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Celebrating the Diamond Jubilee

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[quote user="NormanH"]I have to agree that it is appalling taste...

But it is doing the rounds on Facebook at least among my French acquaintances..


If your French acquaintances like a laugh ........Show them this ..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8MzQxz3PYQ

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Went in to the Boulangerie this morning.

"Well Gardian, "You'll be well in to the (ph) Joo-beh-leh this weekend heh?"

I feigned incomprehesion.

"............. Le Diament ............. truc"

"Err, well maybe", said I.

They're more in to it than we are.

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Well I will be watching some of the celebrations on the television, but as I can afford the fare home regularly and have a home in the UK I will also watch some of the events live, by whatever method I participate I will enjoy myself and have a good time, and before you start shouting, no I'm not a fanatical royalist; just someone who thinks the Queen does a difficult job reasonably well and is to be admired for her dedication, and that 60 years of service is something we can be proud of and is to be celebrated.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Well, that was a truly splendid do. Pity about the French jabbering commentators and the republican protestor. A truly British day.[/quote]

It was a splendid do. Watched on BBC. Pity about some of the jabbering english commentators. 

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Well, that was a truly splendid do. Pity about the French jabbering commentators and the republican protestor. A truly British day.[/quote]

I must agree wooly, and it was interesting to hear the French commentators say that there would never be a day like this again in our lifetime, as only the British could  put on such a show of pageantry. As for the pillock of a republican saying that in twenty years time the young would not support such a spectacle, maybe I need to go to spec savers but most of the spectators along the river bank standing in the rain appeared to me to be very young and having a great time. It was a shame about the weather, but in a funny way it showed the British people in a great light ( no pun intended) determined to enjoy themselves whatever. A wonderful example of British tradition that we should be extremely proud of.

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I swopped between Sky News and the BBC and I could have crowned (not king) Eamon Holmes on Sky,  what a fool he was today, with his ridiculous comments. Trouble was that IMO they had the best royal commentator, Alastair Bruce. 

I watched more than I thought it was going to and forgot my rising bread  buns........ which now baked, are not quite as they should be.


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We've just got back from watching it all with an English and a French couple; mostly on BBC but some on a French channel, but the French couple really wanted the BBC all the time. It was a terrific show, even better than I'd thought it would be. So it rained; but it didn't seem to matter to most of those there. Those taking part were going to do it and enjoy it come hell or high water (and some of the waves did seem to nearly threaten some of the kayaks!) and spectators weren't going to be put off by a bit of rain either. Nobody alive now will ever see another Diamond Jubilee. It was really superlative.

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Sorry folks - 1st negative comment and I accept that I'm for the Tower after this.

I thought that the whole thing was like watching paint dry!

To qualify that comment, I'm quite 'Royalist' but not excessively so. As to why I ended up watching most of it, it started to bucket rain just as the transmission started, so not much else to do.

I appreciate entirely the work and preparation that had gone in to it all - but 4 hrs+ was a bit much eh?  The commentators and studio people were working hard to sound and look enthusiastic about what was going on: they can't really have meant it.

Right: Traitor's Gate beckons.[blink] 

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