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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. He deserves a decent run if only because of his book [6]https://fr.euronews.com/2021/07/05/michel-barnier-sur-le-brexit-un-divorce-c-est-toujours-negatif
  2. Thanks for the article mint.We had something a bit less comprehensive in our local MidiLibre
  3. The extreme right iq  playing politics with public health by stirring things up, because the Presidential elections are only a few months away The organiser  Florian Phillipott (who was for a long while president of the FN) calling for the" liberty" to infect other people https://www.jeanmarcmorandini.com/article-467399-coronavirus-manifestation-contre-le-pass-sanitaire-et-l-obligation-vaccinale-samedi-a-15h-a-paris-a-l-initiative-de-florian-philippot-regardez-son-appel-aux-forces-de-liberte-video.html
  4. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/faits-divers/incendie/aude-un-incendie-parcourt-500hectares-a-moux-entre-narbonne-et-carcassonne_4714821.html I have occasionally passed by there to avoid the motorway.
  5. I saw the canadair planes flie over to to help
  6. Surely the horse has bolted and the important thing is finding ways to deal with te consequences?
  7. BEWARE https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/jul/24/tim-dowling-which-courgette-is-the-evil-poisoner-yellow-or-green
  8. I read it quickly but couldn't really see WHY France would be more exposed than other countries apart possibly from the seafood..
  9. I can only assume that the positive test means that you are considered to have had asymptomatic Covid, which 'counts' as the first dose of Vaccine. So you have had two lots, and will be eligible for a 'booster' if  and when there is one. This is conjecture on my part of course
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/22/uk-scientists-back-covid-boosters-as-study-finds-post-jab-falls-in-antibodies
  11. NormanH


    I suspect he was pulling your leg over the "GEE" [:)]
  12. https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/live/2021/07/21/en-direct-passe-sanitaire-restrictions-locales-suivez-l-interview-de-jean-castex-au-13-heures-de-tf1_6089039_3244.html
  13. French health minister Olivier Veran has said that new Covid-19 infections were increasing at an unprecedented rate due to the Delta variant, after 18,000 cases were reported for the previous 24 hours. Referring to the latest figures while speaking in parliament, Veran said: “That means we have an increase in the spread of the virus of around 150 percent in the last week: we’ve never seen that, neither with Covid [the original form], nor the British variant, nor the South African or the Brazilian one.” The level of infections is the highest since mid-May, when the country was emerging from a third nationwide lockdown, AFP reports. France, which is bracing for a fourth wave of infections because of the spread of the Delta variant, has been racing to get as many people vaccinated as possible. Addressing vaccine sceptics, Veran said the new figures showed that “this is no time for doubts and hesitation” and that achieving herd immunity through a high degree of vaccine coverage is “the only way we have ...of getting rid of Covid once and for all,” although those double jabbed continue to contract the virus. He was speaking as parliament was due to debate a set of controversial new rules aimed at pressuring millions of vaccine holdouts into getting a jab, since only 45% of the population is fully vaccinated, according to AFP. Under a controversial bill which critics have called draconian, which will be put a vote in the coming days, people who want to eat in restaurants, go to the cinema or take a long-distance train will have to be vaccinated or produce a negative Covid test. From September on, vaccinations will become mandatory for healthcare and retirement home workers. Over 100,000 people protested across the country on Saturday against what they called the country’s vaccine “dictatorship.”
  14. Reading THE GUARDIAN ?????????????????????????,
  15. I don't cook thel but I like a 'gratin de courgettes'https://www.marmiton.org/recettes/recherche.aspx?aqt=gratin-de-courgettes A video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmadBr4Ohqc
  16. Seems you are right chessfou https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/18/covid-cases-are-up-6000-miles-from-paris-france-baffled-by-uk-quarantine-change
  17. Wonderful, but I am wistful since it is somewhere I will never see...
  18. I got a sort of 'trailer' with your link...this looks the same but it works better for me https://www.france.tv/france-5/echappees-belles/echappees-belles-saison-15/2139925-le-queyras-un-secret-a-partager.html
  19. I think that there were a few cases of a version of the 'beta' one in Brittany back in March as per my link above, but  it becomes  hard to follow in all the details if you aren't on the front line of the science..
  20. It seems good sense to keep up  the precautions  even if vaccinated..
  21. I believe that the reason for the UK bringing back quarantine is that there is  a 'beta" variant that  can evade detection in PCR tests. This  was discovered back in March, but now it is causing concern https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/16/quarantine-to-remain-for-vaccinated-uk-travellers-returning-from-france
  22. Masks will have to be worn again in Perpignan after a surge in cases: https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/occitanie/pyrenees-orientales/perpignan/pyrenees-orientales-retour-du-masque-obligatoire-dans-l-espace-public-apres-une-flambee-de-cas-de-covid-19-2182045.html
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