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Everything posted by mint

  1. I believe that, in the event of no proof of rejection of your mortgage application, they are not legally obliged to return your deposit. At least that was what was explained to my potential buyers when I sold my previous house a couple of years ago.  Their mortgage was delayed by several days but we were fully informed and we were happy to extend the deadline because we could see the buyers were genuine.
  2. Here is Gérard Souzay singing Morgen: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz9D8GrR2Fw[/url] And music to soothe the savage breast.......not yours, I mean MINE in this instance! [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do5ZmQQM8AE[/url]
  3. Both links, so exquisite that I just drowned myself in it.  It was balm to my soul as I shall explain to you later.
  4. Did you hear her sing Morgen tonight[:D]? Sorry tonight live on the radio, couldn't resist, childish side coming out! Her voice still sounds young and fresh, incredible!
  5. Renee Fleming sings Strauss, within the hour, BBC Radio 3.  For all those interested.  One of my favourite sopranos[:D] Edit:  in my enthusiasm, I forgot to put in the link so here it is:[url]http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b092k8sb[/url]
  6. Aren't you a lucky girl?  The pick of concert halls, of art galeries, cinemas....... Still, couldn't afford the tickets now, nevermind the train fares! Used to get a cheap day return St Albans to St Pancras 5 shillings and 6 pence[:)]
  7. First of all, a red-faced emoticon...........I meant to quip "Oh to be in Birmingham now that September's here"...........grrhhh.......... Pat, your post has brought back so many memories; all the memorable moments at the Proms.  The best ones were when I'd meet my friend at the base of the Albert Memorial, excitedly find our entrance number, our seats, then exchange mutual smiles of satisfaction as we settled down for our treat.  After the concert, we'd have something to eat somewhere to prolong our time together and to discuss the concert. I always managed to find an excuse to go up to London in the summer!
  8. This was excellent [url]http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b093lvn5[/url] The conductor is certainly a breath of fresh air but I have only seen her on TV a couple of times and she looks like a sixth form school girl in my eyes! Oh to be in Birmingham now that autumn's here...........oops, sorry, got a bit carried away!
  9. Thank you, interesting reading. Me, I was totally absorbed in the music as I found all of it riveting.  But then, I am not a professional critic and therefore did not have to look for little niggles[:)] I immediately thought that this was something you'd enjoy too.
  10. Do NOT miss St John's Passion shown tonight as part of the proms season.  Not sure when the concert took place but thank goodness they broadcast it[:)]
  11. Talk about communication, I sent you an email and I hope that you have received it. I have been out and about, especially in the car, and I only like to listen to music if I am not driving.
  12. You might find this of interest: [url]https://www.theguardian.com/music/2017/aug/04/simon-rattle-interview-london-symphony-orchestra-brexit[/url]
  13. [quote user="NormanH"]This is lovely ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZyHTCwvZiE&html5=1 On the other hand the clips of her singing Mozart are not so convincing. I think she is really a dramatic/romantic singer, at which she is very good.. [/quote] One of my favourite songs and here is another Je veux vivre dans le reve..........ravishing..... [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtQDrYXIISM[/url]
  14. The soprano who was the Gilda I have mentioned above:  her name is Nadine SIERRA.  Saw her again last night at the 14 July concert en direct from Paris. She is really the "complete package".........voice, musicality, looks, ability to charm birds off trees. Do google, stp.  All your messages read, understood and gratefully welcomed.
  15. Innovative production as I'd expect from Aix.  I have never been there but I know musicians who have worked at the festival. Have not had a chance to watch all of it but will certainly have time over the next week or so whilst the video is still disponible. Watched Rigoletto on Arte a couple of nights ago and Gilda was enchanting.  It's not anywhere near being my favourite opera but some of the arias are memorable and eminently hummable. Am PMing you tout de suite.  
  16. Some wonderful singing............ [url]http://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/075311-001-A/tannhauser-de-richard-wagner[/url]
  17. You may or may not enjoy this but I love their string section and, of course, Renée Fleming [url]http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08wzv6b[/url]
  18. I agree about the paucity of the choices and the Scottish girl was pulled up on her pronunciation by one of the commentators.  But I did love the Purcell. So you didn't like the Bellinis, the Rossinis, etc?  OK...........For me it's a bit of a treat because there is so little music these days on TV and it's sometimes a case of anything not too banal is better than a total desert.
  19. Did you watch Cardiff Singer tonight? Did you hear the winner sing Dido's lament by Purcell?
  20. I have read somewhere, just in passing, that Christie is starting a new festival this summer.  But can't remember any more of the details. Don't forget, Cardiff Singer starts this Monday[:D]
  21. mint

    Dog bite

    I'm not even sure this mec pays his own rent. Dull as they come but he even has a copine who, naturally, continued to smoke and showed no interest when OH was dripping blood outside their front door. I have heard from my neighbour since the incident that that dog also bit the facteur's ankle. There are just people who it's not worth persuing.  I told the maire the full details so now it's up to him to sort it out.  I immediately thought of the elderly and children where the consequences might have been a lot greater.
  22. mint

    Dog bite

    Yes, I know about that.  However, in our case, I doubt the man has the means to pay.  He works for the dustbin people, lives in a small rented house and is none too bright. I think it's counter-productive and OH's wounds are healing. It would be like suing a bankrupt.
  23. mint

    Dog bite

    Coincidentally, OH was attacked by a big boxer dog which bit his fingers on Tuesday. The owner is a mentally challenged man.  Keep an eye on the wound and go back to the doctor's if you don't think it's healing. I am dressing OH's wound daily with the bandages and stuff that the doctor prescribed.  He is taking antibiotics but there was no tetanus injection offered.  I wasn't there so I couldn't ask about that.  Fortunately, his wounds seem to be healing well. As I didn't want to have the dog removed or worse, destroyed, I didn't go to the police but I gave the maire all the details.  He is going to talk to the owner.  This is a "méchant" dog and the narrow passageway onto which their house opens is used by young and old. Hope your wound heals nicely.
  24. A wonderful, topical poem and it bears out what I already thought of Prevert; sensitive but no hiding behind vague words.  Reality, stark and unadorned. I know the very person to send that to.........she'd really like it. Thank you, Norman.
  25. Have done as requested. I have read several pieces of Prevert and I look forward to hearing this. Some of his poetry is a bit er "gritty" but it always says it like it is.  I always think he must have been a very sensitive sort. Pat, the PM has been sent, I have checked![:)]
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