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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. Bonne fête nationale ! Others https://www.elysee.fr/la-presidence/la-fete-nationale-du-14-juillet
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2021/jul/09/mark-cavendish-equals-record-with-34th-stage-win-in-tour-de-france
  3. Cavendish again!.And in our part of France...
  4. It seems that Covid effect is in part the loss of  tax revenue from the Casino, but I imagine that there will be other reasons in other towns where economic activity  has been hit hard. This may be the beginning of 'paying the bill' for financial consequences of the Pandemic.... https://www.ouest-france.fr/normandie/ouistreham-14150/ouistreham-la-taxe-fonciere-devrait-augmenter-mais-de-combien-150bfbd6-8d4c-11eb-b4f4-a825bc036020
  5. Some municipalités have lost a lot of income from the lack of economic activity such as tourism. In Ouistreham the Maire is proposing an increase of 28% increase in the Taxe Foncière to cover Covid deficit, which has provoked a furious reaction and a petition against the rise. Anyone heard of similar rises in their area?
  6. A view from the Guardianhttps://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jul/08/britain-pension-increase-triple-lock-oaps-poverty
  7. Many members of this Forum are UK pensioners, so I wondered what the feeling is about this possibility https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2021/07/08/boris-johnson-shapps-holidays-vaccine-quarantine-covid-tests/
  8. https://video.lefigaro.fr/figaro/video/primaire-a-droite-xavier-bertrand-est-il-irresponsable/
  9. Your ignorance of facts could be remedied by reading the information  in the links that better-informed contributors  have taken the trouble to research and post for you.
  10. https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/RC-021255/arte-au-festival-de-cannes/
  11. I have heard of such things before.I have a recollection of e gendarme who had previously served in the French military who similarly 'ceased to exist'. I can't find that specific case but a search for "declaré mort par erreur" will bring up a number of similiar cases.
  12. He is independent of any party, but those who support him will be in part members of Les Républicans. There is no obligation for a party to hold primaires, but there is a temptation to try and pull together the candidates from LR and independents of a similar shade of opinion in order to present a single canditate nad a united front. A link in my previous post dealt with this to a certain extent. Bertand said that he would not take part in any primaires, saying that the regional elections he won were a  sufficient plebiscite, and has already declared him self as a candidate for 2022. On a general point I don't agree that links can be 'stupid'.They can provide information about an issue, or evidence for a point of view.You said that "Given, that he is a member of some party or other" I asked for  a link to the source of that opinion. If it is wrong or a mistake just say so, if it correct provide the evidence.
  13. Where is it "Given that he is a member of some party or other"? Please provide a link with that information rather than resorting to speculation. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xavier_Bertrand n novembre 2017, il est annoncé que Xavier Bertrand ne paie plus ses cotisations aux Républicains depuis l'élection présidentielle en raison de l'absence de consignes de vote claires de son parti en faveur d'Emmanuel Macron contre Marine Le Pen Il annonce son départ de LR le 11 décembre 2017, au lendemain de l'élection à la présidence du mouvement de Laurent Wauquiez, tenant d’une ligne plus à droite que la sienne Il exclut de se soumettre à une primaire de la droite, estimant que sa primaire « sera le scrutin régional des Hauts-de-France Further information on the potential primaire
  14. https://www.deceuninck-quickstep.com/en/team/about Deceuninck – Quick-Step is a World Tour cycling team established in 2003 and based in Wevelgem, Belgium, a city that’s iconic for Flemish cycling. Currently made up of 30 riders from 13 different countries, Deceuninck – Quick-Step has built an extraordinary reputation over the years, becoming one of the most successful squads in history under the guidance of CEO Patrick Lefevere. At the end of 2010, Czech Businessman Mr. Zdenek Bakala took over the outfit, which is managed by a Board comprising eight members. The team focuses on its Belgian roots, but also strives to have an international impact. Since its inception, the outfit has scored almost 800 UCI victories, including 19 Monuments, 5 World Road Championships, 6 World ITT Championships, 4 World TTT Championships, 2 World Cups and an Olympic Title.
  15. After a year off last year https://www.theguardian.com/film/2021/jun/03/cannes-2021-lineup-auteurs-leos-carax-wes-anderson For those who say I post too many links from the Guardian: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/films/0/annette-cannes-review-magnificent-lunatic-rock-opera-real-did/
  16. Cavendish did well today.. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2021/jul/06/tour-de-france-mark-cavendish-closes-in-on-record-with-33rd-win-in-stage-10 https://www.france.tv/sport/cyclisme/tour-de-france/2561295-direct-france-2-etape-10-2-2.html
  17. https://www.thesun.co.uk/world-cup-2018/6711408/england-stole-st-george-flag-genoa-italy-fines-unpaid/
  18. Extraordinary! le Quatuor pour le fin du temps de Messiaen played in the camp in which it was written  during his internment... One of the most profound pieces of chamber music of the 20th C given an extra dimension here https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/099065-000-A/olivier-messiaen-quatuor-pour-la-fin-du-temps/
  19. I think that this is just as likely to be a nuisance: https://m.actu-lpfr.laposte.info/nl/jsp/m.jsp?c=%401w91YiRivOiLnTJkXGj0Ie%2FxIfVJ%2Fsqry6075gnRNrY%3D
  20. Good to see that you have received detailed and informative replies[:P] I am afraid I can't offer an empty opinion, only a couple of links to start you off: https://proprio.immo/achat-maison-mitoyenne/ https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/codes/article_lc/LEGIARTI000006429978/
  21. https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/actualites/A15001 To note among other  things a 10% rise in gas prices, and the application of French TVA on items bought on line from outside the EU (I think Amazon etc have this in hand) There is also mention of the "passe sanitaire européen"
  22. https://www.midilibre.fr/2021/07/03/narbonne-incendie-en-cours-dans-le-massif-de-la-clape-des-canadairs-sur-place-9649302.php
  23. That logic would also apply to the French consumer, but cassie was complaing that nobody was consulted and blamed on the "undemocratic" EU. People in the  UK weren't consulted about the issues I maentioned either, because  such things are not decided by referendum.
  24. Thank you for that link. We are somewhat at cross-purposes since I was referring to the  article about the Egalim 2 Law, not about feeding animal remains. I a not in favour of that any more than I am in favour of Australian beef imports to the UK https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9687561/UK-farmers-blast-trade-deal-Australia-cheap-import-fears.html or chlorinated chicken from  the USAhttps://www.thegrocer.co.uk/food-safety/chlorinated-chicken-explained-why-do-the-americans-treat-their-poultry-with-chlorine/555618.article But I don't think that  the UK population had a vote on either of those..
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