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  1. Ah, that might explain things, had not thought of checking for anything like that. I have in fact started the process of changing to Bouyguestel after the appalling customer non - service of the girl we tried to speak with online at Free.fr. She was just not interested at all, kept saying she couldn't understand either of us and my wife's french is pretty good!! Will see how this pans out then. Johnnyboy.
  2. Afternoon All, Is anyone else having any problems with free.fr at the moment? I changed over to them a while back and all has been great until just recently. Normally I was seeing 25 to 30 Mbs, but this has dropped to just hundreds of KBs download. The signal strength is good ( 5 Bars), but mu connection has dropped from 4G to 3G with consequent drop in download speed. Wondered if my connection has been altered by them or something of that nature? Johnnyboy
  3. Quick update, have solved my problem by changing suppliers. Moved to free.fr and now have 150 Gbts per month instead of 70 Gbts for the same price, no brainer in the end. JB
  4. That's where the problem lies Sue, I can't follow the line of instructions that you have. Oh well, I do have another line of investigation to follow when time permits. Am also thinking of moving to another operator and get a much better allowance than the one I'm on at the moment. JB
  5. Ooops, should have re read my message before posting! What I was looking for is the ability to extend the ring time , before the answerphone cuts in. I read further back in this discussion that it is possible to do if you access the "equipment" on the SOSH website. Still not able to find that. JB
  6. Hi All, does anyone know how to access the equipment page on the SOSH website please? Have tried everything I can, but no joy so far. JB
  7. Me too Idun, I even feel dreadfully guilty about taking them to an uncertain future at the SPA. Have to think about our old cat and eldest dog though. They were rather upset at the arrival of Nougat (not my choice of name!!) Things have settled down now though and hopefully will remain that way. JB PS anybody help with posting a photo of them please?
  8. Yes I agree, we probably would have been tempted by some of them ourselves. However, we now have another waif to accompany Togs, so coud not really take on any more. Was trying to attach photo of them, but can't seem to do that at the moment.
  9. Wifely was taking our dogs for their usual morning walk through the woods and thought she was going to be attacked by a pack of dogs. The biggest was barking like crazy, but then she saw some others behind him. Turns out that there were two puppies and two adults, the biggest just trying to protect the others. The puppies were about two months old apparently Sadly they must have been dumped sometime over Sunday night. When I got home we went over to see if they were still there. I sat on the ground and eventually the largest came to me and allowed me to pet him. Cannot be much more than a year old, the black one was a female, but we don't think the puppies were hers as their colouring is completely different. We eventually persuaded the SPA at Limoges to take them in by late afternoon. We then took them down ourselves, nearly two hour round trip! Who on earth could just dump four lovely little dogs like that without food or water eh? Johnnyboy
  10. Thanks for that Martin, Castaway sent me some info from a French forum on that subject. Have not been able to get to that yet as SWMBO has lots of other jobs for me to do, which are far more important!! (until she remembers about the lack of caller ID of course) Johnnyboy
  11. Hi All, I am fairly satisfied with our new system via SOSH now and have ditched the Livebox. We do however have a couple of slight hitches as follows: 1) We do not seem to be able to find our voicemail messages, any ideas please? 2) We also cannot see the number calling in any more, any ideas on that one please? No regrets, in spite of these, as the service is soooooo much better and faster too, whilst being roughly half the price!! Regards, Johnnyboy.
  12. Well done Castaway, your map did the trick for me too. Have now installed my equipment in the attic at the opposite end of the house to original position. (line of sight to nearest mast!! Which I was told by an orange technician was an orange 4G mast) Hmmmmmmm! I am now getting a fairly constant 21Mbps, even saw nearly 30Mbps late on Saturday evening! At times it can drop to 5 or 6Mbps, when there is lots of contention on system. Still miles better than the 150Kbps to 1.2Mbps at best on the orange live box. When I spoke with the helpline, I got into quite an argument with the guy as he could/would not understand that paying €36.90 per month for a patchy service was not my idea of customer service. Tried to offer me a deal of both systems together, for €49.00 per month instead. At which point I lost it and told him exactly where he could stick it!! Especially as there is a fault on the telephone line to our hamlet, which they cannot repair as it is under the autoroute. Hey ho, see how we get on from here, with SOSH then. Cheers, Johnnyboy
  13. Hi Chancer, yes it uses the orange network here. The signal strength is usually 3bars, which is just fine apparently as sometimes with a higher strength signal, you may encounter some problems. As for the PAYG, I've just looked at their site and cannot see anything other than €19.99 for 20Gb or €24.99 for 40Gb. Hope that helps, Johnnyboy.
  14. Hi All, just an update on the current situation. Its been a while since I last posted on this subject due to various reasons. The main being unable to activate the SOSH sim cards on the router, after contacting them online I was sent a new sim card because they could not get the old one to register. Got the new one and lo and behold, the same situation!! Went through the same routine and they ended up sending me yet another sim card, which finally worked. (Hooray) Reception was pretty patchy, so had to get an external aerial and extension lead, which has improved the whole deaal. So now where are we, well, the figures on average are as follows: Ping: 32ms Download: 15.87 Mbps Upload: 8.58 Mbps It does drop lower at peak times of course, but can equally be a lot higher at off peak. All in all, much better than the orange.fr livebox at 1.89Mbps and 0.76Mbps as about average times, taken just after the SOSH times. Still not sure if the 40Gb is enough for a whole month as yet, as I have not had a full months usage to date!!!! Will post again as and when I have more info. Best regards, Johnnyboy. PS have to say the online staff were very helpful and concerned about my situation and did all they could to rectify it.
  15. Martin, have just received my SOSH sim card, did you initiate yours in your phone first and then transfer to the router please? Regards, Johnnyboy
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