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Everything posted by cajal

  1. Thanks, but no thanks I'll pass (not a Bowie fan), and just stick with my popcorn for this one.? Somehow, I don't think this one will really fly. Where are 'Miki' and 'Dicck Smith' when we need them?? ?
  2. Huh? Finding an excuse not to indulge in exercise is easier than falling off a bicycle. If they don't happen to reside on the 1st floor, just using the stairs on a regular basis is an excellent form of exercise.
  3. You reckon? You may well be correct. I would, however, attribute the behaviour to bad parenting, poor education, lack of intelligence and not forgetting pure thuggery and vandalism.
  4. Realising that administrations are a necessary evil, to then totally foist the blame as to the unacceptable enviroment of Paris, or any town or city, on its administration is a misguided injustice. Whilst it is 100% the responsibility of an administration to clear up all the cr*p and defacing of any city, the responsibility for this mess lies solely with the knuckleheads who create this situation. As to why they do it in the first place remains another issue.
  5. I would say the procedure goes something along the lines of, you purchase or import/export your product, in either direction, and take your chance. From The Daily Telegraph© this morning. French customs officers have been accused of unfairly applying high import taxes on British parcels, as a growing number of people have been caught out by complicated customs duties. Since Brexit, any gifts sent abroad or received from the EU are subject to import VAT and customs duties. Any gifts worth less than €45 (£38) should be free of French import VAT and customs duties. However, Britons have repeatedly reported being charged large doorstep bills on low value items. Kate McGee, who lives in Château-Garnier in the centre of France, said she believed the French customs department had overcharged her as she had frequently paid more than 50pc of the value of her gifts in taxes. One diary she received from Britain worth £11 incurred a €23 import duty fee, she said. Meanwhile, she was charged €13 in import duty to receive a £20 calendar for 2022, sent as a gift from her daughter in Wiltshire. “This imposition of custom duty happens every time, and the sums of money demanded seem random and illogical,” she said. Ms McGee said she paid €9 to receive her husband's jacket that he had left behind on a visit to the UK. In another instance, she was charged €10 to receive a box of chocolates sent by her daughter. “It is outrageous and an example of the disdain that the French government has for the UK. Frustratingly there is nothing that I can do to protest here in France,” she said. Andrew Thurston, of accountancy firm MHA who formerly worked on customs compliance at HM Revenue & Customs, said: “This shouldn’t be happening and there’s no real answer to why it is. It should at no point cost more than 20pc of the goods' value.” Britain left the EU customs union, the single market and common VAT area on Dec 31 2020. This brought major changes in the way importers and exporters have to account for goods arriving from and leaving to the EU. Customs officers can open packages to assess their value and this can add an administrative fee. As far as the European Union is concerned Britain is now a “third country”, said Mike Warburton, previously a tax director with accountants Grant Thornton and now the Telegraph’s Tax Hacks columnist. “This becomes a painful issue and delays everything for the people who are receiving the bills. I expect there will be many disputes over this,” he said. When goods are imported VAT will usually be charged, not by the overseas supplier, but by the importer. The extra charges are usually collected by the courier on behalf of the government, with customers asked to pay before they can pick up their package. However, an increasing number of online shoppers are being caught out by double taxes. Mr Thurston said: “We have seen cases where end customers were being charged on imports when it arrived in the country and the provider charged them for it online before they received the goods. That’s where the confusion lies and they can be charged twice.” 'We paid £6k to get move our furniture back from home' The charges can also apply to existing belongings. Any goods worth more than £135 arriving in the UK from abroad must be declared and will be subject to customs duty. A recent court ruling showed a couple called Mr and Mrs Brooks were charged £6,211 in import duty and VAT to move their furniture back to Britain after relocating back from France following Brexit. The retirees moved back to the UK in 2016 but left most of their furnishings in their French property while selling the home to avoid paying storage. They also believed this would help sell the home. However, the property only sold in November 2020 after delays during the pandemic. This meant the furnishings were shipped back after Brexit on Dec 31 2020. Anyone entering the UK is not required to pay any duty or tax if the goods had been used by them in the country they are moving from and if the property is declared for relief within 12 months of them becoming British residents. Mr and Mrs Brooks were forced to pay the substantial tax bill because they had passed their 12 month deadline. Their challenge was rejected by the tax tribunal, on the grounds that Brexit was not an “unknown event” and that Covid was not an “exceptional event” because almost everyone everywhere was affected. Mr Warburton said: “What I find particularly worrying is that the tribunal were not persuaded that Covid was an excuse for the delay in shipping their possessions to the UK because in their view it was not an ‘exceptional event’. I think most of us would disagree.” Douane Finances, the Government agency responsible for French customs charges, did not respond to requests for comment. ©
  6. cajal


