit of money etc My aim was to try to understand why people think like this. IMO its this malaise that creats many of the problems we have today - eg Taking my fat bonus does not cause me any problems, so why should I care! Could a cat owner explain why they should be exempt from any responsibility because their cat did it?
  12. +2 with Chancer on this. We too are landlords of an appartment in France. Having had an horrendous problem with a tenant, and despite spending lots of money, we could have been faced with her in place for 10 months, without rent and us paying the charges. I got an agreement from the Hussier when, in frustration, I said taking a contract out on her was the only way of a quick resolution!! Great post and story here though.
  13. Just to answer a few points: Use of Chemicals, we have over 3000 sq meters, I don't want the cats here, why should I pay for other peoples irresponsible attitudes by having to buy chemical sprays? (have actually tried them, don't work) The last time there was a stray dog in our property, the Mayor of the village suggested I shoot it. Neighbours, yes the last one who annoyed me, I took to the Police Tribunal. (her irresponsible attitude with 3 barking dogs) They moved. Where do I live, pictures of my house are available on this forum. Get something back, I am only responding to other peoples unwelcomed animals attentions. Cats are not naturally occuring wild animals like hedgehogs and rabbits. If people cannot control their pets, they are inviting other people to do it for them.
  14. If, as it sounds, the Landlord is an alcholic, then subtilty will be lost on him. He is probably well into his cups when he plucks up the courage to burgle the appartment. Lidls were doing very loud battery /mains powered movement sensing alarms, if you don't want to change the door lock or install an new one, try that approach, leave it on when you go out, you might find a bit of a mess to clear up when you come back though!!
  15. Hoddy Wrote My memory is not what it was but the occasional post where it has been suspected that a cat has been shot, it has usually been by a particularly obnoxious neighbour, I have never understood the attitude of people who own cats and let them roam around outside of their own property. I find it outright disgusting that our neigbours allow their cats to come into our garden to c**p wherever they please. To make matters worse they spray on the car covers which make them stink to high heaven. The owners would soon object if I went round and did the same to their property. Thankfully, the generous use of poison and the ownership of a gun has reduced the incidents.
  16. If its a standard door, just change out the internal part of the lock, very easy to do then just you will have the key.
  17. Sad to read about your Secretaire, ours is quite the opposite. I help organise our village White Hair lunch and have served at it (with my wife) for over half my mandate. This year when discussing the menu, much lip smacking was evident when we proposed tongue, evidently much easier to eat for people of advanced ages! (just re-read this, its the meat for the main course I was talking about)
  18. Unless its changed recently, even the same bank can offer different rates depending which departement you are in, which further confuses the picture.
  19. Why do people still peel potatoes. Don't they know all the goodness is in the skin?? I read on the Grudian that some people were taking fresh food back to the food banks in the UK as they did not have the money to pay for the power to cook them. I posted there that I thought the problem was that they did not know how to cook them, even if they were free. Nearly all food is fat inducing if eaten if sufficient quantity. except perhaps rabbit and cucumber?
  20. We are gripped by the Tunnel because we have not seen any of the previous incarnations so its all new to use. Spiral we find very gritty, tense and facinating, mostly the police procedures which we hope are NOT based on realilty. Our children are appalled by the new French terms we are learning from the dialogue. "Putain" seems a word you can use in all circumstances!! Have "The Returned" to try after the last series of Spiral.
  21. Reviving the thread someone, anyone else caught The Tunnel? A first I believe where both us and our French counterparts can equally enjoy a programme.
  22. And what does the OP think of our ideas?
  23. Our two boys are in the French education system. There are several stages in the exam procedures that come later (the History of Art exam for example) that need your child to be able to assimilate a lot of information and produce a short presentation. TPE for the BAC is another good example. The more your child practises it, the easier it will become. I taught in a Leadership school and supervised presentation preparation. IMO you should get your child to practise in front of you, time it, watch examples on YouTube etc give help advice. Which diploma are you taking about? I doubt they can stop her taking the Brevet!
  24. Whilst my wife was at her evening choral on Monday, someone backed into the front of her car, the tow ball punched a hole in the number place, smashed plastic etc. The driver of the car had no paper or pencil, so knocked on a house door, asked for some and left her telphone number, address and an apology. All this at 2030, in the dark, in the pouring rain with her small daughter in the car. Contacted her the same night and now being sorted with the insurance companies. Happy ending for a change, would that happen everywhere?
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