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  1. The various 419 scambaiting websites and forums do it regularly.
  2. Having been nipped by something in the past and had a red line track down my arm, the consensus from my doctor and an RAF doctor was that the felon was a spider.
  3. thunderhorse


    As long as they haven't gone off, I'd get them planted. Nothing spoiling.
  4. My petrol Hayter and chainsaw had the same problem of starting fine, running for a while, then dying. In both cases it was the rubber diaphragm in the carb.
  5. [quote user="Bugsy"]...............that your bottled gas only runs out when you're halfway through cooking.[:(] . [/quote] Like the Christmas morning before last. No spare bottle, so used the little 4.5kg Calor bottle off my blow torch. Luckily same threads.
  6. [quote]The stolen brick is number eight in a series of ten created by Turk,...[/quote] Is the word 'created' artists' waffle for 'signed'? [:P]
  7. [quote user="Chancer"]... ashes from the hospital incinerator for many years.[/quote] [+o(]
  8. [quote user="Âme"]Bless you, teapot. [:)] I use wood ash between paving stones and on the paths of the veg plot to stop weeds growing. [/quote] How does that work? I'd be keenly interested to know.
  9. Several friends swear by it for cleaning the glass of the insert. I'm trying it next time it needs doing.
  10. [quote user="topcat"]I have recently bought a house in the Haute Vienne and need advise on how to fell a rather large conifer at the back of the house. Its approx 45ft tall and rather close to the back of the house. Does anyone know of a tree feller in this region.[/quote] Just be careful about the prices people want to charge. A Brit guy I know wanted €200+ to fell a 50' conifer. The local woodman took it down in minutes with a chainsaw and tractor, cut it into logs for stacking, and was gone in the hour. How much? €40. And I keep the wood. It's worth asking around.
  11. "Spitbank Fort reportedly cost nearly £120,000 to construct between 1861 and 1878 and was one of Palmerston's 'Follies', a series of land and sea-based forts designed to repel French warships," said auctioneer Rob Marchant. No mention of Napoleonic wars. Has someone been editing? LOL.
  12. A good chance it's a lerot, but not conclusive. Bit of a bushy tail like a squirrel?
  13. A photograph or three would be of immense use. My first thought was cricket also. How many pairs of wings? Antennae? Eye size, colour and position? Leg barbs? Relative lengths of head, thorax and body? Better still, photographs.
  14. Commonly called a cri-cri. Quite harmless, being a cricket. Now here's a cri-cri with a difference - the smallest twin-engined aircraft. Saw it at Couhé. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7voiv_le-mc15-cricri_sport
  15. Many thanks. I'll work on that. It would be a shame to lose it. Cheers
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