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Everything posted by mint

  1. I know you are an admirer so have you read this piece?[url]https://www.theguardian.com/music/2018/sep/13/lsos-simon-rattle-launches-east-london-music-academy[/url]
  2. Bon rétablissement! [:)]
  3. Oh yes, nm, easy mistake to make......MUCH, MUCH younger!
  4. You need to change to a French licence when your old UK one runs out or you reach the age of 70.  You wait, your time will come when you too will have to change your licence and furthermore find it extremely difficult to hire a car[:P]
  5. Thank you.  What a truly wonderful talent..............and such maturity!
  6. Just perfect.....[url]https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/082784-000-A/andris-nelsons-dirige-la-symphonie-resurrection[/url] The brass section is superb.  As for the contralto.....lovely voice.....
  7. Perhaps here is the place for me to own up to my shameful secret.....I just don't like the look of those panels[:$] Yeah, yeah, pink and fluffy thinking but the rest of my thinking is fairly robust.....promise!
  8. Interested in a bit of singing?  Well, I AM trying a bit of understatement.................[:)] [url]https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/062264-000-A/sabine-devieilhe-w-a-mozart/[/url]
  9. mint

    3916 form

    Naturally, you wouldn't treat as absolutely gospel the advice you get on here, any more than you would advice you receive at your local. Having said that, if someone in the know like Parsnips says something and also posts a link for you to verify the accuracy of the information, you can gauge whether it "seems" to be correct. Interpretation of information, yes, that one's tricky as even different fonctionnaires have been known to have their own, varying, takes![:D] When in doubt, I'd always go to the tax office myself and get an appointment and make sure I have the name of the person dealing with my affairs.  At the end of the interview, I'd ask if they have made a note of my visit.  They like their dossiers, so you can always say that you too like to completer your dossier!
  10. mint

    3916 form

    [quote user="Cathar Tours"]If I were the person asking I wouldn't trust any answer from here because nobody here is a French tax expert and it could cost you hundreds if not thousands of Euros. You will find that if you email or visit the local French tax office they will be more than helpful if you explain what you have unless of course you are practicing tax evasion. If you can't speak French well enough then use a proper translator (not a "friend"). The cost is about 30 to 40 Euros per hour and it could save you more than you spend. It's what I did for my Father and it if it's wrong then it's their fault not yours.[/quote] I don't agree with this bit of your post.  It's always the fault of the déclarant, if something is wrongly declared. It's the same if you use an accountant.  If the declaration is wrong, it's YOUR fault because you are the person whose signature is at the bottom of the form. If you have ever used an accountant, you'd find something in small print that says the responsibility is not theirs.
  11. The card ones are, yes.  But the pink paper ones last till 2033.
  12. Sprogster, it's lovely to see you back, if only fleetingly
  13.  A treat for you from this evening: [url]https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/072444-000-A/andris-nelsons-dirige-antonin-dvorak/[/url] Patf, this might just be a little distraction for you and take your mind off less pleasant things for a little while?
  14. Somtimes, it's something small and easily missed on filling in on-line forms.  This has happened to me once or twice.  Something like your état civil missing can gum up the works. For consolation, this is normally flagged up by words in red, a flashing red star in the box of the missing info or, in the very best sites, it will refuse to let you carry on until you have done exactly as the computer says. You might need to go back and check everything.  Also, I don't know whether ringing up is an option?
  15. Ano, thanks to your advice, I got my "for life" licence in 2013 too.  Well, for as good as life as it's valid to about 2033 if memory serves. Thank you again, Erns.
  16. [quote user="Mac"]Obviously they've changed the criteria due to the backlog. I have just printed the forms to fill in and on the list of things to send it says that if you're not French but are a citizen of another EU country you need to send- "photocopies de justificatifs de residence normal en France à la date de la demande (au moins 185 jour avec attaches personnelles et/ou professionelles" What do they require for that? I thought a tax form but I'm confused by the 185 days bit and the attatcments ?[/quote] Justificatifs de résidence usually means utility bills, that is, water, phone, electricity, etc.  The 185 days bit merely means RECENT bills, that is less than 6 months old.
  17. If you missed this tonight, I beg, implore, entreat you to watch: [url]https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/073904-000-A/session-mozart/[/url]
  18. [url]https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/075817-000-A/mstislav-rostropovitch-un-concert-ideal/[/url] There is not much new in this programme but it is new for me to watch in French
  19. From my viewpoint, my horror IS for all state endorsed violence.  I made no mention in my post as to whether this is in Europe or elsewhere. But you are right to point out that this is near home.  But, that is a function of the people who set news agendas.  If 2 people were killed on the M4, it makes the headlines.  If 100 people get killed because of a train derailment in Chenai, it will be lucky to make a few lines. That is how most people assess the news, whether it's "relevant" to their lives.  It's no, as far as that goes, any sort of dishonour to be more concerned about what is taking place near your home where there is the possibility of you or your family being victims.
  20. I had a bare 2 hours sleep last night, having watched the tv till well past midnight, hoping for someone senior in the political world to come on air and condemn the police (read state) violence in Catalonia against fellow citizens. This was wrong on so many levels and leave many questions unanswered.  On a basic level, for example, who gave the national police the powers of sending in those strong-armed, unscrupulous thugs with covered faces and black clad armour?  And who told them they could lay into crowds of ordinary, unarmed citizens with such shocking brutality and insensitivity? They were a scary-sight!  If this were state-condoned violence, then there is no hope whatsoever for all of us.  When basic humanity goes out of the window, it makes me wonder at how thin our veneer of civilisation actually is.
  21. If the date you have mentioned is the date for completion of the purchase, that is, an acte de vente or an acte d'authentique, you would have been informed that the date is in fact provisional. It's not fixed in stone precisely because, in a case like yours where the mortgage offer is delayed or indeed if you were taken ill, or some unfortunate circumstance befalls the vendor, etc etc, the date can be re-arranged to suit all parties. I have bought 2 houses and sold one and each time the final date of exchange was delayed, but none of the compromis was invalidated as a result of the delay. 
  22. Best to telephone the agent and make sure they agree that the deal is off.  You have nothing to lose by doing so. OTOH, depending on the agent, I have heard that they can, under some circumstances, still want their fees. Just best, in fact, to make sure that agent, notaire, sellers know the situation.  I think I remember a case on here some years ago when someone was refused their deposit back.
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