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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. NormanH


    " It's not simply the health situation with which we are totally dissatisfied, but the general parsimonious and mean-spirited attitude which we encounter in our daily lives" Attitudes such as blaming immigrants for your woes? 😂
  2. NormanH


    How many of them will have come specifically to see a neurosurgeon for an existing condition? If you need to blame someone for the problems you are encountering in the NHS, consider the effects of a policy of 14 years of austerity on the provision.
  3. NormanH


    Are you sure that your Ameli account isn't being debited for the various ' participations forfaitaires'. They are usually charged even to people who have an ALD, as is the daily 20€ during a Hospital stay (hotel charges if you like) If these things aren't asked for in advance you build up a debit which is then deducted from your reimbursement the next time you actually fork out ..https://www.ameli.fr/herault/assure/actualites/participations-forfaitaires-ce-qui-change-au-15-mai you may have to put in your post code if you click on that link.
  4. NormanH


    https://mon.apicil.com/salon-client/optam-comment-ca-marche/ My Mutelle will pay the extra for OPTAM1 but not for OPTAM2.. yours may be different but I recently downscaled as my previous monthly charge was 280 euros, so I changed to the one organised by the town which benefits from bull purchase..
  5. NormanH


    This article is old but dates from the time I had my appointment. I didn't like the idea (vy principle as much as for the extra cost, but it was the ONLY way to get ito his list https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sante/patient/droits-et-demarches/consultations-privees-a-l-hopital-une-medecine-a-deux-vitesses_3402145.html
  6. NormanH


    If I am reading this correctly, you wish to come to France and clutter up an already overworked system into which you will only contribute the marginal costs of your treatment, to the detriment of French patients who have paid into and built up both the infrastructure, and the personnel all their lives; including in retirement, since French pensioners, unlike English ones, continue to pay the equivalent of National Insurance.
  7. NormanH