    It was sold yesterday and the buyer, New York Times, stated "the game would initially remain free to new and existing players". For those of you hooked, HERE is an alternative, also free, which is not shackled to one word a day.
  7. Didn't you, on one occasion, state that you suffer with obesity? Just asking.
  8. If you possess digit dexterity, rapidly keep hitting the 'esc' key a fraction of a second after hitting the link, et voila, over/thru the wall you go. Might require a few attempts and some practice.
  9. cajal


    You beat me to it. Perhaps he does an early morning paper route? ?
  10. You will still have the option of 'fixed line lite'. That is, you can still use your existing phone by plugging it into your Livebox where it takes on a voip protocol and will still perform as it used to do, (until the internet goes down.).
  11. I regularly use THIS site. It contains 141 pages of global tv stations. There is a 'Choose Country' and 'Choose Category' on the homepage and on the right-hand side of the screen there is a top 100 sites list which contains a selection of UK stations and their channels.
  12. It is rather ambiguous as to whether the 'suitable primer' refers to all categories or just the metal. Either way, diluted with white spirit, this will act as the primer sealer for the OSB and because it is glycerol based there should not be the 'will it/won't it work' scenario. I've used thinned out eggshell before to seal leeching stains on timber. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  13. It might help if you were to define what you regard to be 'a fortune'. HERE is one that could be thinned out and applied as a sealer and doesn't appear to cost a fortune.
  14. Their decision to cease accepting Visa credit cards from Jan 19th has been withdrawn. They fronted Visa regarding their charges to Amazon for use of the credit card back in November, and Visa blinked today. Way to go Amazon. ?️
  15. You could say it's a small world, Harnser. I've had one of these Lidl 'déboucher de tuyaux' jobeys for years and never had to call on its use, that is, until Thursday last. I needed it to unblock a bath in a bathroom that gets very little use. Try as I may to pump-up the air pressure, this bit of kit was having none of it, so I unscrewed the pump mechanism and the tube and valve were both bone dry. A squirt of liquid soap smeared around the valve and tube and it became fired up and ready to go. It required 3 blasts of compressed air then the welcome sound of glug, glug swoosh resonated to my ears et voilà, au revoir d'eau. Reminder to self - run hot water down infrequently used bathroom drains frequently. ?
  16. Hence the well worn expression 'Going Dutch' ?
  17. The subtle difference between the two is one is promoted by a country's government for pure economic purposes and the other is pressurised on people's emotions by a suspect rogue organisation led by a celibate man for irresponsible reasons. (Yeah, yeah I know. That could be used to describe several countries governments around the world) I thought it was still possible to rent a property? Because we are where we are in history people need to cut their cloth accordingly.
  18. The old chestnut 'you couldn't make this up' would appear to cover this one. Imbecile needs to be silenced, and yet he apparently has amassed (pun intended) 1.3 billion followers. Maybe the coffers have been haemorrhaging funds and require topping up?
  19. Apparently you do. The 'let it go' mantra should have evolved before the above post materialised. The truth always emerges.
  20. Hmm, so the "same ol' situation" then? I guess you consider all of us who remain to be no better than a "Mötley Crüe". See what I did there? ?
  21. Dirigeants - BANQUE POPULAIRE DU SUD M. André Joffre Président M. André Pierre Brunel Vice-président. M. Didier Chabrier Vice-président M. François Yves Raguin Vice-président I can't guarantee the accuracy of the list.
  22. THIS might be of help to you. It would seem there is a 10 digit number on your bank statement that is used. composé de 10 chiffres que vous pouvez retrouver sur votre relevé de compte individuel
  23. You obviously enjoy it very much Lehaut, but as a one time avid downhill skier, I actually now find myself with Lorri on this. Frightening how much tastes can change over the years.
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