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Everything posted by broy

  1. Go on, name them. How much does a condor cost?
  2. If I'd listened to our technician and waited as she had suggested, our crap would still be emptying directly into a stone filled 4 foot deep hole.
  3. I had a meeting with a spanc technician last year who told me about a big meeting about sept/oct and not to do anything until after that. Dont hold your breath.
  4. I know folk in the vienne with a siveer approved pumped set-up. Its FTE then pump chamber 40mm PE pipe to the regard, epandage and another regard. Try frans bonhomme or pum plastique for the pump chamber. They had a horrible stench in their house. I traced it to the gaine feeding the pump. The gases were going up it and venting in their GTL. Nice.
  5. I think its an edge beam in english although most folks probably say ring beam. Dunno if that helps. I don't quite get why you can't dig the floor down. Casting an inverted u shaped lintel sounds like a good plan with a bit of clever tieing in. Expose the reinforcement and bend it upwards adding a bit more into the top span. Add a tie rod for belts n braces. If the floor joists are resting on it, downs the only way to go.
  6. If you're thinking of importing bits from the uk check the regs first. I think theres differences in bannister height and spacing of balusters. I love the sweeping bends in french staircases.
  7. You know what they say, "if you can piss, you can paint."
  8. I think its possible to set up a heat pump to preheat water for the gas boiler. But I cant quite work out in my head how its done. But if it works that could be worth thinking about?
  9. You can find nice tiles for a good price in the UK unlike France. But sometimes you have to hunt for the best buy. Brico Depots tile aisle is like a time warp. A walk into the past but only as far back as he 1983. If importing yourself , the last time i bought bulk a pallet was just over 40m2 and weighed 850 kilos. Obviously this varies depending on the tile. A full pallet should get you a discount.
  10. If the dizty blonde wants some work I might need a hand at WJTs place. She sounds ideal.
  11. I only charge 150 a day but I dont start before 11, I'm unregistered. unreliable and sloppy.
  12. Its not excessive if its a registered, reliable, competant and fast painter but you could probably find cheaper if you're flexible on those issues.
  13. Go and see spanc or a bureau d'etude first. Take a copy of cadastral survey. I think in your situation I'd try for 3 x 3000 litres and one big epandage. But I've never heard of that being done so its up to spanc to say what is acceptable. Mairie will probably just tell you they're not qualified and to see spanc but its good to keep the mairie informed of what you're planning.
  14. For big fosses try somewhere like frans bonhomme or pum plastiques. If they do 10000litre tanks dont expect them to be cheap. Think at least 4k but maybe a lot more. Speak to spanc, maybe 3 3000litre tanks could share an epandage. They're usually quite helpful. Also only certain types of sand and gravel are acceptable. They will gladly tell you which. Its their job.
  15. I doubt you could get them cut that thin but even if you manage they will be very fragile. Flog em and buy some the right thickness.
  16. Solives are joists, faitieres are the ridge, sabliere (dunno in english) runs along the top of the wall and the chevrons or rafters rest on them , pannes are purlins, voliges are sarking. Without pictures it sounds like it could be a job for resin and rods?
  17. I've fitted 3 burners in our places, always with the flue male end up. Because 3 seperate stoves had male ends not female at the back/top. Only recently someone told me that they should be done the other way incase tar runs out the joints. Well we've never had any tar or anything running out of the joints and no condensation forming or leaking and see no reason to fit it any other way. Is it possible you had a rain running down the flue?
  18. 1:250 means 1 cm = 2.5m not 25m, 1mm = 25cm not 2.5m. Benjamin done a wrongy.
  19. Unless you look specially for one which comes apart it will probably arrive as one big heavy bugger with a door that might lift off.
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