    The last time I had an appointment with a neurologist I phoned up, and this secretary said that only private appointments were available, and for one of those I had to fax I letter from my MT. it is now a three week waiting list for a RDV with him, and once I had faxed the letter I had an appointment six weeks later late on a Friday evening after the consultant had everybody else. Total waiting time for an urgent private appointment nearly 3 months. My MT send me for a TEP scan at the specialist cancer clinic where I am usually treated, but they refuse to accept his letter, as he isn't one of their consultants; so I had to make an appointment with one of them to get the referral. In other words it depends very much on local circumstances.
  8. Titouan is a variant form of the French, Irish, Dutch, and English Antoine. Titouan is also the name of a famous French sailor and adventurer, Titouan Lamazou. https://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Titouan
  9. I may be old fashioned but I don't think of boxing as a sport for any type of women, or for men either given the strong possibility of brain damage..
  10. We have to be very lairy Cos Wooly is now a Fairy One sniff of the dust He feels that he must Reveal hidden secrets. How SCARY
  11. You can find very cheap t-shirts and light shorts or trousers at Lidl online. I had a few delivered as when it is hot one sometimes changes a few times a day. https://www.lidl.fr/h/mode-pour-homme/h10018822?pageId=10018877%2F10018822
  12. Caterell is the sister Of Dogerell, who is a Mister. She'd climb over walls To grab at the b*lls Of the last lucky fellow who'd kissed her.
  13. Old Wooly's poor 'brain' is in TATTERS He's madder than three hundred hatters. But he knows that we're Still happy he's here And that, after all, is what matters.😇
  14. https://theirfinesthour.english.ox.ac.uk
  15. True, but with prices going up so much and production going down because of drought and a virus in some countries olive oil is becoming a prime target for fraud.
  16. There has been a problem with Olive oil fraud for a while, for example people on markets selling cheap Spanish oil in their own bottles and pretending it is local, but with rocketing prices this is becoming a serious problem. In my little corner of 'real' France there are still local producers (just about) but beware of what you buy and in particular what you pay! https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jul/29/olive-oil-fraud-mislabelling-cases-record-high-eu
  17. I copied the information from my supplier: https://www.totalenergies.fr/particuliers/parlons-energie/actualites/societe/reforme-heures-creuses but there are other sources https://www.expertise-energie.fr/changement-des-heures-creuses-ce-qui-vous-attend/ https://www.lesfurets.com/energie/actualites/electricite-vers-une-nouvelle-repartition-des-heures-creuses-en-journee https://econostrum.info/electricite-heures-creuses-nuit-journee/ But I haven't seen a fixed date yet, just 2025
  18. If like me you have the two price system (HP/HC) you should be aware of a new system that is coming in by 2025 Déplacement des Heures Creuses : détails pratiques La réforme propose de déplacer les heures creuses vers des périodes diurnes, notamment de 11h à 17h. Ce changement vise à coïncider avec les pics de production solaire. Cette réorganisation pourrait également inclure des ajustements saisonniers pour mieux s'adapter aux variations de la production d'énergie renouvelable. Voici un tableau comparatif des plages horaires avant et après la réforme : Avant Réforme Après Réforme 22h-7h 11h-17h Cette nouvelle répartition permet de mieux utiliser l'énergie solaire et de réduire les coûts liés au stockage nocturne. Avantages financiers pour les consommateurs Le déplacement des heures creuses offre plusieurs avantages financiers : Tarifs réduits en journée : Avec la réforme, les consommateurs bénéficieront de tarifs réduits durant les heures creuses diurnes, ce qui peut entraîner des économies significatives. Optimisation de l'autoconsommation : Les foyers équipés de panneaux solaires pourront maximiser leur autoconsommation en utilisant directement l'énergie produite durant les heures creuses diurnes Réduction des coûts globaux : En alignant la consommation sur la production solaire, les coûts globaux de l'électricité pourraient diminuer. Impacts réels sur les habitudes de consommation Pour les consommateurs, toucher au système des heures creuses nécessitera de changer leurs habitudes. Programmation des appareils : Les appareils électroménagers programmés pour fonctionner la nuit (lave-linge, sèche-linge, etc.) devront être reprogrammés pour les heures creuses diurnes. Cela peut nécessiter des modifications des habitudes et de l’organisation quotidienne. Équipements non adaptables : Certains équipements pourraient ne pas être facilement programmables pour fonctionner durant les nouvelles heures creuses, ce qui pourrait limiter les économies potentielles. Consommation en période de travail : Pour de nombreux ménages, les nouvelles heures creuses se situeront durant les heures de travail, ce qui pourrait réduire la capacité à tirer pleinement parti des tarifs réduits. Préparations et adaptations nécessaires Pour tirer pleinement parti des nouvelles heures creuses, il est essentiel de planifier et de préparer les ajustements nécessaires. Voici quelques conseils pratiques : Reprogrammez vos appareils électroménagers pour fonctionner durant les nouvelles heures creuses. Utilisez des programmateurs pour automatiser l'utilisation des appareils énergivores. Informez-vous régulièrement sur les plages horaires exactes des heures creuses afin de maximiser vos économies. Tableau de Programmation des Appareils Appareil Ancienne Période Nouvelle Période Lave-linge Nuit (22h-7h) Journée (11h-17h) Sèche-linge Nuit (22h-7h) Journée (11h-17h) Chauffe-eau Nuit (22h-7h) Journée (11h-17h) Climatisation Nuit (22h-7h) Journée (11h-17h)
  19. I agree... and I think the Guardian critic summed it up nicely (even if some people here froth at the mouth at the mention of the paper) https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/article/2024/jul/26/paris-olympics-opening-ceremony-review-soaring-ambition-deflated-by-patchy-delivery
  20. Anti-Olympics feeling is running high. This article gives some background...https://www-liberation-fr.translate.goog/societe/a-paris-une-contre-soiree-douverture-pour-denoncer-les-promesses-non-tenues-des-jo-2024-20240725_XV5OXOMOGBF77BYLOOAVBNLFBQ/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  21. I have plenty of experience of coping with the real difficulties of being old and ill as I explained in my earlier post. The difference is that I have both first-hand experience and a command of the administration that I can demonstrate through references to official sources. I am not interested in spinning unsubstantiated tales or making wild attention-seeing assertions. I have enough do coping with reality.
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